Master of the Sky



Guo Nan sighed, and finally gave up on the idea of using the Art of Consuming Yuan.    


He took out a sharp blade, cut open the Leviathan's stomach, held his breath and drilled in.    


Deep inside, Guo Nan felt that he found what he wanted.    


A warm demon core was in his hand.    


Even the most powerful Demonic Beast s would have demon core inside them.    


The probability of the existence of yellow grade High level demon beast s was not high.    


When one reached the lower level Profound level, the probability of the existence of demon core would be very high.    


For Demonic Beast of the middle grade Profound level and above, there must be demon core present.    


demon core only looked at purity, and the bigger the better. Ordinary demon core were all around the size of an egg. No matter what kind of Demonic Beast it was, the size wouldn't change too much. The biggest, like a fist, and the smallest, like a partridge egg.    


The demon core of the Fire Eye Lizard was as big as a fist, it was already huge.    


After all, its Master was only that big.    


Using the same trick, Guo Nan dug into the stomachs of the five Leviathan: Ancient Spirit Thunder, Golden-eyed Tiger, Double-Headed Blood Lion, Giant Devil Tattooed Bear, and Silver Horn Elephant, and obtained another five demon core.    


After wiping them dry, and seeing the six thick and plump Lower Earth Grade demon core, Guo Nan laughed to himself: "These six demon core, won't be of much use to me. After all, I already have that many primeval stone. It's not bad to give it away as a gift. "    


After cleaning himself up, Guo Nan went over to Luo Suer and squatted down. He looked at Luo Suer who was in a daze and smiled, "What are you doing? I'll give you both these earth attribute demon core, but I won't be able to use them. "    


Luo Suer shook her head like a wave, "I don't want it, I don't want so many things from you!"    


"Take it when I give it to you. The sapling already belongs to me. These two earth attribute demon core are naturally yours."    


Guo Nan pushed the demon core into Luo Suer's hands. Luo Suer looked at the demon core that was glowing with a charming yellow light, and her eyes started to moisten again.    


After a long while, Luo Suer carefully kept the demon core and pointed at the sapling, saying faintly: "Even if you give me the sapling, I won't be able to raise it."    


Following the direction of Luo Suer's slender finger, Guo Nan saw that the soil in the basin had already fallen to the bottom!    


"Fuck, you can eat this much?" Guo Nan cursed.    


The small sapling seemed to have suffered a grievance, its leaves drooping unhappily …    


"Fuck me, are you a little girl? You always get angry? "    


Guo Nan was speechless and once again took out a bunch of colorful primeval stone. This time, he was too lazy to crush them and directly threw them into the flower pot.    


The primeval stone disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.    


Guo Nan was shocked.    


"If this goes on, once it grows up, won't it eat all of my primeval stone veins? Damn it, this won't do. I can't afford it either! That old ancient tree, rooted in the soil and absorbed the floating Elemental Essence of the Five Elements, wouldn't it still grow into a towering tree? "    


Guo Nan said to the sapling in a tone of consultation, "Ancestor Grandmother, I have something to discuss with you. Look at how poor you are eating me, who can support you if you continue to eat me? How about you try absorbing the elemental energy yourself? Don't eat my primeval stone. "    


The entire sapling started to tremble, and quickly absorbed all of the primeval stone in the flower pot.    


Then, the branches and leaves drooped, conveying a very uncomfortable and dejected feeling.    


Both Guo Nan and Luo Suer could clearly feel that the sapling seemed to be crying.    


The sapling could cry?    


Before it cried, it was afraid that Guo Nan would take back the primeval stone, so it quickly digested the primeval stone in the basin and started crying.    


"Damn it, isn't crying too fake?" If you want to cry, can't you be a little more professional? "    


Guo Nan was completely helpless against the human-shaped sapling.    


Seeing Guo Nan's defeated expression, Luo Suer's smile was like a flower.    


"Didn't you say that you have a lot of primeval stone that you can use to smash others?" Luo Suer teased Guo Nan.    


She was also very interested in the sapling, but she was even more interested in Guo Nan. Therefore, the time she stared at the sapling was far less than the time she stared at Guo Nan.    


It was as if as long as that face remained in front of him, the entire world would light up.    


Guo Nan laughed bitterly: "I do have a lot of primeval stone, but this guy ate up my primeval stone for no reason. I don't know how long it will grow, so if I don't see any benefits, why should I supply it with more?"    


Luo Suer asked with a smile: "Then what benefits do you see if you give me the primeval stone and that precious demon core?"    


Even though he knew Luo Suer was lying to him, Guo Nan still explained: "I'll give you the primeval stone, increase your strength, and protect yourself more. Only when you follow me to those places where strong person is as common as clouds can I feel a bit more at ease. Are you satisfied with this answer? "    


Guo Nan rolled his eyes at Luo Suer. Wasn't it a promise she wanted?    


He already let her know so many secrets, so what if he gave her a promise?    


Luo Suer laughed, a sweet and innocent laugh.    


Guo Nan carried a basin, took out a handful of primeval stone and sprinkled it into it. He told the sapling to eat slowly, and after it was done, it would be gone. The small sapling finally slowed down the speed at which it absorbed the primeval stone. It was not a beautiful mood, but at least it did not lower the damn branches and leaves down.    


It was not that Guo Nan was reluctant to give the primeval stone to the sapling, but the key was, what was Little Ancestor Grandmother, what could she do after eating the primeval stone, and what could she help him when she grew up.    


Even though he was about to own a mountain of primeval stone, he would rather give it to the innocent Luo Suer who showed her pure and natural expression, than to casually waste it.    


On the way back, Guo Nan and Luo Suer chatted happily. The harvest this time was neither small nor small. He could only study the effects of the sapling. Otherwise, just the demon core s alone would not be enough for Guo Nan.    


The Demonic Beast Mountain Range had suffered heavy injuries. Countless trees collapsed, looking extremely dilapidated. The six hegemons led their subordinates to attack the ancient tree, causing the other Demonic Beast in the Demonic Beast mountain range to flee, forming a Beast Tide, causing a huge impact.    


Fortunately, the Pan Jiang Town managed to withstand the attack and sacrificed a lot of people to protect the southern part of the Heavenly Empire from the attacks of the Demonic Beast. The most pitiful ones, of course, were the six hegemons. Their strength was great, and they dominated the Demonic Beast mountain for many years. In the end, they finally managed to defeat the ancient tree, but they killed themselves and didn't even survive. The demon core was even casually given to someone by Guo Nan.    


He came at a very high speed, so the speed on the way back was much slower. After all, Luo Suer was a woman. She did not sleep for a few days and nights, so her expression was not good. Guo Nan did not want her to suffer any longer.    


Luo Suer always fell asleep in Guo Nan's arms. When she woke up, she found that not only did Guo Nan not do anything to violate her, he even stayed in the same position all night, acting as a human pillow. Luo Suer was deeply moved.    


But in fact, she secretly cursed that Guo Nan was just an idiot and did not do anything. Pan Jiang Town had already appeared in front of her, and Luo Suer was a little angry.    


She looked at Guo Nan with unfriendly eyes and said angrily, "Guo Nan, do you want me to be a person who goes back on my word?"    


Guo Nan was not used to Luo Suer's sudden attack. He had been fine for the past few days, so he didn't do anything wrong, right?    


Seeing Guo Nan's wronged gaze, Luo Suer rolled her eyes and said, "I promised you, you will accompany me to the ancient tree and find my grandpa. I'll be yours. You didn't even touch me for the past few days, are you trying to make me be a despicable person? "    




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