Dan and Martial God of the Other World



Especially Yun Qianhao, that once peerlessly talented youth. Although he had been crippled for three years and the dazzling light enveloping his body had long since been extinguished, the youth's blood vitality still remained.    


Seeing his father kneeling outside the door, and that the dignified City Lord of Yueling City was also forced to kneel outside the door, Yun Qianhao originally had some resentment in his heart.    


However, at this moment, Yun Qianhao's eyes were different. This Mr Mo seemed to have a different view than what he had originally thought.    


"I beg of Mr Mo to help."    


Yun Zhenhai pleaded again. For the sake of his son being able to stand up, he was willing to pay the price of having 30% chance of winning.    


"Dad, no, I definitely can't accept this!"    


Yun Qianhao shook his head. Even if he could really stand up, he wouldn't accept it if his father had to sit in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, let alone 30% of the time.    


Du Shaomu looked at the Yun Family father and son duo, and in the end, his gaze fell on Yun Zhenhai. He said: "Do you know why you vomited blood three days ago?"    


Hearing Du Shaomu's sudden words, Yun Zhenhai was stunned. Yun Qianhao was also stunned.    


"It shouldn't be a big deal. I've been feeling a bit tired recently, and I'm feeling a bit impatient now."    


Yun Zhenhai said. Three days ago, when he heard that his son couldn't stand up anymore and couldn't cultivate anymore, he became anxious and spat out some blood. It shouldn't be a big deal.    


"It was my son who was unfilial."    


Yun Qianhao was blaming himself endlessly. His father ran all over the place because of him, and he was so tired that he vomited blood.    


"Go through your heart, liver, and sandalwood for a look." Wu said to Yun Zhenhai.    


Hearing this, Yun Zhenhai was slightly surprised, but he still did as he was told. The Yuan Qi in his body rushed towards the three acupoints.    


"Hmph …"    


As soon as the Yuan Qi passed through his three acupoints, Yun Zhenhai's body shuddered as if he had been struck by lightning. His face instantly turned deathly pale as he let out a groan and almost spat out another mouthful of blood.    


"Mr Mo, I'm …"    


Yun Zhenhai was trying to hold back the surging blood flow in his chest as he looked at Du Shaomu. The expression in his eyes completely changed as he felt that something was wrong.    


"Your question is neither big nor small. If my guess is correct, in these three years, your blood and vitality have frequently been in disorder, and you have been suffering from respiratory distress. Your cultivation has not advanced at all, and you seem to be on the verge of falling, am I right?" Du Shaomu asked Yun Zhenhai.    


"How did Mr Mo know?"    


Yun Zhenhai was completely shocked. These things weren't really a big problem, so he didn't tell anyone and how did Mr Mo know about it.    


"For the past three years, you've been worrying about your son day and night." For the past three years, you've been worrying about your son day and night.    


Du Shaomu sighed slightly. These were not big problems, but Yun Zhenhai had spent the past three years worrying day and night. It would be weird if there were no problems for his son.    


"Actually, that's nothing. As long as my son Qianhao has the chance, even if it means taking my life, I will not hesitate."    


Yun Zhenhai smiled bitterly. He didn't pay much attention to his own problems.    


"Father, your son is unfilial!"    


Yun Qianhao's eyes were already wet. This was all because of him, otherwise, how could his father be like this? These three years, he clearly knew how much his father had done for him.    


"Silly child, you are my son and I am your father. I also promised your dead mother that I would raise you well and watch you get married and have children in the future. That is what I must do, otherwise, how will I have the face to see your mother again in the underworld?"    


He lightly patted his shoulder and then turned to Du Shaomu, his eyes tough. The more he felt something was wrong, the more worried he became, so he pleaded, "Mr Mo, I hope that Mr Mo can help me with my meridian channels and dantian's Qi Sea."    


"Father, don't …"    


Yun Qianhao's eyes were moist. His fatherly love was as heavy as a mountain, so heavy that he couldn't even speak. However, it seemed like he really needed it.    


"Sigh …"    


Looking at the father and son, Du Shaomu sighed, and said to Yun Zhenhai: "Your problem is actually nothing, you have knelt for three days and two nights, wholeheartedly begging for a chance for your son, but in these three days, you have calmed down, and now, I will help you fix the needles, open the sandalwood, heart and liver, these three acupoints, and it will be twice the result with half the effort, the problem will be solved by itself, and after that, it will benefit your cultivation a lot, so take off your clothes."    


Yun Zhenhai was stunned. His pale face was as if a wooden chicken. For a moment, he was unable to recover from his shock.    


"Dad, take off your shirt, Mr Mo will give you acupuncture to clear your acupoints."    


Yun Qianhao said loudly to his father, his self-reproaching face turning to surprise.    


Yun Zhenhai was stunned. He was still in a daze as he took off his shirt.    


With Du Shaomu's acupuncture, medical needle flew up and landed on Yun Zhenhai's body.    


"Boom …"    


Not long after his three acupoints were opened, Yun Zhenhai's pale face turned red. From within his body, a vigorous Qi flowed and the green water vitality light on his body exploded.    


"I feel like I'm about to break through!"    


Yun Zhenhai could not hold back his surprise. He had not felt this feeling of wanting to break through for a whole three years. To cultivators, there was nothing that could be compared to the temptation of advancing further after breaking through.    


At this moment, Yun Zhenhai had already regained some of his consciousness. He looked at Du Shaomu, unable to control the waves in his heart.    


In these three years, his cultivation did not advance at all, and even showed signs of retreating.    


However, he didn't care. His heart was only for his son.    


However, this did not mean that he really did not care. It was just that in his heart, his son was far more important than him.    


He had originally come here with his son to ask for a chance for him, but who would have thought that he would end up with three acupoints opened up in the end? This opportunity was simply too great.    


"Mr Mo …"    


Yun Zhenhai opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Du Shaomu, "There are no problems with you for the time being. After going through three acupoints, there will be many benefits for your cultivation. You will know when the time comes."    


"Mr Mo …"    


Yun Qianhao felt ashamed at the moment.    


To tell the truth, he had been feeling terrible when he watched his father kneel for three days and two nights. What kind of person was his father? When had his father ever kneeled before someone as subservient as this?    


Plus, his father knelt for three days and two nights, but Mr Mo was indifferent. Even though he knew his father was blaming himself for him, as his son, he naturally felt that Mr Mo was a cold person.    


Plus, when he saw Ye Mingchao kneeling at the door for two days and two nights, he felt even more cold and heartless towards Mr Mo.    


But now, Yun Qianhao completely understood that the reason why Mr Mo wanted City Lord Ye Mingchao to kneel at the entrance was purely to protect City Lord Ye's legs. After that, not only did it solve City Lord Ye's problem, it even fixed his martial arts on the future.    


Mr Mo was indifferent to his father. In fact, he had been helping from the beginning. If it wasn't for his father pretending to be indifferent, why would he kneel for three days and two nights with a calm heart?    


Just now, Mr Mo had solved his father's problem and opened up three acupoints. This was a huge favor, but he hated himself for actually feeling cold and unfeeling towards Mr Mo.    


"Thank you, Mr Mo. I am unable to repay you for your kindness. However, forgive Yun Zhenhai for wanting to request for Mr Mo to help. I'm afraid that he will not be able to repay Mr Mo's kindness."    


Yun Zhenhai was very grateful. Mr Mo had just solved his problem and had even helped him to open three acupoints. What a lucky chance this was.    


However, in Yun Zhenhai's heart, he was still willing to exchange for his son that 30% chance.    


So what if he became stronger? His son was more important to him than anything else.    


"Get up."    


He then stepped in front of Yun Qianhao and said: "The person who hurt you at that time thought that you would never be able to stand up again in your entire life, do you want to stand up again, do you want to start training again and become a strong warrior? Do you want to one day take revenge with your own hands, and take back the justice that belongs to you with your own hands?"    


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