Master of the Sky



Guo Nan looked at Nangong Ze with grateful eyes and said, "We'll go to Black Robe Seller's hiding place later. You guys wait at a distance and are ready to receive me at any time. If anything happens to me, I will immediately run out and ask you to bring me away quickly. "    


Nangong Ze thought for a while and felt that he wouldn't be able to help much if he went. His guard leader would definitely be more useful to him outside than following Guo Nan in. Thus, he nodded and agreed to Guo Nan's plan.    


Tianwu Auction House was located at the center of Tianwu City, and was quite a distance away from the slums in the southwest corner. The sound of the horse's hooves continued for nearly two hours before they finally reached their destination.    


Guo Nan let the carriage wait outside. He went into the slums alone and found Black Robe Seller's residence, which was reported to him by Nangong Ze's subordinate.    


It was a row of slums. It was extremely dilapidated. The houses were all made of wooden planks that were crooked and deformed. The walkway in front of the house was full of holes. One of his feet stepped lightly on the ground, causing him to accidentally step on some mud.    


It was already deep into the night, and the night breeze was slightly chilly. The slums were dark and the only thing they could do was to borrow the starlight to carefully move forward.    


When they arrived outside the house where the black robe was hiding, Guo Nan was on his toes. He held his breath and did not make a sound. He walked to the window, stuck out his tongue and licked his forefinger.    


The furnishings in the room were extremely simple. There was only a table, a broken bed, and a chair, and nothing else.    


On the broken bed lay a man wearing a black robe. Guo Nan squinted his eyes and sized him up, the room was dark and his appearance could not be clearly seen, but he felt that he was definitely not Li Tangguo, Iron Soul Hall's Zhou Tie. Although Guo Nan had never personally seen Soul Elder, he had heard that Soul Elder was Old Man, not Young people Man.    


"Who is he? Why does it feel so familiar? "    


black robe Young people lied on the bed, not sleeping at all. He kept tossing and turned, as if it was difficult for him to fall asleep.    


Finally, when Young people turned his face towards Guo Nan, Guo Nan saw that person's face in the dim light!    


Guo Nan was shocked, it was actually him!    


"Damn it, old acquaintance, it seems that it was a good choice to let you go back then!"    


"Qin Sheng, oh Qin Sheng, I didn't expect to see you again so soon, not bad." If I find you, I'll follow the vines and touch the melon. If I find Soul Elder again, I'll have hope of finding Princess Changle. Do you dare to take my woman away? If anything happens to her, I want all of your Hall of Souls to be buried with her! Even if a single hair on your head is hurt, I will make you restless! "    


"In this life, there aren't many opponents left. Although the 'Hall of Souls' is powerful, it is scattered across the world and is divided into many levels. Every place that it meets, the 'Hall of Souls' will not be the strongest! As long as I don't offend the Holy Spirit Palace and the other branch organizations of the Heaven Soul Hall, Earth Soul Hall and Hall of Human Souls directly, I will do my best to eliminate one of them! "    


Guo Nan's mind raced. He decided not to alert the enemy and waited patiently.    


He really wanted Nangong Ze to come over and check if Black Robe Seller was Black Robe Seller, but he believed that Black Robe Seller had definitely covered his face when he went to Tianwu Auction House. He couldn't reveal his true face, so Guo Nan gave up that idea and waited quietly.    


Time passed second by second. It felt like not much time had passed, but in fact, Guo Nan had been standing outside the window for a full two hours.    


Two hours later, Guo Nan stared at Qin Sheng who was tossing and turning on the bed without blinking as countless thoughts flashed across his mind.    


"I wonder if there are any other people from the Hall of Souls around. If there aren't any, we can take down Qin Sheng and use the soul control to control him. The rest will be much easier to deal with."    


"But what if Qin Sheng is a trap?"    


"Let's wait and see."    


After making up his mind, Guo Nan held his breath and continued to stare at Qin Sheng.    


Qin Sheng did not fall asleep. He sat up and took out a bottle of wine from under the bed. He took a gulp of the wine and muttered, "Why is Soul Elder not here yet? Weird, you said that you will come and pick me up after things are settled, did something happen? "    


"The 'Hall of Souls' really isn't a f * cking place for humans to stay in. Not a single person there is normal. Every single one of them looks like a freak, especially Soul Elder." He brought Li Tangguo's Iron Soul Hall to Heavenly Empire and joined there. His position dropped greatly, could it be that he is fighting against the Silver Soul Hall for power? "    


"Tens of thousands of yellow grade Superior Grade Source Stone have already been swindled into our possession. Relying on these primeval stone, Soul Elder should be able to establish himself in the Southern Cyanwood Forest Mansion. God damn, there are so many primeval stone. If I were to carry them away and find a place to cultivate myself, I believe I can become strong person and help father take revenge. "    


"Sigh, forget about it. The Hall of Souls is so strong, if I were to be found, I wouldn't even know how I would die. It would be better for me to follow Soul Elder peacefully.    


Saying that, Qin Sheng got off the bed, and dragged out a bag of primeval stone s from under the bed and opened it.    


The primeval stone that Dugu Wuji took out were all mid-grade Profound level, a total of one thousand and six hundred. After deducting the commission, Qin Sheng took out one thousand and four hundred of them.    


Qin Sheng stared at the primeval stone in a daze. He couldn't help but swallow his saliva and said: "Fuck, if Soul Elder doesn't come in two days, I'll run away with the primeval stone." If I go to the west side of Holy Dynasty and search for a place to hide, I won't believe that the Hall of Souls can find me. "    


"Right now, so many people in Tianwu City are looking for me. Luckily, I was smart enough to find such a place ahead of time and shake off a bunch of tails to hide in. Otherwise, I would have been killed long ago and my primeval stone would have been stolen too. Soul Elder told me to do such a dangerous thing, but he's hiding in the Southern Cyanwood Forest Mansion.    


"Bringing primeval stone is dangerous, but taking it to the Tianwu Auction House is even more dangerous. If the people from the Tianwu Auction House find out that it was a pseudorhynchus, I'm afraid I would also be done for. It's a good thing everything is going well, you idiot Soul Elder, hurry up and come. If you don't come, I won't even be able to get out of Tianwu City. "    


Qin Sheng cursed. Little did he know, an old acquaintance had been observing him from outside the window for a while now.    


Even though Qin Sheng's voice was very soft, Guo Nan heard everything clearly.    


"So it's like that, Soul Elder is new here, his power is not enough, the Silver Soul Hall that enters the Southern Cyanwood Forest Mansion, his power is very small, he can get pseudorhynchus to sell, just so that the primeval stone can go to the Silver Soul Hall to fight for power and money. Qin Sheng, this brat, has been used like a gun, with danger everywhere, and could lose his life at any time. The reason Soul Elder didn't come to pick him up was probably to wait for the sound of the wind to blow before speaking. "Hehe, I never thought that finding broken iron shoes would not take much effort!"    


Without any hesitation, Guo Nan gathered his strength in an instant and kicked open the door of the room. His body rushed in like a cheetah and a pair of iron pincers clamped tightly on Qin Sheng's neck.    




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