Conceited Immortal On Campus

C752 Treasure

C752 Treasure

Chujer's eyes slightly trembled. She didn't know if she should trust Chen Yi.    


What ability could such a young Huaxia tourist have?    


Her father's condition was something that even the best doctor in Guay could not do anything about.    


Most importantly, not only did her father not treat properly, he even refused any treatment.    


Because in her father's eyes, this illness was the Fire God's best gift. As long as he could endure such pain, he would be able to become the Fire God's servant.    


Chen Yi was not in a hurry. He was waiting for Chujer's decision.    


However, the one who was in a hurry was Reni. He strode over with a frown on his face.    


"Chujer, it's time for us to leave!" He saw the change in Chujer's expression and his frown deepened.    


Although he didn't know the identity of this Huaxia person, right now, the other party's behavior was becoming more and more suspicious.    


Chujer seemed to have woken up. She looked at Reni, then said to Chen Yi, "You can try. If you can cure my father, I can give you anything in return. "    


As she spoke, she looked at Chen Yi with a serious expression.    


She was not afraid that Chen Yi would lie. It was Chen Yi who gave her hope, and in the end, what she got in return was despair.    


Chen Yi showed a faint smile, "It's a deal!"    


His medical skills could not be said to be miraculous, but in the past thousand years, he had researched and studied countless medical scriptures.    


He did not know much about modern medical skills, but with his medical skills and cultivation, most of the pain could be easily solved.    


The problem now was, what kind of illness was his father suffering from?    


Chujer turned around and whispered a few words to Reni. Even though Chen Yi had heard everything she said, he pretended not to hear it.    


Reni's expression became even colder. He looked at Chen Yi, and his eyes flashed with killing intent.    


Previously, Reni was only suspicious, but now, he was sure that this Huaxia man had an unspeakable motive to get close to them.    


Most importantly, Chujer actually believed him.    


A cunning Huaxia person!    


Although Reni was somewhat angry, he still followed Chujer's decision.    


Chen Yi followed the merchant group back to the merchant group that Chujer belonged to. The Andong Chamber of Commerce was the merchant group that Chujer belonged to.    


Of course, Chen Yi knew nothing about the status of the merchant group in Guay, but from Reni's cultivation level and the manor that looked like an ancient castle, it was enough to prove the strength of the Andong Merchant Group.    


After entering the manor, The flowing water was flowing. The flowers and gardening on both sides were very exquisite.    


There were even some servants walking in the manor. When they saw Chujer, they all bowed.    


After entering the ancient castle in the manor, Chujer arranged for Chen Yi to stay in a guest room, and she instructed, "I will leave Head Protector Reni here. If you need anything, you can tell Head Protector Reni. "    


Chen Yi nodded slightly. He sat down casually and enjoyed the different scenery of Guay.    


One should know that when he first came to Guay, this place was full of bullying and violence.    


Now, everything here seemed to be in order. The tall buildings, ancient castles, and manors outlined the prosperity of the entire Kahla.    


Reni looked at Chen Yi. After Chujer left, he finally couldn't help but say something.    


"Chen Yi, I don't know what your purpose is, but believe me. If you do anything bad to Chujer, I will definitely personally wring your head off. " As Reni spoke, he casually picked up a metal ornament in the guest room and squeezed it into a ball with both hands.    


If an ordinary person saw this, they would have already turned pale with fright.    


Chen Yi only glanced at it lightly and ignored it.    


This scene made Reni even more annoyed, "I advise you to tell me your purpose!"    


He took a step forward and placed a hand on Chen Yi's shoulder.    


"Reni, trust me. If you don't take your hand away within three breaths, you will lose it forever. " Chen Yi raised his head and smiled at Reni.    


He used the pure Guai language, which stunned Reni.    


A sharp light erupted from his eyes. As the strongest expert of the Tranquil East Chamber of Commerce, he naturally did not care about what Chen Yi said.    


Especially since Chen Yi was so young.    


When one did not understand everything, judging a person by their appearance was usually the most direct method.    


In Reni's eyes, Chen Yi was so young that even if he was cultivating in his mother's womb, he would not be a match for him.    


After two breaths, Reni waited for Chen Yi to make his move. At this moment, the door to the room was suddenly pushed open.    


"Head guard, quickly go and take a look. The old master and young lady are arguing!"    


A servant pushed open the door in a panic, breaking the deadlock in the room.    




Reni's expression changed, and he immediately turned around.    


Suddenly, he turned around and said to Chen Yi, "You come with me!"    


That pair of eyes was still firmly staring at Chen Yi, as if it wanted to see something from Chen Yi's face.    


"Alright!" Chen Yi stood up leisurely. He put his hands in his pockets and followed Reni to the study room in the castle.    


When the two of them walked into the study, the floor of the study was already in a mess.    


Pieces of computer and porcelain were scattered on the floor, as well as some books and documents.    


Chujer's face was flushed red. Although her face was not very red due to her skin color, one glance was enough to tell that she was probably extremely excited at this moment.    


"Get lost!"    


"Chujer, you unfilial daughter. Do you think I will die? When I become the Fire God's servant and grasp power that surpasses the world, you will understand. "    


"You actually made me abandon Lord Fire God's reward. You are truly foolish!"    


Chen Yi looked at the man who looked to be sixty years old. His body was thin and his eyes were bloodshot, as if he had not rested well for dozens of nights.    


At this moment, this old man seemed to have gone mad as he scolded Chujer.    


"Father, that so-called reward made you look like this, and you still believe it?"    


"No matter what, you must receive treatment. This cannot tolerate you!" Chujer was abnormally strong, and was completely different from the kind and gentle appearance Chen Yi had seen before.    


"Tranquil East Chamber of Commerce isn't yours yet, get lost!"    


"Reni, you came at the right time. Hurry up and chase this fool out!" When the old man saw Reni and Chen Yi arrive, he roared at the top of his lungs.    


Reni's face was full of bitterness. He walked to Chujer's side and said, "Chujer, let's go!"    


Chujer looked up at Reni and suddenly said, "What if I don't leave? Furthermore, I want you to take him to the hospital! "    


This sentence stunned Reni. Even the old man was stunned, as if he could not believe what he had heard.    


This was to make Reni stand on the team. At this moment, even Reni wasn't prepared at all.    


He watched as Chujer grew up. He was obsessed with becoming stronger and had no children. Chujer was like his daughter.    


As for Chujer's father, President Anton, he owed him a debt of gratitude. If it wasn't for President Anton, he wouldn't have the Reni of today.    


Reni was a little stunned. After Anton reacted, he almost went crazy.    


His most beloved daughter actually wanted to completely break off relations with him.    


The extremely furious Anton took out a gun from the drawer and aimed it directly at Chujer.    


"What did you say? Idiot, are you trying to seize power?"    


This action made Reni even more confused. He still took a step forward and blocked in front of Chujer.    


"President Anton, please calm down!"    


"Chujer was just reckless for a moment. That's not what she meant. "    


As soon as she finished speaking, Chujer's cold voice sounded. "That's what I meant. A president who is beyond cure is no longer suitable for the Tranquil East Chamber of Commerce. "    


"Head Protector Reni, you and I are both very clear about his condition. I cannot watch him die just like that. "    


"Do you still remember what he looked like a year ago? Just a year. . . "    


Chujer's voice trembled, seemingly filled with endless sorrow.    


At this moment, a voice interrupted the tense atmosphere.    


"This is the so-called Fire God's gift, right? A pill that can stimulate one's potential. No wonder. . . "Chen Yi held a jade bottle in his hand. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a photo under his feet. On the photo, there was a very strong looking old man with a bright smile on his face. He held Chujer and stood not far away from the Nero River.    


Now, this thin, crazy, easily angered old man with a gun pointed at Chujer was very hard to imagine that it was the same person in the photo.    


Chen Yi's words made Anton and the other two look towards him. When Anton saw the jade bottle in Chen Yi's hand, he immediately turned pale with fright.    


"Return it to me!"    


He lifted his gun and aimed it at Chen Yi. This action caused Corgill's expression to change drastically.    


Reni could even feel that this young man from China had gone crazy.    


That was President Anton's taboo, no one could touch it.    


Chen Yi looked at President Anton and smiled faintly. "This pill is indeed not poisonous. "    


"If you consume it for a long period of time, it can even stimulate the potential in your body, allowing your body to rise to a higher level. "    


"However, that is only for young people. For an old man like you, stimulating your potential will only make you die faster. "    


When he spoke, the President of Tranquil East became even more furious.    


"What are you talking about? If you don't return it to me, I promise you that you will die a miserable death! "    


Anton had a crazed look on his face. He had no doubt that he would shoot.    




"Reni, stop him!" Chujer looked even more anxious as he said to Reni.    


Chen Yi heard it but did not think it was a big deal. He only smiled and said, "I am not your enemy. As far as I know, there should be better treasures in the Fire God Cult. "    


"However, those greedy insects occupied better treasures, but they did not give you such a pious treasure. "    


As Chen Yi spoke, he suddenly crossed his hands in front of his chest and chanted an ancient incantation.    


"The eternal flame shines upon the endless darkness, guiding the path of the return of the lost soul. "    




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