Supreme Son-in-law

C5 Entertainment Company

C5 Entertainment Company

Everyone had seen Liu Rui's beauty. She was no less than the top stars of the Huanyu group.    


Such a beautiful woman, no wonder Huanyu scouts noticed her.    


And so, everyone couldn't help but envy her.    


One should know that this Huanyu was the best entertainment company in Xichuan City. If she did sign a contract, with the resources and capacity of the Huanyu Group, she would certainly become famous.    


Chen Yang, who was sitting on the side, became interested. He didn't expect Liu Rui to sign the contract with Huanyu. After today, Huanyu would belong to him, and she would be one of his people.    


Thinking of this, Chen Yang smiled slightly and walked over, wanting to have a chat with her.    


Before he could open his mouth, as soon as he sat down, Liu Rui frowned. She moved a little farther and looked at Chen Yang with disdain. "You stink of sweat. Can you stay away from me?"    


Chen Yang was startled and explained, "Sorry, I was in a hurry and didn't have time to take a shower."    


Liu Rui covered her nose and said in disgust, "Chen Yang, can't you take a shower and change into a decent set of clothes when you go out? You're so dusty that those who don't know would think that it was amigrant worker who barged in."    


Chen Yang thought that the clothes had just been washed yesterday, and there was no sweat odor on his body, only a faint smell of mint laundry detergent.    


Besides, what was wrong with migrant workers? Why couldn't they come to this place?    


Chen Yang wanted to speak but was pulled away by his best friend from high school, Sunn Zhi.    


Chen Yang's grades were always good during school, while Sunn Zhi's were bad. Although their personalities were different, they still became good friends and had a solid relationship.    


Sunn Zhi pulled Chen Yang to a corner. He sighed and shook his head. "Yang," he said. "A woman like Liu Rui is not someone a loser like us can reach. It's better to be realistic."    


Looking at the desolate expression on Sunn Zhi's face, he didn't seem to have lived well in these years.    


He smiled without replying and changed the subject, asking about Sunn Zhi's current situation.    


The two had not seen each other for many years, so they chatted for a long time. Chen Yang felt like he was back at school.    


After downing cups after cups of wine, everyone present was somewhat tipsy. The atmosphere on the spot also became lively.    


As the focus of the crowd, Liu Rui naturally received many toasts. After a few rounds, she was already somewhat drunk.    


Seeing her misty eyes and that beautiful appearance, the men around her were stunned. She was so beautiful.    


Everyone was quite happy at this reunion, but thinking they had to go to work the next day, they could not fully enjoy themselves.Therefore, Wang Hai suggested that everyone gather again next weekend. He also wanted to invite their teacher.    


Wang Hai's suggestion was unanimously approved by everyone.    


At the end of the meeting, a group of men hurried to send off Liu Rui. After leaving the KTV, she got into a Mercedes-Benz Big G and left without looking back.    


All the women present were envious. They hated themselves because they didn't look so good.    


"I would give ten years of my life if I could sleep with such a woman," Sunn Zhi said, swallowing.    


Chen Yang looked in the direction Liu Rui left and smiled coldly.    


'I hope I can give you a surprise tomorrow!' He sneered in his heart.    


At this moment, his phone rang. It was a call from his wife.    


He quickly answered, and before he could say anything, he heard Su Miao's voice coming from the phone. "Where are you? Do you want everyone to wait just for you? Are you trying to embarrass me?"    


Su Miao's voice was very cold and had a trace of disappointment.    


Chen Yang slapped his forehead. He actually forgot about it.    


He told Sunn Zhi, "Let's meet again next week." Then he hurriedly took the key out of his pocket and unlocked the scooter.    


Because he was in a hurry and had a few drinks, he couldn't unlock it even after several attempts.    


"You'reso shabby. You actually came with the electric bike to attend the classmate reunion. Aren't you ashamed?"    


"Don't laugh at me. Emma is a national brand."    


"Right, it really is a famous brand!"    


Several students laughed openly.    


Chen Yang heard them but didn't even bother to look at them. After he unlocked the scooter, he left.    


At the entrance of a luxury villa, Su Miao was waiting, dressed in a black evening dress, which made her graceful figure look perfect.    


On her delicate white neck, there was a dazzling sapphire necklace.    


The azure gems resonated with her smooth skin, looking like the most beautiful painting in the world.    


Chen Yang was stunned. She was so beautiful that he forgot to speak.    


Su Miao looked at Chen Yang's dazed look and said coldly, without expression, "There will be many elders who will attend tonight's banquet. Try not to say anything embarrassing."    


Chen Yang came back to his senses and nodded lightly, without saying anything. He parked the electric scooter and got into the car.    


Before he could even sit properly, his mother-in-law started reprimanding him.    


"Your whole body smells of alcohol. And where's your suit? Do you want us to be the laughing stock of the family and not be able to raise our heads in front of our elders? You ingrate, is that your intention?"    


Tang Jing wore a white evening dress that complemented Su Miao's black dress. When they were together, those who did not know would think they were sisters.    


Chen Yang scratched his head, smiled, and said nothing.    


Seeing his careless attitude, Tang Jing was so angry that she could barely breathe. She almost threw down her bag.    


Su Miao saw her mother's angry look and comforted her. "Mom, don't be angry."    


"Go to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow and divorce this trash. Otherwise, one day he will anger me to death."    


Su Miao did not speak. She looked at Chen Yang in the rearview mirror. The disappointment in her eyes could not be hidden, but even she did not know why she was so disappointed.    


The three of them didn't speak anymore along the way. Eventually, they reached the mansion of the Su family.    


At this point, the entrance of the mansion was full of cars. Without exception, they were all luxury cars.    


By this time, everyone had come, and the lawn of the mansion was full of people.    


They gathered in small groups to talk, glasses of wine in their hands.    


Seeing Su Miao coming, many people greeted her.    


On these occasions, Chen Yang could only be a shadow behind Su Miao, and everyone unconsciously ignored him. This was also a good thing. It was better to talk less and make fewer mistakes.    


He touched his stomach. Tonight, at the class reunion, all he cared about was drinking. His stomach was empty, so it was best to fill it first.    


Chen Yang was looking for something to eat when someone approached him.    


"Are you Miao's husband, Chen Yang?" Su Hai walked to Chen Yang and sized him up. He exclaimed, "I think I saw the clothes you are wearing on some beggars on the street. Did you take it from them?"    


Su Hai deliberately wanted to embarrass Chen Yang, so he spoke loudly, drawing people's attention. As expected, Chen Yang had become the center of attention.    


Chen Yang rubbed his nose. Why did Su Hai always mock him?    


Seeing that he did not speak, Su Hai provoked him, "You see, I was right. If you can't afford clothes, you can call me. I still have a lot of old clothes at home. I can give them to you."    


"What nonsense. My wife bought me these clothes." Chen Yang said, "Besides, if I need clothes, my wife will buy them for me."    


The people around laughed. It was the first time they had seen anyone so shameless.    


"Chen Yang, come here, right now!"    


Su Miao felt her face burning. Looking at everyone's gazes, she felt that she had disgraced herself.    


If it weren't for the family rules, she wouldn't bring him over, no matter what. It was really too embarrassing.    


At this time, Su Hai stood up and spoke again. The crowd was in an uproar!    


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