Martial Tao Supreme Sage

C4 Abnormal Novice Mission

C4 Abnormal Novice Mission

A moment later, Zi Tianhao found himself in a sealed cave surrounded by hard stone walls. There was no exit at all.    


At this moment, a line of glowing words suddenly appeared in front of Zi Tianhao.    


"Quest Notification: Before the water in this cave is completely submerged, solve the riddle on the stone wall. This quest will train your extraordinary thinking ability to increase your treasure hunting ability in the future. " When Zi Tianhao read it, he actually rushed to the wet ground under his feet. Looking down, he saw that the water that had not come out of nowhere was continuously rising. Furthermore, it was very fast.    


"This is too realistic! What do you mean by any danger? This is simply a scam. Let's just call it killing mode." Zi Tianhao widened his eyes. However, he immediately looked around, and very quickly... On a stone wall, he saw a piece of rock that looked like a jigsaw puzzle. There were a total of nine pieces. Each piece of rock had a pattern that looked like a symbol on it.    


"Do you want to solve the puzzle in the fastest time possible?" Zi Tianhao tried to move the rocks, but found that he could not move them, which meant that it was not a puzzle.    


"Could it be a riddle? But what did the symbols on it represent? I can't even understand it, how can I solve the mystery... What kind of lousy system is this? It's simply playing tricks on me! " Zi Tianhao said with disdain.    


However, at this moment, the water in the cave had already reached Zi Tianhao's knee. This speed of flooding was not a joke.    


Zi Tianhao didn't dare to be careless. He immediately stared at the nine rocks in front of him and started to study them.    


After several attempts, Zi Tianhao was lucky enough to press two rocks, but he did not bounce them back. This also gave him a glimmer of hope.    


However, at this time, the water in the cave had already spread to Zi Tianhao's waist. There was not much time left.    


Because it was difficult for him to hide the two rocks, Zi Tianhao did not dare to do anything reckless. He was worried that if he accidentally pressed the wrong rock, the two rocks would bounce back. Therefore, he patiently searched for the pattern of the patterns on the nine rocks. Very quickly, he discovered that the two rocks that he pressed down... Although there was no complete connection between them and the other protruding rocks... However, without these two rocks, the other seven rocks were like symbols. However, there was also a bit of discordance. And what caused this discordance was also the two rocks.    


Zi Tianhao hesitated for a moment and pressed his hands on the two rocks. At this moment, the water had already spread to his chest. He did not have much time to think about it, so he pressed down without hesitation.    


In the end, not only did the two rocks bounce back, the two rocks that he had pressed down earlier also bounced back.    


"F * ck!" Zi Tianhao cursed, but he immediately choked on water. The water had already spread to his mouth and was about to drown him.    


"Nine rocks, nine squares?! Could it be..." Zi Tianhao took a deep breath and calmed himself down. He looked at the nine rock patterns in front of him. He suddenly remembered the boundary that was specially used for calligraphy imitation, which was the Nine Palatial Struggle. If the pattern on the nine rocks formed a single word, there must be a way for it to draw and write.    


Since this was a puzzle solving mission, and if the patterns on the nine rocks were also one word, then... Then what he needs to do is to write this word out. Which is to draw according to the script and press the nine rocks... And the two rocks that he had pressed previously were clearly the first stroke.    


Therefore, Zi Tianhao immediately pressed down on the first two rocks. After that, he began to search for the next possible stroke.    


However, at this moment, the cave was flooded with golden mountains. Zi Tianhao's entire body was submerged. Furthermore, the water was about to reach the top of the cave, and there would be no air soon.    


Seeing that there was not much time left, Zi Tianhao first floated to the surface of the water and inhaled the air in large gulps. After that, he dived into the water and continued to decipher the mysterious characters of the Nine Palatial Glyph.    


Very quickly, Zi Tianhao finally pressed on two more rocks. After the four rocks caved in, there were only five left. However, if he pressed incorrectly next, the four rocks would bounce back again. However, he no longer had time.    


"The next stroke should be three rocks. Damn it, do you want me to use my hands and feet?" Zi Tianhao gritted his teeth and said. However, he was now floating in the water, so his feet couldn't help at all.    


"I'll fight!" Zi Tianhao felt that the air in his mouth was almost used up, so he steeled his heart and pressed his hands on two of the pieces. Then, he tilted his head and hit the third piece with his head.    


Instantly, Zi Tianhao felt that he was seeing stars. The last bit of air in his mouth... It was also at this moment that he used up all of it. His brain instantly lacked oxygen, but he still used his last bit of consciousness. After pressing down the last two rocks, his eyes turned black.    


"Congratulations on completing the first stage of the novice mission, you have obtained the Marrow Cleansing Pill." Zi Tianhao only felt a ringing sound in his ears. When he opened his eyes, he had already returned to the Tao Yuan Realm.    


"Damn it, I almost thought I was going to die!" Zi Tianhao cursed.    


"Because you completed the first mission issued by the Second World, and you completed it successfully the first time, you can choose the reward for the first round of the novice mission!" At this moment, Meng's tender voice sounded.    


Zi Tianhao saw a flash of light in front of him, and in an instant, three options appeared in front of him. The first and second options each had a Martial Arts name written on them. They were respectively the Mortal Heart Qi Formula and the Heaven and Earth Qian Kun Formula. The last two options were marked as middle-grade. It should be the meaning of middle-grade Martial Arts. The third option box had a question mark.    


Zi Tianhao rubbed his chin and thought for a moment. His eyes quickly stared at the question mark and asked, "What does the question mark in the third option mean?"    


"A question mark represents a random draw. If you choose the third option now, then you will randomly pick a Martial Arts from the three levels of low, intermediate, and high. You might be able to draw a Martial Arts of the same level, or you might be able to draw a low level Martial Arts. Or a high level Martial Arts. The higher the level of a Martial Arts, the lower the chances of drawing a Martial Arts. And the reward for the first two choices was already the best middle level Martial Arts of the same level. It was recommended that rookies not take the risk of using random draws. If they chose a trash low-grade Martial Arts... I'm not crying! " Meng said in a somewhat mischievous manner.    


"What are you afraid of? My luck has always been good. I choose the third one... " Zi Tianhao considered for a moment and directly chose the third option. Because if he drew a high-grade Martial Arts, then he would definitely earn it.    


"Random draw begins!"    


The question marks on the third option box immediately jumped. After a moment, it slowly stopped. Finally, the name of the Martial Arts was ready - God Defying Martial Arts.    


"What level of Martial Arts is this?" Zi Tianhao immediately asked with concern.    


"Begin to appraise the level of the Martial Arts. Appraisal complete. The level of the Martial Arts is..." Meng suddenly fell into silence.    


"What level is it exactly?" Zi Tianhao saw that Meng suddenly stopped talking and asked again.    


"The rewards will be distributed now." Meng's delicate voice rang out, as if he had skipped a section and said directly.    


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