Killing God In Another World

C265 Behind the Scenes

C265 Behind the Scenes

"What?!" The Duobao Sect s were all shocked, and the disciples had even stirred up a commotion. Only the three sect masters were relatively calm, and even though this result was extremely shocking, they were still able to hold it in.    


"This is impossible, could it be that the people from Ice River Valley are really going against the heavens?!" Lu Dong couldn't help but ask Nie Zhen.    


"We only get 800 points when we get together, could Ice River Valley people get together as well? This is impossible, there must be something strange about it! " Soong Dong'er felt that the person from Ice River Valley must have used some sort of crafty scheme.    


Nie Zhen thought for a while and roughly guessed the reason. He didn't show any emotion and tried to comfort his peers, "Calm down, everyone. We will discuss this matter later. Do not let others see it as a joke."    


Only after hearing Nie Zhen say so did everyone calm down. They all knew Nie Zhen's temper, since Nie Zhen said so, he probably already knew the whole story.    


At this time, Lin Wuhui laughed: "Hehe... "Since the results have already been announced, let me announce that we will hold the second and final round of matches in three days in this martial ring. Does anyone have any objections?"    


Seeing that the other two great sects didn't have any objections, Lin Wuhui bid his farewells to the crowd, then led the group of people with Origin Sect out of the training grounds.    


The disciples of Duobao Sect were also preparing to leave under Zhuo Bufan's lead. Before they left, they met Bing Tianya and the others, and Zhuo Bufan smiled at Bing Tianya and said: "Valley Master Bing, this time, I want to congratulate you guys too. Your disciples' performance is excellent, congratulations."    


Your Duobao Sect disciple has the same grade as us, and we're both in the same boat. My fellow disciples, Duobao Sect, this competition has been very difficult, and I'm really anxious to go back and rest up, so we'll catch up in three days. "    


With that, Bing Tianya brought the disciples from Ice River Valley out of the training grounds and returned to his own faction's house.    


Zhuo Bufan gave the Ice River Valley people a deep look, then brought the Duobao Sect people to wait, before returning to his own room for a meeting.    


Upon entering the room, Qin Wuyan could no longer sit still, and immediately said to Liu Tie: "Master, the Ice River Valley people must have something strange, this time we were able to get the perfect score, other than Junior Brother Nie's medicinal liquid, it's also because we ran into the lair of a spirit beast and gathered them together, thus we were able to get such results. Just based on those two leading disciples? "Why didn't you object at that time?!"    


Most of the people from Duobao Sect also agreed with Qin Wuyan's words. They felt extremely unreconciled.    


However, he was not as angry as the Duobao Sect disciples. Liu Tie half closed his eyes, glanced around at the Duobao Sect disciples, and then, locked his gaze onto Nie Zhen, and said to him: "Nephew Nie, look at your expression, you already know what happened, right?"    


Nie Zhen didn't say anything, but he nodded.    


Zhuo Bufan said lightly: "Since that's the case, then you can explain it to your peers."    


After Nie Zhen received the order, he explained to his fellow disciples: "Everyone, do you remember, in the third round of the competition, the result of Origin Sect was greatly reduced, and it almost reached the lowest level in history. Although the people of Origin Sect looked extremely unwilling, they did not shout out, especially the higher ups of their sects, they did not reprimand their own disciples for making such a disgraceful result?"    


Everyone recalled that it was as Nie Zhen said. The situation was indeed very strange, but at that time, everyone's minds were muddled by the impending victory, so they didn't pay much attention to it.    


Nie Zhen continued: "I already thought it was weird at the time, but I didn't expect Origin Sect to be so despicable, and that they would actually have the determination to sacrifice themselves to stop my Duobao Sect from winning the championship."    


"Junior Brother Nie, what do you mean? Could it be that the performance of the Ice River Valley is related to the Origin Sect?! " Soong Dong'er said excitedly.    


Nie Zhen nodded his head, and explained: "Actually, this matter is not that complicated, everyone did not think that it was just because everyone underestimated the determination of the Origin Sect to suppress my Duobao Sect. If I'm not wrong, the disciples of the Origin Sect should have given most of their spirit beast cores to the disciples of the Ice River Valley, which resulted in the total score of the Ice River Valley disciples being as high as eight hundred points."    


"What?!" How can Origin Sect be so despicable and shameless?! " Soong Dong'er became furious after listening to his explanation. Nie Zhen had analyzed it thoroughly and convinced the big boss without even thinking.    


"This Ice River Valley is also not a good thing. For a person from the Origin Sect to actually join hands with someone from the Ice River Valley is truly too shameless!" Qin Wuyan also said angrily.    


Everyone in the Duobao Sect expressed endless anger towards the actions of the two sects joining hands. Some people even shouted out that they wanted to investigate the two sects' vile behavior.    


Nie Zhen tried to calm them down, "Calm down, fellow disciples. I believe the three sect masters guessed all this early on when the results were announced. The reason they didn't pursue the matter was definitely because of their own considerations. Everyone, listen to our seniors."    


Zhuo Bufan and the rest looked at Nie Zhen admiringly. Amongst all the disciples, Nie Zhen was indeed the one who was the calmest.    


When the disciples heard Nie Zhen's words, they gradually quietened down, and everyone looked at Zhuo Bufan and the others. San Wu looked at each other, and finally, Zhuo Bufan opened his mouth and said: "It is indeed as Nephew Nie said, from the beginning of the results, we saw that there was something fishy, but this matter is truly beyond our control, because at the end of the day, this is just our guesses, even if we were to let this matter go and the other two sects come and refuse to admit it, we will not be able to do anything, we will still offend the two sects for no reason."    


Nie Zhen added: "Moreover, this matter isn't actually any violation of the rules. Although their actions are repulsive, the rules allow it, Origin Sect sacrifice one's points to complete the task, and even if we put it bluntly, they will suffer losses, although we know that Origin Sect is used to fulfill the goal of stopping us, these kinds of words cannot be put on the surface."    


Rather than saying that this Origin Sect is a conspiracy, it's more appropriate to say that it's an overt scheme. If this matter is bad, then so be it, even if their actions are exposed, at worst, they will be looked down upon by the people from the Duobao Sect, and they won't make any regular mistakes. To put it bluntly, whoever I want to give the Orb to, can your Duobao Sect control it?    


"Don't tell me we are going to suffer a loss due to this mute?!" Qin Wuyan was still unwilling to accept it.    


"Even if he doesn't want to, he still has to …" Zhuo Bufan laughed bitterly: "After all, our Duobao Sect has gotten a perfect score this time, so it's normal for us to encounter the fear of the two sects. Originally, Origin Sect is not something that would sacrifice ourselves to achieve Ice River Valley, but the first two rounds of Origin Sect had already lost all standards, causing them to not have any expectations of becoming champions, thus they ended up committing self-mutilation."    


"Damn it! Ice River Valley is normally a mediocre attitude, I never thought that it would actually vent its anger along with Origin Sect! " This time, Soong Dong'er even scolded him with Ice River Valley.    


Nie Zhen said with a bitter smile: "We can't blame Ice River Valley entirely, after all our Duobao Sect's advantage is too great, and it is understandable that they would be afraid. Just at this time, Origin Sect actually took the initiative to give us their points, if we are people of Ice River Valley, then there's no reason for us to reject, right?"    


Although this was the logic behind it, everyone still found it hard to swallow their anger, and their faces were full of indignation.    


At this time, Zhuo Bufan also added: "I still have some understanding towards Bing Tianya, so he should not have been clear about this matter in the beginning, because when the results of the Ice River Valley disciples were announced, other than a pleasant surprise, he also revealed a puzzled expression. It is clear that he does not know why the Ice River Valley disciples obtained a perfect score, and if my guess is not wrong, it should be the Origin Sect disciples who took advantage of everyone's not noticing to secretly contact the Ice River Valley disciples, and gave them the pellets."    


In reality, Zhuo Bufan and the rest weren't particularly angry with Ice River Valley. After all, the other person hadn't taken the initiative to use any tricks against Duobao Sect, and in the end, they had only accepted some of the Origin Sect's good intentions.    


The cause of everything was actually Origin Sect, but what was unexpected was that the hatred and resentment Origin Sect had reached such a state, to the point where they would rather sacrifice their own achievements than give up their own.    


Don't look at Origin Sect like that, actually, Origin Sect's sacrifice this time was also very big. Although the fate of being at the bottom of the Origin Sect cannot be avoided, there was still a need to pay attention to just how many points one would get at the bottom.    


The total score of Origin Sect was currently seven hundred and fifty, and it was very likely that the Origin Sect would end the entire exchange competition with a score of around a thousand. This would be a disgraceful result, as it would be recorded in the history of Origin Sect in an extremely shameful manner.    


Although this result was out of the strategic goal of restraining Duobao Sect, achievement itself was still extremely embarrassing. Moreover, if it wasn't because of the lack of Origin Sect, why would one need to use Ice River Valley to restrain Duobao Sect?    


So in the end, the upper echelons of the Origin Sect, especially the sect master led by Lin Wuhui, would still have to bear a large amount of pressure and humiliation.    


Zhuo Bufan waved his hand, and said to the disciples: "All of you disciples have seen through the scheme of Origin Sect, although the matter is annoying, but Origin Sect has after all completely lost all qualifications to participate in the competition, so we still have to keep our eyes open for the long term, and in the end, our Duobao Sect still has the advantage, so it's useless to be angry. Everyone, let's discuss about the second round battle three days from now.    


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