War God Returns

C229 They Are Taking over the Business World of Sea City Base!

C229 They Are Taking over the Business World of Sea City Base!

When Shen Ze and the others arrived at Mu's Building, Liu Yanshu had already arrived early and was waiting at the entrance of the building.    


Seeing Shen Ze in a suit and shoes getting out of the car, Liu Yanshu immediately came in front of Shen Ze with a smile and greeted him, "Good morning, Mr. Shen!"    


Shen Ze nodded at Liu Yanshu and then walked into Mu's Building.    


Qin Chao, who got out of the car, smiled meaningfully at Liu Yanshu and followed Shen Ze.    


Liu Yanshu immediately followed behind Shen Ze respectfully.    


Liu Yanshu smiled as he walked. "Mr. Shen, I learned that the Mu family held a press conference today to establish a company. I used my ability to inform all the local entrepreneurs, tycoons, and businessmen to attend today's press conference. At the same time, I also informed all the newspapers that they would send reporters today."    


After listening to Liu Yanshu's words, Shen Ze said lightly, "Well done."    


After getting Shen Ze's approval, Liu Yanshu was very happy in his heart. He was full of smiles. "I will do my best to help Mr. Shen."    




The press conference was held in the hall on the ground floor of Mu's Building.    


At this moment, there were already some people gathered here.    


Because it was still early in the morning, most of the people present were reporters from various newspapers. They were setting up a plane.    


Liu Yanshu was the City Head of Hai City. His rallying ability in the local area was the greatest.    


With his personal invitation, those local entrepreneurs and wealthy people would more or less give him some face and attend the press conference held by Mu family today.    


Of course, most of them only came to watch the show.    


Because Zhou Qian Sun, Li Family, and Li Family had formed a four-cauldron chamber of commerce together and recruited almost all the local merchants under their banner.    


Today, the Mu family had established the Mu's Chamber of Commerce. Clearly, it was founded by the four families of Zhou Qian, Sun, and Li.    


The competition between the two sides was like a fight between gods.    


They, these small fishes and shrimps, had to find out whether the Mu family could defeat the four great families, Zhou Qian, Sun, and Li. Otherwise, they wouldn't dare to turn their backs on them.    




The press conference would start at 10 o'clock. There was still an hour left.    


After entering the building, Shen Ze, who liked peace and quiet, brought Qin Chao to a lounge and drank tea to recover his senses.    


Liu Yanshu consciously stopped following Shen Ze. Instead, he gathered together with Mu Yunfeng, the new leader of Mu family.    


Liu Yanshu could already tell that the Mu family was completely on Shen Ze's side.    


With the help of Great General, Shen Ze, Zhou Qian Sun, and Li Family would certainly be destroyed, and the Mu family would definitely become the number one family in Hai City.    


Before that, Liu Yanshu would naturally try his best to establish a good relationship with the Mu family.    


In the future, when the Mu family reached the top, he would be able to secure the position of the Hai City's City Head.    




As time passed, local entrepreneurs, aristocrats, and celebrities arrived at the venue of the press conference one after another.    


There were more and more people in the hall, and the atmosphere became more and more lively.    


Unknowingly, it was already 10 o'clock.    


Once the time was up, Shen Ze brought Qin Chao out of the lounge and into the hall.    


At this time, Mu Yunfeng had already taken a seat behind the news station.    


Shen Ze walked straight over and sat beside Mu Yunfeng.    


"This young man is Shen Ze, right?"    


"Yes, he is the Shen Ze who has stirred up a storm in Hai City recently!"    


Shen Ze had now become an influential figure in Hai City. As soon as he appeared, everyone's eyes gathered on him.    


All the cameras were aimed at him.    


Shen Ze's expression was calm and unhurried.    


He did not care about those sizing eyes and all kinds of discussions. He turned his head and said softly to Mu Yunfeng, "Second Master, let's begin!"    




Mu Yunfeng nodded. He cleared his throat, took the microphone, and began to speak.    


"Today, the Mu family has invited all our business friends. Reporter friends have come here to share a good thing with everyone."    


"The Mu family has established a company. From today onwards, the Mu's Chamber of Commerce will officially be established."    


"That's all I want to say. If you have any questions, you can ask them."    


The people who came today had already known that the Mu family had established a chamber of commerce. They had expected Mu Yunfeng to announce the establishment of the Mu's Chamber of Commerce. They appeared very calm.    


"Mr. Mu Yunfeng, did the Mu family establish the Mu's merchant association to deal with the Four Furnace Merchant Association established by Zhou Qian, Sun, and Li families?"    


There were reporters present who didn't find the matter too serious and asked such a question.    


This reporter obviously knew how to create a hot topic. The moment he came, he raised the explosive question that everyone was concerned about.    


Everyone present looked at Mu Yunfeng in unison.    


Obviously, everyone was very curious about how he would answer.    


Mu Yunfeng really did not think about this question. He did not answer at the first moment. Instead, he fell into deep thought.    


At this moment, Shen Ze, who was sitting next to Mu Yunfeng, took over the topic in front of him and said indifferently, "The Mu's Chamber of Commerce was not established to deal with the Four Furnace Chamber of Commerce."    


"In a few days, the four families of Zhou Qian, Sun, and Li will cease to exist, and the Four Furnace Chamber of Commerce that they established will naturally disappear as well."    


"The Four Furnace Chamber of Commerce is already something that doesn't exist, so how can there be anything against it?"    


"The Mu's Chamber of Commerce has only one goal. "That is to take over the entire business world of Hai City."    


Shen Ze spoke calmly and seriously as if he was stating the truth.    


After everyone present heard this, they looked at each other without saying a word.    


This young man with unknown origins was too confident, wasn't he?    


Yesterday at the Qing Qiu cemetery, he threatened to eradicate Zhou Qian, Sun, and Li Families. Today, he expressed the same thoughts and views.    


He was so confident that it was admirable.    


But respect is respect, can you believe what you just said?    


Zhou Qian Sun, Li Family, and Li Family are together. It was not something that could be easily eradicated.    


Even if you killed a lot of people from Sun family and Zhou Tianming, the head of the Zhou Family.    


However, the four great families of Zhou, Qian, Sun, and Li still existed. They did not harm their foundation and still stood at the top of the Hai City.    


Before the huge mountain of Zhou, Sun, and Li families collapsed completely, all they could say was to shout slogans. They looked very pale and powerless.    


Thinking of this, everyone present felt that Shen Ze's words were enough, and they could not believe it.    


Shen Ze did not care what everyone thought.    


He then said, "Mu's Chamber of Commerce only welcomes innocent entrepreneurs to join. If you have a stain on yourself, don't come and join in the fun."    


When Shen Ze said this, those entrepreneurs who had a stain on their reputation immediately showed a disdainful and unhappy expression.    


What bullshit Mu's Chamber of Commerce? If you kneel down and beg me, I won't join!    


They were very dissatisfied in their hearts, but they didn't dare to express it. They could only silently curse in their hearts.    


Mu Yunfeng was shocked when Shen Ze said it so straightforwardly, but he did not have any objections.    


Seeing the crowd quieten down, he said, "Mr. Shen has answered this question for me. I will not answer it. Does anyone have any other questions?"    


"I do!"    


As soon as Mu Yunfeng finished speaking, an angry voice came from the door.    


When everyone heard the voice, they all turned around to look.    


"President Sun is here!"    


"Is the man walking with him the head of the dojo, Wu Xuan?"    


There was a commotion in the hall.    


Suen Jie and Wu Xuan had come!    


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