Master of the Sky



A sapling?    


A small green tree, only a foot tall, with a few side branches and a few small leaves.    


What treasure is this?    


The Freshmen of the ancient tree?    


"Hey, why aren't you moving? If someone comes, it'll be troublesome."    


From above the pit, Luo Suer shouted at Guo Nan.    


"Forget it, who cares what it is. Let's dig it up first."    


Guo Nan immediately took action and dug out a small clump of soil from within the small sapling. He then kept it into the Corpse City Realm and climbed onto the ground using both hands and feet.    


"Where's the baby? Show me. " Luo Suer asked excitedly.    


Guo Nan took out the sapling from the Corpse City secret realm and smiled bitterly: "This is the thing. Take a look, what treasure is it?"    


"The son of the ancient tree? It feels like it. This sapling has the aura of a ancient tree. "    


"Why can't I feel it?" Guo Nan did not notice where the ancient tree's aura was. The small sapling was just a very ordinary looking sapling and did not have the slightest bit of Great Heaven Realm aura that came from the ancient tree.    


Luo Suer said, "Take a closer look. It's just like a child. It's intelligent."    


"How do you know?"    


"Look, if I stretch out my hand, it would shift slightly in the other direction, as if it was trying to avoid my hand. It doesn't want me to touch it."    


When Guo Nan heard this, he immediately reached out to pinch the leaf of the sapling. Just as he was about to touch the leaf, the sapling trembled and then mysteriously ran to the other side.    


"It really is the son of that ancient tree! This thing is so small, yet it already has a hint of intelligence. When it grows up, what will happen? " Guo Nan was surprised.    


"It's just that the ancient tree here have existed for who knows how many years. How many years would it take to grow up?"    


"I pee for him every day, I guarantee he'll grow up fast!"    


As if it understood Guo Nan's words, the sapling trembled a few times and lowered its branches.    


"Look, it's unhappy!"    


"F * ck, you really understand what I mean?"    


Guo Nan held the root of the sapling in his hand and asked with a smile, "Let me ask you, what do you want to eat to grow faster?"    


The sapling did not respond.    


"I can't pee, but I can at least shit, right?"    


The sapling trembled in fear, and the main rod was slightly crooked.    


"Then I'll give you blood? Homo sapiens's blood? The blood of a Demonic Beast? What do you want? "    


The sapling did not move.    


"How is the primeval stone? I will shatter the primeval stone, turn it into powder, pour water, and pour you on top of it. How about it? "    


The twigs on the sapling suddenly straightened up. The low branches also stretched out. A few leaves swayed in the absence of wind, showing a joyful attitude.    


When Guo Nan and Luo Suer saw the sapling's reaction, they finally knew what the sapling liked …    


primeval stone?    


Could it be that the sapling was like the Homo sapiens and needed to cultivate?    


"Little guy, what type of primeval stone do you like?"    


"Golden primeval stone?"    


"Wood primeval stone?"    


"Water primeval stone?"    


"Earth primeval stone?"    


"Fire primeval stone?"    


The little sapling did not have much of a reaction after telling the Five Elements Source Stones.    


Guo Nan frowned and thought to himself, "Could this guy be of the fifth series like Xiao Qiang?"    


"How about I give all the Five Elements Source Stones to you?" Guo Nan asked the sapling.    


The sapling immediately waved its body in high spirits, emitting a happy aura.    


Most people would not be able to plant a sapling like this. Normally, a sapling would be planted in the ground, but for this weirdo, a sapling needed to be planted in a Five Elements Source Stones … …. "Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehew…" "    


"Luckily there is a primeval stone lode, otherwise Laozi would have strangled you!"    


Guo Nan thought to himself as a broken basin appeared in his hand. He placed the basin on the ground, and a handful of Rainbow primeval stone appeared in his hands once again. All of them were Profound level Low grade primeval stone!    


Luo Suer was used to Guo Nan's actions of coming and going as he pleased, but when she saw so many colorful and high-ranked primeval stone, she was unable to react.    


In her mind, the little sapling needed primeval stone s to be nurtured. It would be fine to have a bit of yellow grade and Low grade primeval stone's meaning, but when Guo Nan attacked, it was all low-grade Profound level!    


Guo Nan crushed the primeval stone and filled up half of the basin. After shaking off the soil at the roots of the sapling, the sapling was transplanted into the basin. Guo Nan then mischievously took out a bottle of water and poured it into the basin.    


The sapling revealed a joyful expression as it twisted and danced in the basin to its heart's content.    


Guo Nan was elated. After he had settled the matter with the sapling, he suddenly realized that something was wrong with Luo Suer.    


"Luo Suer, what happened to you?" Guo Nan frowned and asked.    


With an awkward expression, Luo Suer asked, "Are you going to use the Profound level Low grade primeval stone to give the small sapling a bit of soil?"    


"Yes, is there a problem?"    


"There's no 'just'. Profound level Low grade primeval stone s, aren't they a little too precious?"    


Luo Suer looked at the basin in Guo Nan's arms with envy and hatred towards the sapling.    


Guo Nan immediately understood.    


He laughed out loud, and a large group of primeval stone appeared in his hands, all of them high-grade Profound level.    


"Take the Earth elemental energy you are cultivating with these primeval stone. Tell me when it's not enough. I don't have anything else, the primeval stone will never lack anything. Even if you use primeval stone s to play with me, I'll still give it to you.    


Guo Nan pushed the primeval stone into Luo Suer's hands, put down the flower pot and smiled: "Watch this, don't let it run away. I'll go take a look at those Leviathan and get some good stuff to bring back. "    


Luo Suer looked at the primeval stone in her hands in a daze.    


In the Rakasha Gate, she had never seen so many Profound level Superior Grade Source Stone.    


Luo Suer looked at Guo Nan's back with tears in her eyes.    


Guo Nan's mysteriousness, strength, status, and smiling face were all poison to Luo Suer.    


She was deeply poisoned by the scorpion and Guo Nan could cure it. Currently, only Guo Nan could cure the poison in Luo Suer's mind.    


"Why is he so good to me? "I can't believe that someone like him would like me and treat me so well."    


Guo Nan was not in the mood to help Luo Suer cure her poison. Looking at the six mountain-like Leviathan, he struggled.    


"Six Leviathan, that is equivalent to the strength of someone at the middle stage of the Soul Origin Realm. If I use Art of Consuming Yuan to devour their blood essence and primeval stone, my strength should be able to instantly explode to the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, right?"    


"Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, all five types of elemental energy. The additional one just so happens to be the Earth elemental energy that I have displayed. This kind of opportunity is hard to come by. "    


"To surpass Wang Shi, I only need to use the Art of Consuming Yuan once!"    


Guo Nan stood in front of the Leviathan's corpse and looked around. His palms were sweating and he couldn't make up his mind.    


"Xiao Qiang can help me get rid of the harm caused by the Art of Consuming Yuan. Fuck, if I bring Xiao Qiang along, then there's no need to be tangled anymore."    


"Go back and fetch Xiao Qiang. No matter how fast we travel, it will take us three days to get back. In three days, the elemental energy in their bodies should have disappeared completely. "    


Whether it was a human or a Demonic Beast, as long as the elemental energy existed in one's body, once they died, it would slowly dissipate. It was an ingenious cycle of absorption from the heavens to the earth.    


The Art of Consuming Yuan, after going against the rules, forcefully taking everything from it, the elemental energy that should have been returned to the heaven and earth, would be incorporated into the user's body.    


Maybe the heaven and earth would take revenge by stealing the elemental energy, at the same time, bringing in the negative energy such as death aura and killing aura.    


If he was not careful, he would go berserk.    


"I am now at Natal Opening Realm level one, and am about to break through to Natal Opening Realm level two. The elemental energy and blood essence absorbed by these Leviathan instantly increased to the late stage of Nascent Soul Stage, surpassing more than twenty sections of my body. I will definitely not be able to endure it, and even with Xiao Qiang I will have no use. "    


Guo Nan gradually calmed down as he thought about this.    


"Whatever. Something that shouldn't belong to me. Why force it? Step by step, to protect my fragile body. If I had the physique of my past life, what would I be afraid of? "    




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