Master of the Sky



It was very difficult to answer Guo Nan's question.    


Regret? What kind of regret?    


What did the three words "follow me" mean?    


Follow, or accompany?    


Guo Nan's question was so ambiguous that Zhao Qingling became silly for a moment.    


How could he answer such a question?    


She looked seriously into Guo Nan's eyes, wanting to see something from them. However, she noticed that Guo Nan's eyes were very calm, so calm that she couldn't see a single emotion in them.    


He couldn't see any emotion in Guo Nan's eyes, causing Zhao Qingling to feel a chill down her spine.    


"From the beginning to the end, I have never been in his heart!" Zhao Qingling laughed bitterly to herself.    


How would she know that Guo Nan's spiritual force cultivation was already close to the antiasthenia, and it was extremely difficult for her to see the fluctuations in his eyes. Unless it was a life-and-death event, could the rest of the matter cause the eyes of strong person, who was at the peak of the Refinement Realm, to waver?    


It had to be known that once one reached antiasthenia, they could transform into wind, turn into rain, and hide within it. Even if one stood in front of Zhao Qingling, with Zhao Qingling's mental strength, she would not be able to see Guo Nan's existence.    


Do you regret following Guo Nan?    


What was there to regret?    


Zhao Qingling asked herself, she had never regretted it.    


"Nan Shao, you gave me such good cultivation resources, you gave me such a stable life, why would I regret it?" Zhao Qingling looked at Guo Nan and lowered her head slightly. She muttered, "Even if this continues, I won't regret it!"    


It meant that he had no status, no status, no identity, and vaguely followed Guo Nan.    


The only thing Zhao Qingling could do in this kind of life was to cultivate with all her might, hoping to shock Guo Nan a little when Guo Nan appeared.    


However, she also gradually realized that Guo Nan's strength was unfathomable. It was too difficult for him to shock Guo Nan. What made Zhao Qingling most helpless was that her talent in cultivation was limited. No matter how hard she worked, it was impossible for her to shock Guo Nan.    


It was so difficult to catch up to Xiao Rou and Dugu Mei, not to mention catching up to Guo Nan.    


To Dugu Mei, Xiao Rou, Zhao Qingling, and Luo Suer, Guo Nan was a mountain they could only look up to.    


After she finished speaking, Zhao Qingling felt a deep sense of powerlessness. A hint of bitterness and vicissitudes appeared in her eyes.    


Things between men and women were the hardest to talk about. Normally, men were the first to speak. Men didn't talk. As women, did they dare to take the initiative?    


There weren't many women like Luo Suer who dared to take the initiative and reveal their thoughts.    


In the southern part of Heavenly Empire, the people were much more valiant. When women took a fancy to a certain man, they would usually directly reveal their intentions. There weren't many places like that in the whole of five liters Continent. In those areas, couples were not on good terms with each other. They were able to freely negotiate the dissolution of the marriage and each of them was on their own. In addition, women could also be married again. In other places, it would have been difficult for a woman to marry another man.    


Zhao Qingling was from a well-educated family in Royal Family, so she had a noble temperament. She took the initiative to express her love and admiration towards him. That was something that she would never do.    


What was hateful was that Guo Nan also treated Zhao Qingling with an ambiguous attitude. He treated Zhao Qingling with slight indifference, which made Zhao Qingling unable to calm down.    


Zhao Qingling gritted her teeth. What else could she do?    


In Guo Nan's eyes, she saw nothing but calmness and serenity.    


If this went on, would he not regret?    


Although Zhao Qingling said that, only she knew what she was thinking.    


Who could solve the knot in a woman's heart?    


Guo Nan could, but Guo Nan didn't say anything.    


On this matter, Guo Nan was also very conflicted.    


He looked at Zhao Qingling quietly. Zhao Qingling's beauty lay in a hidden bitterness. It did not resemble Luo Suer's agility, nor did it resemble Dugu Mei's gentleness, nor did it resemble Xiao Rou's meekness and gentleness. This kind of beauty wasn't unattractive to him. Plus Zhao Qingling's looks, she was also a beauty. In Guo Nan's heart, it was impossible for him to not have Zhao Qingling's position.    


However, he had destroyed Zhao Qingling's homeland. Zhao Qingling had always wanted to kill him. Even though it gradually turned into admiration and admiration, Guo Nan still felt a deep sense of guilt towards Zhao Qingling.    


Guo Nan's hesitation was no less than Zhao Qingling's!    


It was because of this that the relationship between Guo Nan and Zhao Qingling was very subtle.    


Guo Nan looked at Zhao Qingling and smiled, "Zhao Qingling, with your current strength, if you were to return to The Eastern Wastelands, you would definitely become the strongest Overlord. If you don't want to stay any longer, you can tell me and I'll send you out. "    




Zhao Qingling hurriedly shook her head. "I don't want to go back unless you kick me out!"    


"As long as you are willing to stay, I will never let you go." Guo Nan said softly after hesitating for a while.    


Hearing this, Zhao Qingling's face lit up. Was this considered a promise?    


But she didn't dare to ask. She just looked at Guo Nan expectantly, waiting for his next words.    


Maybe Guo Nan wanted to say something?    


Seeing the look in Zhao Qingling's eyes, Guo Nan smiled wryly and thought to himself, "Zhao Qingling, Zhao Qingling, how could I not know what you're thinking?" But, why can't I say it out loud? "    


That guilt never left Guo Nan's heart, especially when he was face to face with Zhao Qingling. Guo Nan felt even more guilty, so he couldn't say anything. He clearly knew that he should have said those things himself. However, he couldn't open his mouth. He tried a few times, but he didn't know where to start. He was waiting for Zhao Qingling to take the initiative, but she didn't dare to either.    


Sometimes, when Zhao Qingling wanted to take the initiative to speak, she was afraid of being rejected.    


She didn't understand Guo Nan's intentions, so she didn't dare to take the initiative.    


Giving Zhao Qingling a deep look, Guo Nan said: "Cultivate properly. The next time we meet, you'll definitely be able to reach the peak of the Saint Origin Stage or even higher."    


"I have no confidence," Zhao Qingling said in a low voice.    


Guo Nan said, "I came out to see you guys and I'm going into closed door training again. I don't know when I'll be able to come out. Maybe ten years, maybe dozens of years, no one knows."    


"A few decades …" Zhao Qingling smiled bitterly. If she was given a few decades, she would definitely be able to reach the peak of the Saint Origin Stage or even become stronger. But who could resolve the loneliness of the past few decades?    


"This is a bottle of Divine Beasts's blood essence. It can improve your physique and increase your talent within a certain amount of time. Refine and absorb it."    


Guo Nan took out a bottle of Xiao Qiang's blood and handed it over to Zhao Qingling.    


Zhao Qingling stared at the bottle of blood in a daze.    


She knew the value of Divine Beasts's Blood Essence. Was it a gift from Guo Nan?    


Zhao Qingling could not believe it. She could not believe her eyes.    


When Guo Nan saw Zhao Qingling's expression, the guilt in his heart deepened.    


He looked at Zhao Qingling and said lightly, "Divine Beasts's essence blood, I only gave you one person."    


Hearing Guo Nan's words, Zhao Qingling's entire body trembled. Just gave it to him?    


Was it because his talent was the worst?    


Or perhaps, Guo Nan had himself in his heart?    


Looking at Guo Nan's leaving figure, the corner of Zhao Qingling's mouth slightly curved into a smile.    


Although the knot in his heart was not completely opened, it had quietly loosened up.    




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