Strongest Wastrel

C362 Abdominal Back Enemy

C362 Abdominal Back Enemy

"Let alone 50%, even if it's just a dime, I'm not willing to give it to you." I hung up the phone decisively, my whole body burning with rage.    


Chu Wenyang, this old thing, actually used such a method to force me to cooperate with him and even got a 50% commission from me. This clearly shows that he is asking for an exorbitant price.    


The most important thing was that Chu Wenyang was using the ability of the officials, so everything was perfectly justified. Even the Metal River Headquarters could not do anything to him, much less any reasons.    


After all, Chu Wenyang has the advantage in Black and White, and the only way for me to fight him is to die!    


If it was said that Soong Hai was used to scheming, then Chu Wenyang was the complete opposite.    


The two each had their own strengths. Both of them were cunning old foxes.    




That day, Chu Wenyang used another method and ordered a thorough investigation of Pearl City and the city of Qiantang. Not only was the expansion of Qiantang City hindered, even the city's Pearl City had been affected.    


Such a situation caused the entire base to be thrown into disarray, causing everyone to panic.    


Fortunately, Liang Guan and a few other people in charge showed up, so they temporarily calmed down.    


However, this was only temporary and would definitely not last for long.    


At 3 p.m., with Liang Guan in the lead, the five people in charge gathered in my office. They all had worried and troubled expressions on their faces.    


Liang Guan took the lead and said: "Lee Guan, as soon as Chu Wenyang took office, he targeted our Metal River. What is his intention in this matter? Could it be because the marriage contract between the Song and Chu Families was broken that it angered them? "    


"Anyway, Chu Wenyang is targeting me. You don't need to know the rest, as long as you do what you're doing, it's fine. Leave the rest to me." I didn't tell them the real reason, and even if I did, they wouldn't be able to do anything about it.    


"All of you can be rest assured. I will give you all an explanation for this matter. Currently, let's temporarily hide from the limelight. This momentum will not last for long." I lowered my head to ponder over the countermeasures, thinking that if there was a yaksha, everything would be fine. It was a pity that yaksha had to put all of his strength into controlling the Star net, since he didn't have any energy left.    


At 4 pm, after Liang Guan and the others left, Chu Wenyang called again.    


"Lee Xianzhi , I wonder how you are currently considering?" Chu Wenyang mocked.    


I couldn't help but snort and retort, "Mr Chu is such a powerful person. He actually forced me to work with you in such a way."    


If there is no result after seven days, then unfortunately, I have decided on Metal River, I want to see how long your Metal River can last under the influence of this storm. Of course, if you agree, then it won't be fifty percent, I want sixty percent! "" … " After Chu Wenyang finished speaking, he immediately cut off the call.    


I gripped my phone tightly. There was simply no other way. I was stuck in a deadlock like I had never been in before.    


Faced with this situation, I could only give the order to pass on the information to Liang Guan to investigate Chu Wenyang and see if he could find any tricks to the matter.    


As a high-ranking official, Chu Wenyang must be hard to find. Even though the chances are slim, I still let Liang Guan try.    


The second day, Liang Guan had not been checked out yet, but the momentum was even more intense. Anyone who was not normal at all would be thoroughly checked out, and many Metal River brothers would be captured without reason.    


I made sure that the remaining four people in charge would do their best to redeem them. No matter how much they spent or how much they used, they had to redeem the Metal River brothers.    


On the third day, I still hadn't found a way.    


Fortunately, Chu Wenyang's momentum weakened a little, as if he was playing a game of subjugation with me.    


Lee Qi and Ning Zhenbang were very clear about this.    


I originally wanted Lee Qi to come forward, but then I realized that Chu Wenyang was using formal means and there was no reason for Lee Qi to do so.    


Even if Lee Qi used his identity to make his appearance, the other party would at most give him some face and temporarily lower his profile. I might as well not go, in case Chu Wenyang thinks I'm being weak.    


Furthermore, Lee Qi was unwilling to help me, and even shouted: "Although I am only a minute in Metal River, I am still just a inspector. This kind of thing doesn't belong to me, it's your, Great Commander Li's, business, so don't think about using me as a gun again."    


With Ning Zhenbang by my side, I had nothing to say and could only give up.    


On the fourth day.    


The brothers who stayed in Qiantang City were attacked by a group of unknown forces. They came and left without leaving a trace. During the battle, we were caught unprepared and suffered heavy losses.    


Even the camp, which had been halted halfway through its construction, and the hotel, which had agreed on the terms of the purchase, had been destroyed.    


In particular, a few of the hotel parties thought that it was due to our dissatisfaction and retaliation, so they put all the blame on us, demanded compensation, and refused to buy it.    


Metal River had no choice but to suffer a loss and make compensation.    


When I received this news, I immediately understood that this was definitely a method used by the Song Family, so it was possible that the Song Family had already allied with the Heaven Sect and was prepared to deal with it.    


"Song Family, I never thought that my movements would be so fast." I clenched my fists as my mind raced as I tried to come up with a plan.    


Chu Wenyang, Song Family, and Heaven Sect; in the current Metal River, it could be said that he was facing an enemy from behind, with wolves in front and tigers behind.    


However, I did not panic. Instead, I would remain calm and think carefully about how to deal with the situation.    


Because under these circumstances, if I, the commander, panicked, then this game of chess wouldn't have to be played again.    


After thinking for a long time, from the day to the night, I finally thought of something. First, I called Liang Guan over and asked him about Chu Wenyang's results.    


Liang Guan frowned and replied, "Lee Guan, this is too difficult. From the looks of it, I haven't found any clues. Since Chu Wenyang is able to stand here, I'm sure he won't be able to find a lot of things."    


I nodded my head and said with a slight sense of motivation: "It's fine, you continue to investigate. Also, don't bother with Heaven Sect for now, they won't be able to create too much of a commotion. The most important thing is to get rid of that old fox Chu Wenyang."    


"Yes sir!" Liang Guan quickly agreed and quickly ran out of my office.    


Early in the morning on the fifth day, Chu Wenyang called again.    


"What are you thinking about? Right now, there are only two days left. Your mere Metal River Division should already be in chaos, right? If it goes on for a long time, I think you know better than I do. " Chu Wenyang said in a threatening tone.    


My heart felt very uncomfortable as I replied, "It's not time yet. Mr Chu, please don't be too complacent, otherwise we might lose our footing."    


"Do you think it's possible that I, Chu Wenyang, can stand in this position?" Chu Wenyang laughed.    


I narrowed my eyes and said sarcastically, "Since Mr Chu is so shrewd, of course it is impossible. However, the world is vast and broad, so it's best if you don't let me find you."    


"Lee Shaobai, Lee Shaobai, don't try to find an opportunity in this area. You won't be able to find one, so I advise you to give in and cooperate with me. In the end, you're still a junior, so you're still too young."    


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