Sword Conquers Heaven

C12 Fight the Mercenaries(part I)

C12 Fight the Mercenaries(part I)

Half-step Spirit Lord meant that he no longer belonged to the category of Spirit Masters. He was in the stage of absorbing elements, but the amount of elements was not enough to reach the First Grade Heaven Spirit Lord.    


Normally, this kind of person would be in seclusion and work hard to break through to the true Spirit Lord. Very few people would go out and carry out mercenary missions.    


Qin Feng had been watching all of this coldly and did not say anything because he was constantly suppressing the anxiety in his heart and constantly adjusting his condition to the best.    


After all, this was his first mission, and he was going to face a large group of terrifying beasts.    


Although he had been hunting wild beasts in the forest outside Quluo City and had faced a group of wild beasts before, it was completely incomparable to the situation he was going to face now.    


The wild beasts that appeared in the forest were usually several or more than ten. At most, there were dozens of wild beasts that appeared together. And this time, it was said that more than 400 wild beasts would appear at the same time. Moreover, in the past, when he encountered a group of beasts, he could escape if he was no match for them. But now, his mission was to block the attack. He could even drive them back to their habitat.    


The difference between the two was obvious. This was a battle of life and death.    


However, mercenaries were a profession that lingered between life and death. As long as you took this step, you had to be prepared to die at any time.    


After a moment, there were sounds of fighting coming from the west. A fiery light rushed up and lit up the night sky.    


Fire was the most effective weapon to deal with wild beasts, so they had prepared a lot of tinder and rockets.    


"The battle is over, I don't know if it's all over there." Lansley looked at the fire and fell into deep thought.    


Not long after, Xiao Ma and Alon came back.    


"Alon, go to the west and take a look at the situation. Come back in time to report to me. Xiao Ma, go to a few other places. If there's any change, immediately come back and tell me. Thank you for your hard work." Lansley gave another order.    


Alon and Xiao Ma did not have time to rest properly before they hurriedly drank some water and left again.    


The battle on the west side seemed to be getting more and more intense. The flames were soaring into the sky, and the sound was continuous.    


"Not good, close to 300 beasts appeared in the west, and there are even several black leopards and white tigers among them. The situation isn't good." Not long later, Aron ran back in a panic.    


Hearing this, Lansley frowned, thinking in his heart, Three hundred... It's about a hundred less than expected. They should be moving separately. With the people from the west, plus Greiner and the others, they sent a portion of the people from the south and north. We should be able to stabilize the situation."    


After that, he looked at Gao Xin and You Ruo and said, "The two of you, quickly go there and provide support. We'll deal with those black panther and white tiger first."    


" Haha, you should have let me go a long time ago. " Gao Xin took a step forward amidst his laughter, and he didn't wait for You Ruo and left alone.    


You Ruo opened her phoenix eyes and her gaze flickered. Without further ado, she headed west.    


"Aron, go and inform the guards in the south and north. Half of them will go to the west immediately." Lansley said again.    


"Alright." Just as Alon was about to leave, he saw Xiao Ma running over in a hurry.    


"East, east side... about two hundred wild beasts... Emotions, the situation is critical." Xiao Ma said while gasping for breath.    


"What!" Lansley's expression changed drastically, "There are already close to three hundred wild beasts in the west, how could there be nearly two hundred wild beasts? After the last battle, there should only be around four hundred left."    


Lansley was extremely puzzled, but he didn't have the time to think about it now. He immediately told Alon and Xiao Ma, "You two go to the south and north respectively, and let them leave three mercenaries and a small portion of civilians behind to guard the place. The rest of the men will go to the east and the west. Quick! "    


"Yes!" Alon and Xiao Ma left with gloomy faces.    


Only Qin Feng and Lansley were left on the scene.    


"Qin Feng, follow me to the east to provide support." Lansley frowned and said to Qin Feng.    


"En." Qin Feng nodded his head silently and tightened his grip on the sword in his hand.    


The two of them did not waste any more time and immediately launched their footwork towards the east.    


"Qin Feng, the situation is critical. I will go over first. Hurry up and come over." Lansley said just as they were walking for a while. Once he finished speaking, his speed suddenly increased.    


The sudden crisis in the east made his heart restless. He had a bad feeling about it. He was determined to rush there as soon as possible, so he did not care about Qin Feng. Instead, he used his full speed.    


However, Qin Feng was not as useless as he thought. He was also a peak swordsman and a peak level spirit master. His strength far exceeded those of the same level.    


He was silent and suddenly accelerated. He followed closely behind Lansley like a shadow.    


Lansley seemed to have found something. He turned his head and was stunned. Then he was pleasantly surprised. "It seems that I underestimated him. I hope he is not only fast."    


The two of them ran at full speed in silence, heading towards the east side of Sangluo Town.    


Not long after, they saw waves of flames soaring into the sky. Shouts and cries could be heard continuously.    


"Faster." Lansley's expression was anxious. The Spirit Power in his body was circulating rapidly, and he was running at an extreme speed.    


Seeing this, Qin Feng similarly circulated the Spirit Power, gathered his legs, and flew away.    


The two of them were extremely fast. They turned into two phantoms and flashed past. In the blink of an eye, they were close to the place where the battle was taking place.    


There was a row of newly built earth walls. There were hundreds of wild beasts around the walls, including wild wolves, wild boars, wild apes, venomous snakes and foxes. There were even a few black leopards and white tigers lingering around.    


"It seems like there is not much difference between this place and the wild beasts that appeared in the west. Black and white tigers are the higher level beasts. Their strength is equivalent to senior swordsmen. Or even peak swordsmen. Although they had appeared last time, their numbers were not as many as they were now. Why are there more and more beasts? That's strange!" Lansley looked at the group of beasts and frowned even more tightly. Qin Feng looked at the beasts charging at him from not far away, as well as the mercenaries and townspeople who were fighting with their lives on the line. A fighting spirit was ignited in his heart.    


"Let's go!" Lansley let out a low roar and jumped up. He shot out an arrow formed by Spirit Power towards a place surrounded by poisonous snakes.    




The Spirit Power arrow exploded with a loud bang. A large group of poisonous snakes were blown into pieces.    


Qin Feng had also arrived, and the Soul Crying Sword brazenly shot out, chopping off the head of a fox.    






The deputy commander shouted. "Brothers, hold on!"    


"Kill! Kill these beasts!"    


"It's Brother Lan! Everyone, attack!"    


With Lansley's appearance, everyone's fighting spirit was ignited. They shouted in unison, and began fighting with the wild beasts that were charging towards them.    


The morale of the townspeople was also high. Ten people in a group blocked the wild beasts' attacks together.    


Lansley was the person in charge of this mission and also the symbol of everyone's spirit. He rushed to the front as soon as he arrived, displaying the full strength of a half-step Spirit Lord. One Spirit Skill after another was unleashed, and each time, they would take the lives of a group of wild beasts.    


Qin Feng looked at the hundreds of wild beasts, but he did not show any fear. He followed them to the front and used the Spirit Power to activate the Soul Crying Sword. He actually used the Cultivation Level that was higher than a swordsman's Cultivation Level. In the blink of an eye, there was a pile of corpses under his feet.    


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