Master of the Sky



Guo Nan listened attentively to Xiao Qiang's words, and gained a little understanding of Cultivation Stage of Three Souls and Seven Souls.    


He was very interested in that new training system.    


"Xiao Qiang, can I learn it?" Guo Nan looked at Xiao Qiang and said lightly.    


Xiao Qiang slightly squinted his eyes and said, "I don't know, maybe not. I'll tell you the cultivation method first."    


Then, a thought passed into Guo Nan's ears.    


With regards to the entire content of Cultivation Stage of Three Souls and Seven Souls, they all entered Guo Nan's Sea of Consciousness.    


The amount of content contained was not a huge amount. With Guo Nan's spiritual force cultivation, it was neither painful nor itchy, and he instantly accepted everything.    


He slightly closed his eyes, and in a moment, he had completely digested and absorbed everything.    


He instantly understood Xiao Qiang's words from before.    


The wonders of the Cultivation Stage of Three Souls and Seven Souls made Guo Nan a little pleasantly surprised.    


This kind of cultivation method can be practiced by everyone, greatly increasing the growth of the three souls and seven souls. Not only can the body receive the tempering and the benefits, the cultivation of the spiritual force will also be much smoother. Especially the Heavenly Soul Wheel's martial spirit, once the Heavenly Soul is strengthened, it will be closely linked to the cultivation of the spiritual force.    


Guo Nan was delighted to see this. Since he was unable to find a way to enter antiasthenia and realm, he saw the Three Souls and Seven Souls cultivation system as a way to break through.    


Could it be that cultivating the Three Souls and Seven Souls completely greatly increased one's Cultivation Stage of Three Souls and Seven Souls and brought about an unexpected benefit?    


Guo Nan secretly memorized the Cultivation Stage of Three Souls and Seven Souls and all of the cultivation tips, they were all firmly engraved in his heart.    


This was the first time Xiao Qiang had helped Guo Nan, and relying on Guo Nan himself, it was not easy for him to understand and comprehend the so called Cultivation Stage of Three Souls and Seven Souls.    


Xiao Qiang's six years of hard work, coupled with the fact that Cultivation Stage of Three Souls and Seven Souls was something that his ancestors created, that's why he was able to find the trick. If it was Guo Nan who was meditating, it might take a long time.    


"Xiao Qiang, thank you. You've finally helped me. I've reached a cultivation bottleneck. This Cultivation Stage of Three Souls and Seven Souls might be able to help me break through." Guo Nan looked at Xiao Qiang and thanked him sincerely.    


Xiao Qiang grinned and smiled, and said, "Big bro, mine is yours, why would you say thank you? I was saved by you in the first place. If not for you, I might still be in the Demonic Beast forest playing with mud. "    


"Haha, that's not so, if you were in the Demonic Beast Forest, you would at least be an overlord of a region, or even rule over the Demonic Beast Forest." Guo Nanxiao said.    


Xiao Qiang shook his head and said, "What's the point of that? It's meaningless."    


Seeing Xiao Qiang's reaction and hearing Xiao Qiang's words, Guo Nan felt very happy in his heart. Xiao Qiang had finally grown up a little!    


Xiao Qiang, who could change a person and also change a floral qilin to reach adult stage in ten years, was indeed different. He was completely different from the Xiao Qiang who gave up ten years ago. In comparison, the current Xiao Qiang, how cute is he! The Xiao Qiang that gave up ten years ago, Guo Nan had no other choice.    


In fact, Guo Nan never thought that after staying in Temple of Bestowal for ten years, the outside world would change so much.    


Guo Nan felt happy for Xiao Qiang from the bottom of his heart. Xiao Qiang was worthy of the title of King of Divine Beasts.    


"It's good that you know it. The current you, is no longer able to look at it with the same eyes." Guo Nan said lightly.    


Xiao Qiang laughed, "I wasn't as bad as you think. It's just that I couldn't find the right person at that time, so I was a bit discouraged." Now that I have found the way, I will no longer let you down. "    


Xiao Qiang looked at Guo Nan with a determined gaze and no longer had any intention of dodging.    


Guo Nan praised, "You've changed a lot, and so has your change. I'm very happy with your change. We will unite, and when we go to the Dao Realm, it will make the entire Dao Realm tremble. "    


"Big Brother, when are we going to go to Dao Realm?" Xiao Qiang asked.    


"It's still early. In a few hundred years, we might be able to go. Of course, before we go to Dao Realm, we have to go back to five liters's world. There are some things that we need to do. "    


"Alright, we'll listen to you." Xiao Qiang nodded.    


Guo Nan wanted to laugh a little when he saw Xiao Qiang's expression. With his biggest worry gone, and the fact that he had obtained the cultivation system for the three souls and seven souls, Guo Nan was very satisfied.    


He pondered for a moment, then said to Xiao Qiang: "Xiao Qiang, you've cultivated to a humanoid form now, do you want me to give you a new name?"    


Hearing that, Xiao Qiang was stunned and changed his name?    


He was already used to hearing the name Xiao Qiang!    


"Big brother, I think it's better if you don't want it. If you suddenly change my name, I won't be able to adapt!" Xiao Qiang shook his head and refused.    


Guo Nanxiao chuckled and said, "After we go out, when we arrive in the world of Homo sapiens, don't tell me you still need to use the name Xiao Qiang?"    


"That's true. My name sounds like a nickname. I don't even have a surname." Xiao Qiang said.    


Guo Nan said: "Then that's it, the name Xiao Qiang is not enough yet, if we call him that in private, it's nothing much, but when it comes to The Human World, the two words Xiao Qiang is a bit inappropriate."    


"Big Brother, then help me name it." Xiao Qiang looked at Guo Nan and said lightly.    


Guo Nan thought for a while and asked: "Xiao Qiang, does your clan of floral qilin have a surname?"    


"I don't know, maybe not. In my inherited memories, there is no such thing as a floral qilin." Xiao Qiang was a bit troubled. To give her a name was actually just a matter of surname. Adding the word Xiao Qiang after surname, although it was a bit old-fashioned, it was still okay.     


Unfortunately, his inherited memories did not contain the surname of the floral qilin.    


Guo Nan frowned and thought for a while. Then, he suddenly asked, "Xiao Qiang, how about you have a family name with me?"    


"With your surname?" Xiao Qiang narrowed his eyes. After a moment of hesitation, he nodded and said, "Alright. From now on, my surname is Guo."    


"Your name is Guo Qiang." Guo Nan said lightly.    


"Guo Qiang?" Xiao Qiang thought about it and nodded with a smile, "It doesn't matter. Guo Qiang, just Guo Qiang."    


From Xiao Qiang's point of view, Guo Qiang's name wasn't as nice as Xiao Qiang's. At least Xiao Qiang sounded a little domineering, Guo Qiang was completely f * cking idiotic.    


"What is it? Not satisfied? " Guo Nan stared at Xiao Qiang and said.    


Xiao Qiang quickly waved his hand and said, "How could I not be satisfied with the name that you gave me?"    


At this time, a small dissatisfaction appeared on Guo Nan's shoulder, she muttered: "Master, what's my name? "Elder brother already has a name, I want a name too."    


"You're called Xiaoxiao!" Guo Nanxiao said.    


"I don't want to, I'm also about to enter the adult stage, and I can almost turn into a human. I also want the name of a suitable Homo sapiens." A small voice spoke in human language.    


Guo Nan didn't hesitate at all and said with a smile, "That's simple, just call me Guo Xiaoxiao."    


"Guo Xiaoxiao? Isn't that small? But my body is huge! " Xiaoxiao said in dissatisfaction.    


"It's not that it's small, it's just that it's like spring sleep. How is it, does it sound good?" Guo Nanxiao chuckled.    


Listening to Guo Nan's explanation, her eyes lit up as she fiercely nodded her head and said, "That's great, that's what a girl's name is."    


"As long as you like it. Actually, a name is just a title used to walk in the outside world. The most important thing is our own strength. If we are strong, we will be able to obtain some titles. When we reach a certain point, everyone will look up to us with respect. Guo Nan said.    


Hearing Guo Nan's words, Xiao Qiang and Xiaoxiao shook their heads at the same time.    


Xiao Qiang said, "Big Brother, the name you gave us is our lifetime title. Why would we need a proper title? No matter how powerful your title is, it can't compare to the name that you gave us. "    


Xiaoxiao nodded, "That's right, I'm Guo Xiaoxiao from now on. I don't need any title."    


Even though Xiao Qiang and Xiaoxiao were the Demonic Pet s of Guo Nan, they were as close to each other as siblings.    




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