Strongest Wastrel

C240 Pavilion Master

C240 Pavilion Master

I heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that I still had another chance, so I didn't have to wait for a month for nothing. Second Master's condition cannot be delayed, I had to leave the Langya Pavilion as soon as possible to completely integrate with it.    


Because only then would they have a chance to see Ye Qin. Even if Ye Qin didn't agree, perhaps there would be other opportunities!    


However, within the Ye Family, there are many rules that I am not clear on.    


Ye Shu was straightforward and immediately explained the rules of Ye Family.    


"This Ye Family has a lot of rules, but the most important few points, you just need to remember them. As long as it's not too big of a problem, no one will bother about anything else."    


"First, you cannot commit an offense against your superiors. Within the Ye Family, your position is extremely important."    


"Secondly, without permission, you are not allowed to fight with the Fang and Li families. This is very important, because Ye Family have always been neutral, steadily developing and not offending anyone, this is the middle way of Ye Family."    


"Third, without permission, you are not allowed to use force."    


"Finally, it's the rules of Langya Pavilion. As long as it's someone who's in the Langya Pavilion, if they leave the Ye Family without permission, it's equivalent to giving up the chance to stay in the Ye Family and never enter the Ye Family's door again."    


After hearing it, I wasn't too surprised about the first few points, but this Langya Pavilion's rules, made me tighten my body, I didn't think that once I entered, I wouldn't be able to go out, and once I went out, I wouldn't be able to come back, this Langya Pavilion actually had this kind of rule!    


To me, there will be a lot of restrictions, a lot of things that cannot be personally dealt with, and I don't even have the chance to return to Ning Mansion to visit Second Master. No wonder, in this Langya Pavilion, there are so many people who haven't come back yet!    


Seeing my silence, Ye Shu stood up and waved his sleeves, "It's getting late, I think Brother Lee is also tired, let's rest first."    


"Thank you, Brother Jing." I cupped my fists and escorted Ye Shu to the door.    


Closing the door, I breathed in the heavy air, looked at the dust and cobwebs of the room, let out a long sigh, and began to pack.    


After busying myself for a while, I opened the window to let in some fresh air and cleaned the room. I was extremely tired, so I quickly took a shower and immediately laid down on the bed to rest.    


Lying on the bed, I looked through the window and found Ye Zhan was still in the courtyard. I didn't know what he was burning with the fire, but his expression was extremely focused, as if he was preparing for the test that would happen three days later.    


On the other side of the yard, Ye Shu was also awake. He looked very sad, holding a jug of wine in his hand and sitting at the end of the corridor, sipping the wine.    


Compared to the center of the Ye Family, it seemed like a corner that had been intentionally abandoned, like a trash station. There were very few things that could be recovered.    


The next morning, I was woken up by the sound of a quarrel. I drowsily opened the door and the two fellows, Ye Shu and Ye Zhan, unexpectedly went up against each other again.    


"You're the one being scolded, what's the matter? Ye Shu, you direct descendant trash, after eating so many Pill, your body didn't change at all, it's simply a waste! "    


"Ye Zhan, try saying another word?" You lunatic, do you think you're all right? The resources that the Ye Family has given you, you have not refined, and must concoct some poison pill, what use is that thing? "    


"Ye Shu, you don't know what a Pill is! At most, you are just a good-for-nothing with no ambition. If I were you, even if I were to die, I would at least learn a skill so that others can see it! "    




Ye Shu was thoroughly enraged. He grabbed Ye Zhan's collar and was about to make his move.    


I immediately became incomparably clear-headed and quickly ran over, forcing the two of them apart before standing in the middle. "I say, what happened this early in the morning?"    


Ye Shu's face was filled with anger as he pointed at Ye Zhan and said, "This lunatic actually stole my wine when I was sleeping. Bastard, that is my last bottle of wine!"    


"The reason I drank your wine, was for your own good. Don't be like a good-for-nothing who uses alcohol to dispel your worries, after all, it's all in the Langya Pavilion. If I don't do it for your own good, for whose sake?" Ye Zhan was not convinced and immediately retorted.    


Ye Shu's expression changed, as if Ye Zhan had poked his sore spot, he muttered: "Don't find a reason for what you've done, it sounds so good, then didn't I smash your furnace yesterday for your own good, and want you to take the right path?"    


"You! How could refining poison be so unorthodox? Why don't you give me a reason? Could it be that I refined the poison to harm others? There is also a portion of Bone Breaking Body Tempering Pill that is poisonous, so why didn't you say that my master walked on a crooked path? " Ye Zhan's expression also changed slightly, as if the other party had also poked a sore spot.    


I shook my head helplessly, raised a hand to stop them from continuing their argument, and advised them: "Actually, you guys aren't too wrong, there's no need to vent your anger on each other, this is not good, after all, everyone in Langya Pavilion has the same goal, I think it's better if we work hard together, and unite as one."    


As a result, Ye Zhan crossed his arms over his chest, turned his head and snorted, "I'm not going to be with a useless trash like Ye Shu."    


Ye Shu was so angry that his tiger body trembled. He clenched his teeth and cursed loudly, "You're the one who's useless, you lunatic! I'm not going with a lunatic like you!"    


It seems that no matter how much I try to persuade them, it's all to be of no use. I can only say: "Although I'm a newcomer, I'm still a member of the Langya Pavilion, so can you just give me some face and stop arguing?"    


As I said that, I took out the Tegon Cigarettes that I had brought from Ning Mansion and pulled out two of them, ready to gift them to the two of them.    


However, when Ye Zhan saw the cigarette, he was so excited that he almost dropped it. He directly took a cigarette from my hand, put it in front of his nose and took a big sniff, "Hiss ~ Good guy, it's a good cigarette. Where did you get it from?"    


Ye Shu swallowed his saliva and took the cigarette in my hand. He also revealed an expression of excitement, "You actually have a cigarette?"    


"What's wrong? Isn't it just smoke? "I have plenty in my room. If it's not enough, I can get someone to bring it over outside so that you can smoke until your ears are smoking." I looked at their faces and couldn't understand what was going on.    


Ye Zhan was so excited that he grabbed my hand on the spot. His pitch black eyes stared at me fixedly. He was even more serious than when he was refining pills. "Brother Lee, no! It should be Brother Li! You will be my big brother from now on, and you will be Langya Pavilion's Pavilion Lord from now on! "    


I was stunned and didn't understand what was going on. I could only ask, "This is?"    


He said: "Brother Li, I forgot to tell you last night, the Langya Pavilion will be served with food everyday, but there is only that little bit of alcohol that we send every month, and it's not enough at all. We can't leave the Ye Family, and we don't have any money in our pockets, so like a pauper, if not, would Ye Zhan, this bastard, steal my wine?"    


I immediately understood, and thought to myself, So that's how it is, I never thought that not only did the Ye Family abandon people in the Langya Pavilion, it also sealed off the economy.    


Thus, I pushed Ye Zhan's hand away and said, "This … Smoke and alcohol, if you need them, I can get someone to send them to the Ye Family door at any time and then go get them. There is no need to be courteous with me, but for this Pavilion Lord, I cannot afford it, so just forget about him. "    


"NO!" Brother Li, from now on, you are Pavilion Lord from Langya Pavilion. With smoke and wine, you are the boss! " Ye Zhan immediately rejected the proposal, his tone firm.    


Saying that, Ye Zhan pulled Ye Shu and scolded, "What are you standing there for? Hurry up! Have you forgotten the rules of Langya Pavilion? "    


Ye Shu reacted and laughed embarrassedly. He stood on the same side as Ye Zhan and said, "Err …" That's right, Brother Li. Our Langya Pavilion actually has an unwritten rule: We have cigarettes and wine, and that's our boss … "It's Pavilion Lord."    


I was completely dumbfounded. I actually used two cigarettes and became Langya Pavilion's Pavilion Lord? Become their boss?    


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