Master of the Sky



"Qing Guangchuci, these stars are what we normally understand, spatial plane, right?" Guo Nan looked at the passing stars on the side of the spaceship and couldn't help but to ask with some comprehension.    


Qing Guangchuci revealed a wry smile, and said: "I don't know either, the relationship between the stars and spatial plane, is very mysterious. Even I, Master and Patriarch Three Purities, did not give me an accurate answer. "I asked my master, and my master said that maybe, some huge spatial plane s contain a lot of stars, or maybe, some huge stars contain a lot of spatial plane s."    


"Is that so?" Guo Nan nodded thoughtfully. Qing Guangchuci's answer was similar to what he had expected. But no matter what it was, looking at it with the naked eye, it had already subverted Guo Nan's understanding towards spatial plane and those so-called continents.    


All this while, he had always thought that continents like Liu Da Lu, Great Heaven Realm, Refinement Realm, and even Dao Realm were considered as complete lands, and could be considered as flat land. But he never would have thought that on the road to Earth, he would see so many stars, which caused his understanding of spatial plane to be turned upside down. "The so-called flat ground was simply too big. In a certain area, it was nothing more than flat ground. In fact, they were all spheres.    


Along the way, Guo Nan and Bi Wen received a lot of information. Qing Guangchuci was indeed someone who had received a so-called "higher education", and his understanding of spatial plane was much better than Guo Nan and Bi Wen.    


One by one, new windows were opened in front of Guo Nan and Bi Wen.    


The spaceship's speed was extremely fast. Guo Nan and Bi Wen were unable to sense it from within, but Qing Guangchuci told them that the spaceship's speed had reached the speed of light. Even with Guo Nan's and Bi Wen's Dao level cultivation, they were unable to reach that speed. Moreover, if they could maintain such a high speed for a long time, it would be even more impossible for Guo Nan and Bi Wen to achieve it.    


Guo Nan and Bi Wen were amazed by the technological power on Earth. The more Qing Guangchuci introduced it, the more Guo Nan and Bi Wen were shocked.    


Finally, after a few consecutive jumps through the space "wormhole", the universe ship entered the system of spatial plane that Earth was in.    


It was a beautiful azure planet. Around the planet was a huge silver river and the river was filled with millions of stars. These stars followed a certain trajectory and revolved around the azure planet.    


Upon seeing the star, Qing Guangchuci introduced it proudly: "Nan Shao, Biwen's girl, look, that's my ancestral realm Earth, the surrounding stars, the majority of them contain human beings. A long, long time ago, those stars were very far from my ancestral realm Earth, and with the development of our Earth Technology's power, coupled with the appearance of a few outstanding Formations Masters, the two powers complemented each other, bringing countless stars closer to Earth's ancestral world."    


"After that, it's time for large-scale immigration. We, the people of Earth, have a very high reproductive ability, in just a few hundred thousand years, our population expanded from ten billion people in Earth's ancestral world by tens of thousands of times, almost to the point that on every star, there are billions or even tens of billions of people. To this day, in the entire geospatial plane system, according to incomplete statistics, there are over nine trillion people here. In all the spatial plane systems, the geospatial plane can be considered to be the largest in terms of population. "    


"Also, with the passage of time, our earth's population and stars will also experience tremendous growth. Before I leave Earth for the world of the Mountain Sea Meridian, the hundreds of millions of top tier scientific and technological masters on Earth who are studying the folding of the Formations's fifth dimension will already be quite a large scale. In a few thousand years, the folded Formations will be able to be used on a large scale and at that time, the number of stars under the Earth's ancestral world will explosively increase by a few hundred times. At that time, the population of the geospatial plane system will be incomparably terrifying. After all, to us, peaceful and harmonious development is the most important. With a large population and a stronger foundation, there will naturally be many powerful individuals that will make it possible for the Earth's ancestral world to advance step by step. "    


"Our Earth's ancestral world is unlike your spatial plane, which has endless killing intent. In Earth's ancestral world, killing is very rare, and basically nothing like that will happen, we are the law and order, even if I'm Patriarch Three Purities's Divine Apostles, I have no right to kill the innocent. If I do that, the killer will be the death penalty, no one will be spared."    


"In this kind of fair environment, as long as we have enough technological power and its power, and enough stars, the number of stars under the Earth's ancestral world will continuously increase. After we have enough territories, the population will be very simple."    


"Also, although the cultivation level of Earth cannot be compared to your pure dancing spatial plane, it is not considered bad, especially when it comes to the Formations. Our attainments in the Formations can be said to be very high. The strength of the Formations gave the Earth's ancestral world an adequate foundation for his development. The power of Earth would only become stronger and stronger. My Master told me that once we attract all the surrounding stars over and constructed an incomparably huge spatial plane system, we would have reached a saturated state in this region. At that time, if we were to expand again, we would welcome a war. "    


When Qing Guangchuci said this, his expression turned serious. Born in the Earth's ancestral world, he had always been a pampered boy. When had he ever experienced war? Only the armies of Earth, when they were conquering new stars, would sometimes have large-scale wars for fear of monsters. Humans' wars were often also against these monsters, and there was no large-scale war between humans at all.    


The cruelty of war only existed in his imagination, but even just thinking about it made Qing Guangchuci feel sad. It was as if the war was about to start.    


If they could be peaceful, the people from the geospatial plane system would definitely not want to see a war.    


Qing Guangchuci slightly sighed and said, "I, Master, said the desire of humans is endless. War is unavoidable, and with the number of people and weapons on Earth, conquering some spatial plane systems is not a problem."    


Hearing this, Guo Nan lightly said: "That's right, like our spatial plane system, if it cannot withstand your attacks, it will be defeated in a short period of time."    


Bi Wen also nodded her head: "My ancestral realm system is the same as yours. Those weapons of yours, if we're talking about individual combat capabilities, they're already comparable to Dao Realm experts. In my spatial plane system, Dao Realm experts's full strength should only be around a few hundred people."    


"Yes, and our Earth's technological power, can arm hundreds of millions of soldiers that are comparable to Dao Realm experts." Qing Guangchuci said indifferently.    


Guo Nan and Bi Wen looked at each other and smiled bitterly. The difference in strength was too great. It was really unimaginable how much stronger Earth would be compared to their own spatial plane system. Before, neither Guo Nan nor Bi Wen had realized this, but now that they realized it, they both felt a sense of terror and disbelief.    


Following Qing Guangchuci's explanation, the universe ship, through layers of surveillance, finally entered the territory of Earth's ancestral world.    




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