The Strongest Leveling System



After Long Xiaotian agreed to fight in the array with Zhao Wei, Long Xiaotian immediately sent a sound transmission to the Sound Transmission Stone.    


What he wished for the most was not to be in the Imperial City, but to be in the army. What he desired the most was to perform meritorious deeds for the Great Qian Dynasty, so that he wouldn't lose to his father, the Duke of Zhudong, in order to prevent others from talking too much.    


It was just that she did not think of Lin Wushuang last time when he was on the battlefield, and that Long Jiuzhou had forgotten about him during his personal battle. Because he was still young, she had placed him in the Imperial City to protect him.    


Now that Long Xiaotian wanted him to participate in the contest between him and the Fusang dynasty, although this was not a real battlefield, it was already the most desirable occasion for Wang Ying.    


The Fifth Prince is really kind, he didn't forget me, his brother! Wang Ying was ecstatic. There was nothing wrong with listening to Long Xiaotian's orders, because Long Xiaotian was the city guard of the imperial city.    


Not only was Wang Ying abnormally happy in his heart, these little brothers were also very happy.    


What they did not expect was that Long Xiaotian would actually give them face like this. If the old senior did not use one, and only used them, how could they not be happy?    


Each and every one of them walked into the Chinese Army Accounting with excitement in their hearts. Under the gazes of all the senior generals, they all felt incomparably honored.    


They saw that Long Xiaotian's eyes were burning with passion, and now that Long Xiaotian was so famous, he left these little brothers behind.    


Originally, they had felt that there was a bit of an advantage if they followed Long Xiaotian. After all, Long Xiaotian was a former trash and they had always felt that they were not inferior to Long Xiaotian.    


But now, was able to beat him up. Zha Ke was not someone to be trifled with, he was arrogant and despotic, but he had been humiliated again and again in front of Long Xiaotian!    


And right now, Long Xiaotian had received the highest level of cheers, as though all of the civil and military ministers were willing to support him. Amongst them, there were three who were the most dazzling: General Lin Wushuang, Grand Scholar Guan Yan, and even the Department's Minister, Dan Wenzong, had completely fallen for him!    


Would such a Long Xiaotian still remember his brothers? This made Wang Ying and the others suspicious.    


No! The truth proved that Long Xiaotian did not forget about them. In a situation like this, they were not required to come, but for their sake, Long Xiaotian rejected all of the Lingdao State generals' requests.    


Seeing that his brothers were already here, Long Xiaotian did not say anymore and immediately went through with the arrangements.    


Lin Wushuang did not say a word. His gaze was fixated on Long Xiaotian's every move, and the corners of his mouth slowly revealed a smile. It could be seen how satisfied Lin Wushuang was in his heart.    


If the formation that Long Xiaotian was using was really as powerful as he claimed, then the results of defeating the Lingdao State with a group of Body Refinement State could completely be recorded in history. Originally, the strong and the weak were distinct, but now that the group of youngsters had changed their history, they could even make these arrogant Fusang people lower their heads!    


The most important thing was whether or not the formation was this strong! According to Lin Wushuang's impression, although he had only seen the "Flood Dragon Goes to Sea Array" in his memory, he still had some impression of it. It seemed that it was indeed like this, but there were too many differences.    


This was something that Lin Wushuang did not know. Although Old Gray's experience was not enough to learn the "Flood Dragon Goes to Sea Array", he was not omnipotent.    


But he couldn't hold on with Long Xiaotian's help, could he? Once Long Xiaotian obtained the "Breaking Array Formula", he would be able to break through the formation. There were some that he wouldn't necessarily be able to understand, which could only be done under the guidance of the Old Gray.    


But the Old Gray was an expert, how could he not understand that he could use the "Breaking Array Formula" to deduce the secrets of the array?    


Of course, the Old Gray was not the number one array master in the Saint Origin universe. The array formation that he could reverse was, after all, the Lingdao State.    


As for "Flood Dragon Goes to Sea Array", it was actually a low level formation, Old Gray had very easily pushed it out and explained it to Long Xiaotian immediately.    


Honestly speaking, Long Xiaotian was still at 250 points with regards to the array. With a bottle of water not yet filled to the brim, and a half bottle hanging in the air, he relied on the Old Gray to draw a picture of the array. finally understood.    


This was also thanks to the power of the system, it was really worth it to say that the "heterophthalmos Scanning Technique" of 10,000 crystals had been used multiple times, allowing Long Xiaotian's eyesight to improve greatly, which was why he was able to record these array diagrams.    


As far as Long Xiaotian was concerned, with the Old Gray in his mind, he could receive the Old Gray's pointers at any time, so he was naturally confident of breaking through the formation. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so stupid as to accept Zhao Wei's challenge.    


Breaking the array only required two points, one needed to understand the array, and that was life and death, and Long Xiaotian had these two now.    


Although he understood the Old Gray, and could only imitate it, there was no difference between this and his understanding.    


In reality, Long Xiaotian had still miscalculated a little, that the person who obtained his array diagram needed to understand formations. He felt that he did not need to ask, that these children of the family of generals did not even know this?    


In fact, there were some people who didn't understand, but these noble sons and daughters were all extremely talented people. They were determined to fight for the sake of blood, so they had long since learned the mysteries of array formations from their fathers and grandfathers.    


Because they were already prepared to become a pillar of the Great Qian Dynasty, and formation techniques were something that they had to master, so they had good formation techniques.    


Compared to those seniors, although their attainments in formations could not be considered outstanding, it was still relatively easy to execute according to Long Xiaotian's orders.    


Seeing that his brothers were all elated and were full of energy to fight with the armies of Fusang dynasty, Long Xiaotian couldn't help but be secretly happy in his heart: If the morale is good, there is no doubt that we will win!    


He suddenly recalled that he was still missing a role. In order to ensure victory, he had to be prepared.    


Then let me be the role? Long Xiaotian suddenly saw one of the people on both sides lowering his head with an unhappy expression. He couldn't help but laugh in his heart: "It's him."    


"First Commander Lin!" Long Xiaotian shouted.    


Lin Yi was first stupefied in his heart. Could it be that the Fifth Prince hasn't forgotten me?    


Although he really wanted to participate in this competition and give Long Xiaotian a hand, seeing that these seniors and generals were rejected by Long Xiaotian, he opened his mouth wide and retreated dejectedly.    


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