Supreme Son-in-law

C713 Origin Magnetism Formation

C713 Origin Magnetism Formation



Xuanyuan Daqi's expression changed, and all the officials in the Imperial Court looked terrified.    


An army of over two million soldiers?    


What kind of terrifying power was this?    


It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that they could plow the entire Chaosworld of the Other Shore.    


Could the Xuanyuan Great Domain really stop it?    


At this moment, no one had the confidence to do so.    


Xuanyuan Daqi narrowed his eyes, "We still have hope of victory."    


"Drive out all the warships and send out all our forces! We will use the human wave tactic to crush them to death."    


"At the critical moment of Dynasty, each of you hand over your private soldiers and battleships!"    


No one dared to object.    


Objection at this time was akin to courting death!    


Very quickly, a trillion soldiers stood guard at the front line.    


Over fifty million warships lined up in an orderly fashion. Each warship was equipped with over a hundred cannons. The magnetic star outside the Emperor Star of Xuanyuan was activated, and a huge protective shield was erected.    


Xuanyuan Daqi had long guessed that this would happen, so he had been building the Emperor Star these days.    


If he really lost, he would bring everyone along with him.    


Even if he died, he wouldn't leave any resources for them.    


He had already thought about it.    


More than two million troops, as well as the remaining 70 billion troops and tens of millions of warships of the three dynasties.    


"Where are the scouts? Pull them out and kill them!"    


Xuanyuan Daqi was furious. "Missing my army!"    


He originally thought that there was only two million soldiers in the united army, but the enemy clearly still had an ordinary army.    


"Hit them hard!"    


Xuanyuan Daqi shouted. He was wearing golden armor. The Spiritual Origin Holy Sword was hanging on his waist, looking majestic and majestic. However, at this moment, killing intent was overflowing between his brows.    


Boom! Boom! Boom! "    


Without giving the enemy any chance to prepare, trillions of cannonballs were fired, densely packed together, their tongues of flame covering the void.    


"Open the protective shield and counterattack fiercely!"    


"Bang! Bang! Bang.    


However, no one had expected that when the cannonballs neared the Xuanyuan Imperial Star, they would deviate from their trajectory and fall!    


"What... what's going on?"    


Zhang Ze frowned. At this moment, the scout whispered something into his ear, and he instantly understood.    


It was the magnetic force.    


The Xuanyuan Imperial Star was a huge magnetic star, and it was surrounded by countless small magnetic stars in Emperor Star. It was spinning in a mysterious way.    


The Heaven Origin Magnetic Array!    


A transcendent formation that could only be broken by a transcendent power!    


In this way, the thought of colliding with it would cause one to die in the womb. Not to mention exploding, even the defensive barrier of the Emperor Star could not be touched.    


As a result, the enemy's cannonballs would not have eyes!    






One after another, their own battleships were continuously knocked down.    


Everyone in Xuanyuan Great Domain cheered. Only now did they know how wise the Emperor's previous arrangements were!    


Now that the other party couldn't even take the side of the protective shield, how could they continue fighting?    


Exhausting them to death!    


"Explode ferociously!"    


Xuanyuan Daqi didn't look happy at all. Instead, he was even more cautious than before. He had been observing from the side and didn't know how many emperors had come this time.    


Two or three emperors?    


His left hand was firmly holding the sword hilt. As long as there was something wrong, he would attack without hesitation!    


After a few dozen rounds of collisions, other than a few cannonballs landing on the protective shield, it did not matter at all.    


On their side, the losses were huge. A tenth of the battleships were bombarded.    


"Marshal Zhang, such losses are useless. We'll all be destroyed sooner or later. It's better to let the Convergence Army do it."    


Yao Zhi said.    


Zhang Ze thought for a moment and nodded. "Let them attack. One hundred people in one group. Try to stop the cannonballs as much as possible. When they get close, they attack fiercely with ten thousand people in one group!"    


"Warships follow behind the army. If we close the distance, we should be able to break through the repulsive force of magnetic force."    


"Guarding Emperor Legion, charge!"    


Two million Royal Protection Legion, five hundred thousand Demon God Army, one hundred thousand God Spirit Legion!    


Three distinct camps charged forward at the cost of trillions of cannonballs.    


"Form up!"    


A huge shield condensed to block a cannonball!    


The battleship followed behind them and charged forward!    


"What does the captain eat? Don't randomly aim and aim!"    


Xuanyuan Daqi roared angrily.    


"Boom! Boom! Bang!    


Although the cannonballs were powerful, the experts of Returning to Oneness were originally a high-end combat power. With so many of them gathered together, they were simply unable to break through the defense.    


"Bring Zhen's Xuanyuan Bow over."    


"Yes, Your Majesty!"    


Not long after, dozens of powerhouses carrying a golden bow walked over.    


Just like the Jiang Family, the Xuan Yuan Bow was the real treasure of the Xuan Yuan Family!    


Xuanyuan Daqi grabbed the golden bow with one hand and pulled the bowstring with the other. The Xuan Yuan Bow was drawn with magic power and the power of the Primordial Spirit was used as an arrow.    


"Old friend, I haven't used you for a long time. You must be very lonely in the Ancestral Shrine, right?"    


"Buzz, buzz, buzz!"    


The golden bow trembled violently, as if it was responding to Xuanyuan Daqi!    


"Let's fight together today. Zhen doesn't want to be the ruler of a fallen country, and you don't want to be the weapon of a fallen country, right?"    


Xuanyuan Daqi laughed loudly, pulling out the full moon!    




The Primordial Spirit arrow was drawn!    




It tore through the void. This sword exceeded time and space, colliding with the shield of the hundred-man formation.    


The shield was instantly torn apart, and hundreds of people vomited blood at the same time.    


This was the power of the Xuanyuan Bow!    


"Haha, its power is not any less than it was in the past!"    


Swoosh! Swoosh! Whiz! "    


Arrows after arrows, the shield was as fragile as paper.    


Disgusting flaming crow! "    




An arrow shot down a Golden Crow that had set the entire world on fire.    




Another one!    


Everyone looked at him with admiration. One man, one bow, one arrow, killed one expert after another!    


"That bow and arrow are Transcendental Treasures, right?"    


Mo Yang said with some envy.    


"Looking at the power, it should be."    


"Two Transcendental Treasures. These Imperial Family are so rich!"    


Bei Yang said.    


"The richer they are, the greater our harvest will be."    


Yuan Yang smiled. This time, they had come again, but this time, they didn't bring Chen Xiu and the others with them.    


This level of battle was too terrifying. Even a united expert was just cannon fodder.    


"Have you thought of a battle plan?"    


"Not yet."    


Yuan Yang shook his head. "It's not that simple this time. It's very difficult to snatch the Transcendental Treasures from their hands without batting an eyelid. We have deduced many methods, and the success rate is less than half."    


"This sovereign will probably make his move, right?"    


"I don't know!"    


Yuan Yang rubbed his nose. Up until now, their combat strength was somewhat unable to keep up, even if he was holding the Mixed Origin Sword in his hand!    


After the Mixed Origin Sword swallowed the Asura Tower and Flat Heaven Mirror, it was only a sliver away from breaking through to a high-grade Transcendental Treasure.    


The power of killing was very strong. The most important thing was that the Mixed Origin Sword still had a super strong strength.    


It could transform into four swords, but it still wouldn't drop out of the Transcendental Treasure's level.    


It also inherited the ability of Heaven Level and Asura Tower!    


This was even more abnormal!    


When the four swords were combined together, it would be a top middle-grade Transcendental Treasure, and when it spread out, it would be a low-grade Transcendental Treasure!    


This way, Yuan Yang, Mo Yang, Bei Yang and Yang Fo each had a sword. When necessary, they could form a Mixed Origin Sword Formation, and it would be difficult to break through without the power of the Three Sovereigns!    


"Let's wait and see. Let them fight to the death first."    


Yuan Yang said, "Jian Yang and the others will observe the surroundings in a while. Be careful that there are hidden enemies ambushing us from behind!"    


"No problem!"    


Jian Yang and the others nodded.    


After finalizing the plan, the group carefully observed the battle.    


Xuanyuan Daqi was holding the Xuanyuan Bow in his hand, and he was able to kill every single one of them. He had the courage to kill every single one of them, and he had the courage to kill every single one of them.    


He had killed so many enemies that they were terrified!    


The cannonballs bombarded the battlefield, and the situation was extremely intense!    


Zhang Ze and Yao Zhi saw this and were anxious in their hearts!    


At this moment, a voice sounded, "Xuanyuan Daqi, today is the day you die!"    




The space was torn apart. A huge seal landed on the Heaven Origin Magnetic Array.    


The array shook violently, and the loud noise made everyone in the protective shield feel dizzy.    


Many of the small magnetic stars had deviated from their orbit.    


"Zhang Baili, you shameless villain. We agreed that each person would have a Transcendental Treasure, but in the end, you secretly cheated the Tao Chopping Blade that belongs to me!"    


Xuanyuan Daqi gnashed his teeth in hatred, "I will definitely kill you!"    




The Primordial Spirit arrow shot out, surpassing a hundred times the speed of light!    




Emperor Zhang shattered the arrow with a stamp, "This emperor's words are absolute, how could I cheat your Tao Chopping Blade!"    




As he spoke, the Heavenly Emperor Treasure Seal once again struck the grand formation, "Emperor Yao, don't watch the show, finish it quickly!"    


"Yao Taiyi! You greedy bastard. When you surrounded Emperor Jiang, you tried to monopolize two Transcendental Treasures by yourself, but in the end, Emperor Jiang escaped. This is retribution!"    


"You shouldn't be able to sleep well right now. Are you afraid that Emperor Jiang will take revenge on you?"    


Xuanyuan Daqi laughed wildly. His strength had long been raised to the Transcendence Stage by the Spiritual Origin Holy Sword!    




The Transcendence Stage arrow pierced through the void. This arrow didn't shoot towards Emperor Yao, but towards Emperor Zhang instead.    


Emperor Zhang was prepared for this, so he easily blocked the attack.    


Both of them had also advanced to the Transcendence Stage!    


"Treasure, please turn around!"    


Countless divine lights gushed out, forming a cold Flying Dagger.    


These Flying Daggers were actually a... And this Flying Dagger was a high-grade Transcendental Treasure. These Treasure Gourds were also high-grade Transcendental Treasures. When combined together, they were actually top-grade Transcendental Treasures!    


It was just that no one knew about this!    


One hand could be held in the middle of the Flying Dagger, and endless killing intent gathered!    


It formed an attack with the word 'Zhi', and collided with the grand array.    


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"    


With a single strike, countless magnetic stars exploded. The Heaven Origin Magnetic Array was also gradually weakening!    


Xuanyuan Daqi's expression turned cold. He knew that the grand formation was about to collapse!    


Therefore, taking advantage of this time, he kept pulling the bowstring in his hand, trying to kill as many Unify Stage warriors as possible.    


Whether it was the Spiritual Origin Holy Sword or the scabbard, they both contained an infinite amount of Primordial Spirit's power. He could unleash his attacks without any restraints.    


Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!    


One by one, they fell like meteors!    


Battleships exploded one after another!    


Boom! Boom! "Bang, bang!"    


The Heavenly Emperor Treasure Seals and Flying Daggers continuously bombarded the grand array. After a hundred rounds of bombardment, all the magnetic stars exploded, and the grand array completely collapsed.    


At this time, Xuanyuan Daqi shouted loudly, "Xuanyuan Great Army, charge!"    


A trillion soldiers rode their warships and rushed out.    


A million soldiers from the Convergence Army also charged out!    


At this moment, the royal family and ministers rolled up their sleeves, and countless dazzling attacks collided.    






Both sides had reached the point where they were fighting in close quarters.    


Their shouts shook the sky!    




Xuanyuan Daqi sent Emperor Yao flying with an arrow!    


He kept jumping in the air, playing hide-and-seek with them.    


He knew his advantage. Only a kite could consume them!    


"Xuanyuan Daqi, you coward, do you only dare to hide?"    


Emperor Zhang's voice rolled in the air. Everyone could hear him, "Silently, your emperor. He was just a coward. Remember, everything you have experienced is because of his wrong decision. It's still not too late to abandon the darkness and turn to the light!"    


It had to be said that Emperor Zhang's scheme was vicious and vicious!    


Many people were still affected by his words.    


Especially some of the aristocrats' aristocratic familys and ministers. They did not want to be destroyed together with the Xuanyuan family!    


However, the outcome of the battle had yet to be decided, so they hid far away and observed from the sidelines.    


This made the morale of the Xuanyuan army, who did not have an advantage to begin with, even weaker!    


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