Master of the Sky



"Soul power realm? What is that thing? " It was Guo Nan's first time hearing such a new term, so he was curious.    


Guo Nan always had a desire to know something new.    


The more things in his head, the better. There would be no harm in it.    


Xiao Qiang shook his head and sent a sound transmission to his brother: "Big brother, I still do not understand that thing. Nine cultivation levels, roughly means that after our Divine Beasts Clan became humanoid, we were not real people. In order to become a Heavenly Beast, the greatest limitation will be the three souls and seven souls. "    


"As long as I master the Three Souls and Seven Souls and condense the Spatial Martial Spirit, I would be able to achieve the great perfection of my body and restore the glory of the first generation of floral qilin."    


Xiao Qiang knew half of what he wanted to say, but he couldn't say it clearly. Thus, Guo Nan gave up.    


"Xiao Qiang, since even Senior Jiang Ziya can't do anything, that means, it's impossible to rely on external forces. Everything can only be done by yourself. The time system in Mystic Sealing Realm is our biggest reliance right now. No matter if it's you or a small child, you have to hurry and increase your strength. When we leave the Mystic Sealing Realm, it will be the sign of a great war. "    


Guo Nan's face revealed a serious expression. No one knew what he would encounter when he went to Great Heaven Realm. It was very important to increase the strength of the entire guild. In fact, Guo Nan had already reached the peak of the Great Heaven Realm, but the others were still far from that. Ten years was a long time, but it was also very short. Guo Nan's strength increased very quickly, but the rest of the people were far weaker.    


Among Ancient Dragon Sect's people, the ones with the strongest talent were Ji Lingxi and Hua Feng. The two of them hadn't been able to cultivate to the top level in a short ten years, and it would take them about thirty-four years to reach that level. Although the Mystic Sealing Realm trained in pure Spiritual Energy, people with low talent would not be able to cultivate for thousands of miles in a single day.    


The only one that shocked Guo Nan was Xiao Rou.    


The snow race was living in the extreme north of the five liters Continent. Guo Nan did not know about Xiao Rou's identity, but according to the snow race Palace Seal, Lili should be a descendant of one of the higher ups of the snow race. Her talent in cultivation really made Guo Nan exclaim in surprise.    


In ten years, other people's breakthroughs would only be two or three great realm, but Xiao Rou, on the other hand, had gone from Bai Ding all alone to Sky Origin Stage. She was the first person who had the most hope of breaking through to the peak of Saint Origin Stage.    


As for the rest of the women, Dugu Mei, Luo Suer, and Zhao Qingling's talents weren't that great. They had all improved, but not by much.    


Wang Shi and Jin Ali were both talented. Jin Ali had also reached the Sky Origin Stage, and Wang Shi's fighting strength was comparable to Saint Origin Stage.    


Guo Nan roamed around once and understood everyone's situation. Everything in Mystic Sealing Realm was peaceful and harmonious, and the people in Ancient Dragon Sect followed the rules and didn't do anything against them.    


But to be honest, Guo Nan was slightly disappointed by the Cultivation Stage of the people of Ancient Dragon Sect.    


Guo Nan believed that with such good cultivation resources, there was no way Guo Nan would be able to improve so little. Perhaps in the outside world, the growth of the people in the Ancient Dragon Sect was already shocking, but they still did not meet the requirements of Guo Nan. Guo Nan thought about it carefully and felt relieved. After all, not everyone had his abnormal talent. The talent of the people of Ancient Dragon Sect could be considered very strong in the West Chu, but in the entire five liters world, the so-called talent of Genius's disciples was not worth mentioning.     


The so-called Genius could not stand comparison. In one place, he was Genius. In other places, he might not even be considered the lowest level of mediocre.    


Guo Nan was disappointed, but his expectations for the Ancient Dragon Sect s had also decreased quite a bit.    


"Sigh, in the end, the only ones who might be able to help me are Wang Shi and Xiao Qiang. The rest of them don't believe me."    


"If Xiao Qiangnasi could become a Heavenly Beast, everything would be much easier. But that cultivation method of his is unheard-of, so he can only rely on himself to slowly figure it out."    


"Moreover, it is not yet an adult and can't take human form. It is also impossible for it to cultivate in the realm of three souls and seven souls."    


Guo Nan gradually felt a sense of crisis. Never before had he felt such a strong sense of danger enveloping his heart.    


After patrolling once, he left alone and arrived at the top of Temple of Bestowal.    


He looked closely at Taurus's Draw.    


Amongst the Draw, there was still that lake, Lao Qingniu, the strong old man from China World.    


The book in the old man's hand was still called "moral scripture".    


Guo Nan spread out his consciousness and squinted his eyes. He wanted to see what was written in the book.    


However, when his spiritual sense focused on the book, he felt a sharp pain that almost blinded his eyes.    


"What's going on?"    


Guo Nan turned pale with fright, and immediately retracted his spiritual force. If this continued, he really suspected that his eyes would be blinded.    


Looking at that Draw again, it was still that calm lake, still that peaceful old cow.    


"Strange, as long as you don't look at that book, you won't feel that way. Could it be that all the secrets are in that book?"    


"Why have I never heard of moral scripture?"    


Guo Nan read for a while more but still didn't have any clue. He tried to read the contents in the book, but his eyes still hurt and he felt like he was going to be blinded.    


After a moment of hesitation, Guo Nan left the Temple of Bestowal and found Jiang Ziya, who was meditating with his eyes closed.    


"Predecessor, this brat has something to ask." Guo Nan said indifferently.    


Jiang Ziya opened his eyes and looked at Guo Nan helplessly. "You little rascal, why do you have so much to do? I beg of you, hurry up and train. In the past ten years, you didn't disturb me.    


"Predecessor, this boy wants to know what was written on Senior Taurus's moral scripture?" Guo Nan asked brazenly.    


Jiang Ziya rolled his eyes at Guo Nan and said, "You little rascal, don't you know how to read them yourself?"    


"Of course I tried to read it myself, but I couldn't see anything useful. Every time I focused on it, my eyes would hurt. It was as if I didn't want to see the book." Guo Nan told the truth.    


"That's right, I don't want to show you that book. There must be a reason for it. What's the use of asking me?" Jiang Ziya said.    


Guo Nan shook his head speechlessly and said, "Predecessor, you are very familiar with Senior Taurus. I'm sure you know what that moral scripture is, right?"    


"Of course I know, but why should I tell you?"    


Jiang Ziya looked at Guo Nan viciously, not giving Guo Nan any face.    


From the moment he established the Mystic Sealing Realm, everyone who came in before had always been obedient to him, not daring to disturb him in the slightest. Guo Nan was the first weirdo to have such thick skin.    


Honestly speaking, in all his years of life, Jiang Ziya had never seen such a shameless person.    


Guo Nan laughed, "Predecessor, you can keep it a secret. I will look for the information on the moral scripture myself. But can you tell me what kind of book moral scripture is? "    


Guo Nan did not expect Jiang Ziya to tell him too much. He only wanted to know the background of the moral scripture.    


At this point, he deeply understood that in order to thoroughly understand Taurus's Draw, the moral scripture was the key!    




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