Master of the Sky



There was nothing to say. He couldn't see the end of it.    


Maybe, this ferocious Great Heaven Realm fierce person, needs to absorb all the sky-fire energy before he can stop?    


Hong Tao and Hong Guang laughed bitterly on the inside. They were not greedy enough to swallow the elephant, so they obtained the Tree of Life leaf and absorbed a lot of dense gas, but they still wanted to obtain some sky-fire energy to make up for their losses. Unfortunately, Guo Nan might not even give them that chance.    


Within the Dragon Cloud College area, there were lava and raging flames everywhere. The air was extremely foul and turbid. Guo Nan, red door, and the people from Erythroonychia could only bitterly endure. Guo Nan had absorbed a lot of sky-fire energy and his body had been greatly refined. He didn't complain about the dirty air.    


Hong Tao and Hong Guang did not feel uncomfortable absorbing the dense gas.    


However, the rest of the red door and the rest of the Erythroonychia were in extreme discomfort. Everyone looked at Guo Nan, Hong Tao, and Hong Guang, secretly praying that they would finish soon. After eating so much soot, the red door and strong person of the Erythroonychia, they still could not reap any benefits from this.    


However, they heard the conversation between Hong Tao, Hong Guang, and the mysterious Young people. Towards the people from Great Heaven Realm, no one dared to say a single word.    


They could only blame Guo Nan in their hearts. On the surface, they were still as respectful as ever.    


As time passed, the sky-fire energy in the sky grew fewer and fewer.    


Finally, after a few hours, the magma pillar finally disappeared, and the lava on the ground completely solidified, turning into hard black lava. The sky-fire energy, was completely gone.    


Guo Nan slowly opened his eyes.    


He saw Hong Tao and Hong Guang were on his left and right side secretly absorbing the overflowing dense gas.    


"The two of you, it's over, right?"    


Guo Nan stood up and smiled.    


Hong Tao and Hong Guang hurriedly ended their 'theft' behavior. They stood up awkwardly and smiled apologetically at Guo Nan.    


Guo Nan said indifferently: "I'm sorry, I cultivated too much. The sky-fire energy has been completely absorbed by me. In order to compensate your losses, I will give you four more Tree of Life leaves. "    


Guo Nan was in a good mood and became very generous. He gave Hong Tao and Hong Guang two pieces of Tree of Life leaves each.    


"I will take my leave now. We will meet again if fate allows it."    


Guo Nan slightly nodded towards Hong Tao and Hong Guang and was about to leave.    


Hong Tao and Hong Guang quickly said, "Predecessor, can we wait for a moment? We have something to discuss with you. "    


"Oh? What else do you want? Is it because there aren't enough benefits? " Guo Nan said lightly.    


Although it was a very calm tone, to Hong Tao and Hong Guang, the Great Heaven Realm's fierce person was a little angry.    


"I don't dare, I don't dare. Predecessor, you misunderstand, we want to invite you to Heaven's Sword Region to be a guest, that place is a little more prosperous."    


"Predecessor, the benefits you've given us are already enough. We are very grateful to you. We hope that Predecessor can give us a chance to honor you."    


Hong Tao and Hong Guang's words were extremely pleasing to the ears. Guo Nan seemed to have no reason to reject them.    


But how could he go to the Heaven's Sword Region now? There were still a few things he needed to do in the Western Chu Holy Dynasty. Otherwise, it would be fine to go to the Heaven's Sword Region now.    


Guo Nan said indifferently: "I still have something to do, so I won't go to the Heaven's Sword Region for now. After a year or so, I will definitely go to the Heaven's Sword Region.    


"No, no. This one will definitely welcome you on a sweeping chair."    


"Predecessor, it is our honor to have you here."    


Hong Tao and Hong Guang quickly said.    


Guo Nanxiao said, "That's good. Let's talk later. I have to leave first."    


"Predecessor, take care."    


"I hope to see you again."    


Hong Tao and Hong Guang respectfully bowed towards Guo Nan. In their eyes, the mysterious power of Great Heaven Realm, Young Lord and the blood colored divine dragon disappeared in an instant.    


It didn't fly away, it didn't rely on its speed, but it truly disappeared on the spot in an instant!    


Hong Tao and Hong Guang looked at each other in shock.    


What kind of ability was that?    


Void travel?    


Hong Tao and Hong Guang were trembling with fear. They were secretly glad that they did not offend the fierce Young people. Although Guo Nan always had a gentle smile on his face, he had absorbed a terrifying amount of sky-fire energy. In the eyes of Hong Tao and Hong Guang, he was already an extremely ferocious person.    


"This Young people is amazing!"    


"As expected, people who come down from the Great Heaven Realm are first-rate divine beings."    


"I can't see what kind of realm his is, but I feel that even if we suddenly attack him, we won't be able to harm him."    


"That's right. What kind of ability is that, to travel through space?" We can't even touch his body. Maybe he's right behind us and stabbed us. "    


"A person like him can only be used to befriend him carefully. I can't afford to offend him in the slightest."    


"Mm, the benefits he gave us are enough to make up for everything."    


"Damn it, it's a pity that we made a mistake and destroyed two battleship."    


Hong Tao and Hong Guang chatted for a while before they withdrew their troops.    


This time when he came to the Long Yun Empire, he did not manage to collect the sky-fire energy, so he lost two gigantic battleship s. However, they had already made a huge profit by absorbing the dense gas from Guo Nan's side and also obtained the Tree of Life leaves. If he sold one of the Tree of Life leaves, he would be able to exchange it for two stronger battleship.    


"Fuck, how are we going to return without the battleship? Hundreds of thousands of miles … could it be possible to fly back? "How long will it take to fly?"    


"Yeah, it's tiring to death. There's a place called Holy Dynasty Xi Chu nearby. Let's go take a look and find a low level battleship. Let's go back first. "    


"Why didn't you say so earlier? When we flew in, didn't we have a battleship? "    


"The battleship has already run away, are you afraid that we will snatch it?"    


"Let's go to the Western Chu Holy Dynasty and see where they can run to. With the strength of our two sects, wouldn't the great powers there kneel down and lick our heads when we go to the Western Chu Holy Dynasty? "    


"Haha, let's go!"    


Under the lead of Hong Tao and Hong Guang, the hundreds of strong person from red door and the red door formed the mighty major force, flying towards the Western Chu Holy Dynasty.    


Just as they left, a figure appeared in that area.    


It was Guo Nan.    


Guo Nan looked at Hong Tao and Hong Guang's group as they flew away and frowned. "Damn, he really isn't a good person. red door's way of doing things to bully the good and fear the evil has persisted for tens of thousands of years and it has not changed!"    


"However, this is a world where the strong preys on the weak. People like this are everywhere."    


"People who are used to this would never be able to become the top strong person."    


Guo Nan knew that to become the top strong person, one of the necessary conditions was to sit straight! Even though he wasn't a gentleman, he couldn't bully the kind and the evil!    


The reason why Guo Nan thought highly of Jiang Ya was because Jiang Ya was an upright and fair man with the potential to become a top swordsman.    


As for Hong Tao and Hong Guang, honestly speaking, even if they were given more dense gas s, they would not be able to develop the precious and rare Spiritual Energy. Their personalities determined that they would never become the real strong person.    


In many cases, the limitations of the personality could not be changed. With Hong Tao and Hong Guang's personalities, they bullied the good and feared the evil. When faced with the weak and wantonly humiliated them, they could even kill Long Tengfei with a single palm strike. Facing strong person, the attitude of the two were like two dogs facing each other: Guo Nan, Hong Tao, and Hong Guang.    


Towards someone like that, Guo Nan didn't have the slightest bit of good will.    


On one hand, it could be counted as an exchange of items. He had obtained the vast sky-fire energy, and in his heart, it was enough to offset the loss of a few Tree of Life leaves. At this moment, within Guo Nan's dantian, a stalk of burning heavenly fire was continuously derivating fire elemental energy s to supply to the spirit of the elemental energy. The spirit of the elemental energy had then transformed the Fire elemental energy into a pure Spiritual Energy. The Spiritual Energy flowed around Guo Nan's body and attacked his acupoints.    


Guo Nan didn't need to do anything. Even sleeping on the bed was enough to raise the elemental energy's realm. Or perhaps it could be said that it was an even more profound Spiritual Energy realm. In the five liters Continent, according to the popular saying of the five liters Continent, it could just be considered a elemental energy.    


His current elemental energy's realm is already at the sixth level of Nascent Soul Stage. The explosion of the Heaven Flame gave Guo Nan great benefits.    


"Hong Tao and Hong Guang went to the West Chu Holy Dynasty. I just don't know which one of them will be unlucky."    


Guo Nan thought for a while, then took a shortcut and rushed back to Green Willow Palace. No matter who it was, as long as it didn't offend Guo Nan, he wouldn't show himself again.    


But unfortunately, at times, people don't count as much!    




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