Sacred Martial Divine Sovereign

C3712 Victory!

C3712 Victory!

At this very moment, the many warriors of the small world who were crazily attacking were not affected by the Immortal Divine Might of Daoist Yi Daohong.    


This was because when Daoist Yi Daohong unleashed the Immortal Divine Might to suppress this world, he had targeted it.    


That terrifying energy did not attack any of the warriors of the small world, and it did not affect their attacks at all.    


Daoist Yi Daohong directly used his divine might to suppress the army of the Evil Demon Clan. He did not kill them directly, so he naturally had a purpose.    


He wanted to give the warriors of the small world a chance to vent their anger, a chance to kill these monsters in front of them, and a chance to avenge his comrades who had died in battle.    


A chance for them to personally kill their enemies.    


After experiencing the tragic death of True God Changqing, Daoist Yi Daohong knew very well how much of an impact it would have on his own martial path if his good friend died in front of him.    


If he could not vent the pressure in his heart, it would also have a huge impact on his future martial path.    


On the contrary, if the warriors of the small world could personally kill their enemies and help avenge their comrades who had died in battle, the pressure in their hearts would be able to be vented.    


Perhaps the death of their comrades would still make them feel very uncomfortable, but if they avenged their comrades, it could be considered as an account for them and themselves.    


In this way, they would also be able to achieve enlightenment and would be of some help to their future martial path.    


In the face of a force that could completely crush the army of the Evil Demon Clan, after obtaining the upper hand in this war, what God Yi Daoren really wanted was not only to exterminate this army of the Evil Demon Clan and avenge the dead, but also to spend a lot of effort on the path of martial arts for the younger generation of the Taoist Sect.    


It had to be said that because God Yi Daoren had suppressed the Evil Demon Clan's monsters with his Immortal Divine Might, the many warriors of the Taoist Sect did not have any intention of stopping when they saw the monsters being suppressed in front of them. They madly brandished their sharp blades and charged towards the monsters in front of them.    


The sharp blades in their hands fiercely stabbed into the bodies of the monsters and slashed at their heads.    


A large amount of Devil Blood shot out, and the bodies of the many monsters of the Evil Demon Clan were directly ripped apart with terrifying bloody marks. There were also terrifying bloody holes that were pierced through, and some of them even had their heads cut off.    


In this battle, many of the monsters suffered a terrible impact and were killed miserably.    


The many monsters of the Taoist Sect's small world were all killed and severely injured.    


As for the Evil Demon Clan's monsters, they were completely helpless against the cruel killing and torture of the many warriors of the Taoist Sect's small world.    


Under the suppression of God Yi Daoren's terrifying Divine Might, the Evil Demon Clan's monsters could not move at all. They could only be tortured in despair and killed.    


Faced with such a one-sided massacre, the army of monsters from the Evil Demon Clan was filled with regret.    


They regretted coming here, regretted following the Immortal Devil Gods into the small world of the Taoist sect.    


If they had not come here with their own strength, perhaps they would not have faced such a calamity.    


Many of the sage realm monsters were still surging with demonic aura, wanting to break free from the suppression of the Immortal Divine Might of Daoist True God and resist.    


At the same time, they also looked up at the sky with despair, a hint of hope in their eyes. They hoped that the Immortal Devil Gods of the Evil Demon Clan would tear through space and come to save them.    


However, this was clearly an extravagant hope.    


The Immortal Devil Gods of the small world of the Taoist sect who had come to slaughter the Evil Demon Clan had all died in battle. How could they possibly appear and save them?    


Moreover, even if the Immortal Devil Gods were still alive, how could they dare to confront Ao Lingchen and Daoist True God when they were facing the powerful Ao Lingchen and Daoist True God?    


In despair, the army of Evil Demons was killed one after another. Soon, all of them turned into corpses and fell on the ground where blood flowed like a river.    


At this moment, the ground of the small world of the Taoist sect had already turned into a crimson land.    


This was caused by the blood soaking the ground, causing the soil of this land to turn crimson.    


The blood had directly turned the ground of the small world of the Daoist sect into crimson soil. It could be seen how much blood had been spilled here.    


As they watched the evil demons being killed, the surviving Dao Gate martial artists roared, shouted, and wept madly.    


This battle was too painful for them.    


Because in this battle, many of their companions had become cold corpses.    


Even they had experienced extremely terrifying dangers before they were able to survive.    


This sort of survival after a calamity made many people cry.    


For most of the Dao Gate martial artists in the Dao Gate Small World, they had never experienced a war before. They had never seen the bloody and terrifying nature of war.    


Today’s calamity, this invasion of the evil demons’ great army, made the Dao Gate martial artists in this Dao Gate Small World thoroughly recognize war and understand the terror of war.    


This was not something that could be compared to ordinary strength.    


War was cold and ruthless. There was only ruthless slaughter and mad slaughter.    


In war, what welcomed them was always a sharp blade, and a cold knife from their enemies.    


One moment of carelessness and they would be decapitated.    


This was how many of their companions had been killed.    


After experiencing this battle, the Dao Gate martial artists truly saw war and paid a heavy price for it.    


At the same time, they finally understood just how tragic and dangerous the calamity that the Origin World was suffering at this moment was.    


After all, they were currently in the rear of the army, within the Origin World.    


The army of monsters that had invaded the small world of the Taoist Sect was only a small part of the war on the frontline.    


They were still suffering such a bloody massacre in the Origin World. It was easy to imagine how bloody the frontline was at this moment.    


Some people felt fear in their hearts because of this drastic change, and they became cowards.    


But there were also people who felt the tragic situation the Origin World was facing at this moment. Endless fighting spirit rose in their hearts, and they longed to go to the frontline to resist the army of demons.    


In comparison, there were more people who were like this.    


Because they all knew that they were all in the same boat. At this moment, the frontline of the Origin World was being attacked by the army of monsters of the Evil Demon Clan, and it was in a more tragic state.    


If they chose to hide in the rear because they were afraid, they would be slaughtered by the monsters of the Evil Demon Clan after the frontline was taken down.    


Compared to the cowards who stayed behind to live in misery, they were more willing to rush to the frontline and fight against the army of demons to stop the army of monsters.    


It had to be said that after this war, many warriors of the small world of the Taoist Sect had experienced a huge change in their mental state, and a huge transformation had occurred.    


After experiencing grief and fear, some people broke through their realms on the spot and became stronger.    


In this bloody war, the survivors all had more or less improved.    


Looking at the bloody scene below, and the change in the expressions of the people who survived in the small world of the Taoist gate, the emotions of Yi Daoren were also incomparably complicated.    


The impact of this calamity on the Taoist gate's small world was truly too tragic.    


However, Yi Daoren also understood what it meant for such a calamity to appear in the Taoist gate's small world.    


"It seems that the situation at the front line is even more serious than I imagined."    


Ao Lingchen looked at the bloody scene below, and recalled what he had seen and heard in the Origin World during this period of time. His heart became incomparably depressed, and he said in a low voice.    


The strongest force in the Eastern Wastelands, the Taoist gate, was currently being attacked by the great army of the Evil Demon Clan. It could be imagined how terrible the situation of the other forces in the Eastern Wastelands would be.    


With the Immortal True God guarding the Taoist gate's small world, if he had not come in time, he was afraid that the Evil Demon Clan's army would have destroyed it today.    


How would those forces without the Immortal True God guarding them be able to withstand the attack of the Evil Demon Clan's army?    


If the situation at the back of the Origin World had become like this, it could be imagined how serious the situation at the front line was.    


No matter what method they had, they would not allow the army of the Monster to invade their rear.    


"According to the intelligence from the frontlines, we have already taken over many frontlines. Only the border where the few Divine Dao Paragons are still holding the fort can barely withstand the charge of the Monster army. However, the Evil Demon Clan's Great Devil Gods are obviously more numerous. Those Divine Dao Paragons in our Origin World might not be able to stop them. I think that it is time for us to send our troops to the frontlines to fight."    


True God Yi Dao said with a serious expression. During this period of time, he had also collected a lot of intelligence from the frontlines, and he had a certain understanding of the terrible situation at the frontlines.    


It was precisely because he understood that True God Yi Dao was even more worried about the frontlines.    


If this continued, the frontlines would probably fall completely.    


Without the obstruction of the frontlines, the Evil Demon Clan's army would be able to charge straight into the Origin World.    


At that time, the Origin World would become a battlefield, and there would no longer be any place for peace.    


This crisis had already caused the Origin World to reach the precipice of a cliff.    


"Looks like I have to head to the frontlines as soon as possible. At the very least, with my ability, I can be of some help to the frontlines."    


Hearing Yi Dao's description, Ao Lingchen's mood became incomparably heavy.    


He knew that the situation at the frontlines right now would only be worse than what he knew.    


The scenes he had seen in the Origin World during this period of time, the tragic scenes, were all telling him how serious the situation at the frontlines was right now.    


If this continued, the front line would probably be broken.    


At that time, no one would be able to stop the monsters from entering the Origin World.    


In order to stop all of this, he would probably have to head to the front line.    


Ao Lingchen originally had the idea of going to the front line to deal with the monsters, but now, he had only made his plan earlier.    


Chapter 21 - The Origin of the World    


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