Supreme Son-in-law

C717 Fake Way out

C717 Fake Way out

Although he really wanted to break through, Chen Yang felt that he could still suppress it a little more.    


The deeper his foundation was, the better it would be for his future.    


Now that his physical body had found the source of cultivation, he could supply it with all the power of luck.    


Suppressing the urge to break through, Chen Yang began his seclusion.    


Mo Yang and the others also began to plan for the Transcendental Treasures in other people's hands.    


"This is a great move from the Zhang Domain. Three birds with one stone, and even dragged the three families into this."    


Bei Yang smiled and said, "Looks like it won't be long before those families start fighting again."    


"However, aren't the Zhang family afraid of lifting a stone and smashing their own feet? Won't they be afraid of the three emperors attacking Zhang if they lose the game?"    


Currently, the outside world was in chaos. However, Mo Yang and the others knew the truth of the matter. The officers of Demon King Army were everywhere in the world, and they had even arranged chess pieces in the various imperial palaces.    


Although the information they received wasn't completely accurate, they had the powerful General Staff, and they could filter out the most accurate information through large amounts of data.    


"Should we spread the news?"    


"No rush. Let them fight first. The more chaotic the fight, the better!"    




"He's already at the middle stage of Transcending realm. That's great!"    


Wang Lin opened his eyes. The fate of millions of united experts was even stronger than the few hundred trillion soldiers he had absorbed.    


He was wondering if it was because they were Stage warriors.    


Everyone had fate and Dao fate.    


Those with shallow luck were definitely not as strong as those with deep luck.    


Those who could cultivate to the Unify Stage Realm were definitely experts with strong luck.    


He looked at his more solid body. Wang Lin was full of confidence. He believed that he could definitely turn this world upside down.    


"Next is the Ren and Zhang families!"    


Wang Lin could clearly see that the Wind Clan was the strongest in the Imperial Family. The Xue Family was second, the Ying Clan was third, and the Yao Family was fourth!    


The Zhang family had suffered a great loss in this war. Although they had obtained half of the territory in the Xuanyuan Great Domain, it would take them at least twenty to thirty years to digest it!    


Would the other Imperial Family give the Zhang family time?    


One wrong step would lead to one wrong step. This was the cruelty of the Imperial War.    


On the contrary, the Ren Family had always kept a low profile, growing stronger step by step.    


The consumption was also very small.    


Now, there were already three Transcendental Treasures, silently making a fortune.    


As for the Demon King Army, Wang Lin still had no confidence in it.    


It was too strong, he had defeated three emperors with a flick of his finger.    


They had no ability to resist at all.    


Wang Lin didn't think that he would have a chance to win against that person.    


"I think I should go to the Xuanyuan Great Domain and hide. It won't be long before a great war breaks out."    


In fact, Wang Lin's guess was right.    


Zhang Fu first sent the messenger to the Yao Family Imperial City and promised them verbally that he would give half of the territory of the Xuanyuan Great Domain to them.    


After that, they split up into two groups and went to Xue Domain and Ying Domain.    


After bargaining with the two families, the two families reluctantly accepted the last ten thousand territories.    


However, Wang Fu changed his plan once again.    


The territory of the Yao Family was fully covered. If they wanted to occupy it, they would have to go through the territory of the Xue Family and Ying Clan.    


In the vague concept of territory, as expected, there was friction between the three families.    


"What a good move to use someone else's hand to kill someone!"    


"How ruthless! Zhang Domain has suffered such a huge loss this time, and they only obtained five thousand large territories. Anyone would be furious if that happened, wouldn't they?"    


"How will the Yao Family deal with this?"    


Discussions broke out in the outside world.    


Xue Domain.    


"What a great plan, Emperor Zhang. It's an open and aboveboard plan, and you can't reject it!"    


Emperor Xue put down the memorial. He had already predicted that there would be friction between the three parties.    


Especially during the Imperial War, what was the Yao Family thinking?    


That was a huge region of twenty-five thousand, and it required a hundred trillion people to manage it, as well as a large number of soldiers to guard it.    


However, the middle region was separated by two large regions. Who would dare to borrow it?    


Even if they borrowed the way, who would dare to guard these flying lands?    


The three great Majestic Empires were eyeing them covetously. Would they be able to eat them?    


"Send troops to guard them. If the Yao Family borrowed the way, let them pass. Let's see if they have the courage to enter."    


"Yes, Your Majesty!"    


Ying Domain.    


Ying Yu smiled and said, "Emperor Zhang really gave us a difficult problem!"    


"We have issued a decree to condemn Yao Domain and warn Yao Domain not to provoke and cause trouble."    


"Yes, Your Majesty!"    


The servant hurriedly went to the Cabinet to deliver the decree.    


"You want to use us as your weapon? Aren't you afraid of stabbing yourself to death?"    


To be honest, Ying Yu had never put them in his eyes. Whether it was the Zhang Domain or the Yao Domain, In his eyes, there was only the Xue Domain and the Wind Domain.    


These two regions were the formidable enemies.    


"Send 30 trillion soldiers to guard this place. If the Yao Family tries to break through by force, give them a good beating and tell them to do their best to secure this land!"    




At this moment, in Yao Domain!    


Emperor Yao flew into a rage. He had never thought that Emperor Zhang would put him down.    


The most infuriating thing was that he couldn't blame Emperor Zhang, because Emperor Zhang had indeed divided half of his Xuanyuan Great Domain territory as promised.    


It was reasonable and reasonable for her to say so.    


The Yao Family had suffered such a huge loss, but in the end, they still couldn't get anything out of it.    


"Your Majesty, Ying Domain has sent a warning letter, and Xue Domain has also sent a warning letter!"    


"Show it to me!"    


The servant trembled as he handed over the warning letter. When Emperor Yao saw it, his face instantly darkened.    


"This is clearly bullying us. He wants to take the share that belongs to us for himself."    


The five thousand large domains that Zhang Domain had obtained were located at the east and south of Demon King Army's territory. It was impossible for them to lend them the way.    


It was even more impossible for the Ying Domain to be located at the north.    


The troops that they had sent earlier had already started a conflict with the two families. It was impossible for them to borrow the passageway!    


Furthermore, the spies had reported that the Ying and Xue families were frantically plundering resources.    


When they had completely pillaged all the resources, what use would it be for him to obtain those impoverished large territories?    


He had suffered a complete loss.    


"Send out fifty trillion troops and withdraw three hundred thousand Demon God Marshals from the Demon God Battalion to borrow the way. Try your best to confront them, don't attack!"    


Emperor Yao finally understood. These people were preparing to mess with him. Since that was the case, why didn't they strike first and gain the upper hand?    


"Summon War Grand Minister, all the marshals, and cabinet ministers. Quickly!"    


The more Emperor Yao thought about it, the angrier he got. What Zhang Domain did this time had completely angered him. Since that was the case, he would make the first move.    


Soon, all the people gathered had arrived.    


"Greetings, Your Majesty!"    




Emperor Yao said, "The Zhang Domain goes back on their word, and their expressions are different. They keep rejecting the agreement, so I plan to attack the Zhang Domain!"    




The king said, "Your majesty, you must not..."    


"Enough. I didn't call you here today to listen to your objections. Give me a complete battle plan. I want to destroy Zhang Domain in the shortest time possible. Don't give the outside world any chance to react! "    


After saying that, he casually laid down a formation Barrier, "Xue Domain and Ying Domain have been pulled down. If we don't make a move as soon as possible, we will have to hand over the benefits that we have obtained. The Zhang Domain also has enough time to rest and recuperate. In the end, we have put in a lot of effort and got nothing. "    


Emperor Yao's words rendered them speechless.    


Indeed, what the Zhang Domain did this time wasn't too much, but too much.    


They were clearly treating the Zhang Domain like a fool.    


"Your Majesty, you sent 50 trillion troops to borrow the way. In fact, you are planning to attack the Zhang Domain, right?"    


The one who spoke was the cabinet minister, Yao Qian. "It's indeed a good idea to destroy the world through false means!"    


"That's right, it's still King Jie who knows what I'm thinking."    


Emperor Yao nodded. "Zhang Domain must be very proud of themselves now. Xue Ying and his family have jointly sent a warning letter, and they will definitely neglect to guard against it. This has given us a chance!"    


"Zhang Domain has lost nearly two million Combat Weapons. This is a good opportunity for us!"    


"Your Majesty, this lowly subject has a small opinion. It would be best if we could have a small conflict with the two families. It would be best if we could act as if we are going to war. This way, Zhang Domain will definitely let their guard down completely."    


"What King Liang said makes sense!"    


Emperor Yao narrowed his eyes. The fury in his heart could only be completely extinguished by the blood of his enemies.    


"Then let Zhen put on a good show for them!"    




"Report, 50 trillion troops from Yao Domain have come to borrow the way!"    


The commander of the Xue Domain, Xue Yan, frowned, "What did you say?"    


"Replying to commander, 50 trillion!"    


"That much?"    


Xue Yan was also uncertain for a moment. His Majesty had said that if they came to Yao Domain to borrow the way, he would give it to them. But 50 trillion, that was too much, wasn't it?    


"Stop them first, don't let them pass."    


Xue Yan thought for a while and decided to contact Xue Emperor first.    


The commander of the garrison in Ying Domain, Ying Rui, refused without thinking, "Tell them that it's impossible to borrow the way!"    


"Yes, commander!"    


The messenger from Yao Family had returned. The one leading the army was the Yao Family's Sect Master, Yao Shisan. He was Yao Taiyi's Ten third younger Brother. His status was high and his strength was profound.    


He knew Emperor Yao's plan, and he also knew that this was a crucial part of his plan!    


"Send my orders. Warn both sides that if we don't give way, we will force our way in."    


"Commander, is this really a good idea?"    


"If I tell you to go, then go. I will take responsibility for everything."    


"Yes, commander!"    


After his subordinate left, Yao Shisan gathered the generals. "Yao Tian, Yao Long, Yao..."    


He called out more than ten names in a row. All of them were his most capable generals. "This general is here!"    


"Each of you will lead one billion elite soldiers and shout in front of Xue Ying and his family. Tell them to move out of the way. No matter how ugly it is, say it!"    


"Yes, commander!"    


The dozen generals obeyed and left.    


Soon, the news of the Yao Domain's army borrowing a path was spread. Especially when tens of billions of elite soldiers scolded each other in front of the two families' doors, it was even more enjoyable to watch.    


When the news reached the Zhang Domain, many people laughed out loud, "Didn't the Yao Family claim to be the best under the heavens? Why don't they dare to make a move against the two families? They only dare to talk? "    


"Let's see what the real deal is. Yao Domain will become the laughing stock of everyone in the world."    


"It's still better to subdue the king!"    


Emperor Zhang was also quite satisfied, "Hehe, the Yao Family's army will most likely not be able to enter. Pass the order to my army and plunder them. Dig three feet into the ground. Don't leave anything good for them."    


Emperor Zhang's thoughts were very simple. He would rather be a thief than a friend.    


Especially when the Yao Family raised the price on the ground and threatened him, it made Emperor Zhang extremely dissatisfied.    


At this moment, the resentment in his heart had also been vented out. The gloomy feeling of being picked by the leader of the Demon King Army had become much better.    


Thinking about the Demon King Army, the complacency on Emperor Zhang's face faded a lot.    


What he was most worried about now was whether the Demon King Army would interfere at this critical moment.    


At this moment, hurried footsteps and panicked cries could be heard from outside, "Not good, not good... Yao Domain army, Yao Domain army..."    


The messenger was out of breath.    


When he came to the Imperial Court, he looked at Emperor Zhang and kneeled on the ground, "Your majesty, Yao Domain army, Yao Domain army...    


Emperor Zhang frowned. "Don't worry. Tell me slowly, what's wrong with the army of Yao Domain!"    


"The Yao Domain army has come knocking on our door."    


"They have come knocking on our door. Which door? "Did they start a fight with the Xue Family or the Ying Clan?"    


Emperor Zhang's face was filled with joy. This was what all of them hoped to see.    


The messenger shook his head like a rattle drum. "No, Your Majesty. He hit our door!"    


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