Supreme Son-in-law

C325 325 I'll Show You My Willfulness

C325 325 I'll Show You My Willfulness

"Why are you telling me this?"    


Chen Yang said helplessly, "I don't want to lie to you!"    


Sometimes, reality was really cruel. He was just bullying her a moment ago, but the next moment, he told her that he had honey.    


It was too cruel.    


However, there were some things that would be known sooner or later. Chen Yang did not want to hide it, nor would he hide it.    


At this moment, he suddenly felt a warmth in his chest.    


"Yinyin, I'm sorry!"    


Looking at Yao Yinyin who was crying, Chen Yang did not know what to do.    


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's all my fault." Chen Yang quickly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.    




Yao Yinyin bit on his shoulder.    


The sharp canine teeth pierced his skin and red blood flowed out from her mouth.    


Chen Yang was in so much pain that he broke out in cold sweat. But he didn't move, nor did he dare to be tense.    


This was because after attaining the initial success stage of the Heavenly Devil Body, his strength would increase greatly, and it was very likely that his teeth would break.    


He could only allow her to bite him.    


"Bite you to death! Bite you to death, you big bastard!" Yao Yinyin said vaguely as she bit him.    


As she spoke, she let go of her mouth and looked at the open flesh. Her tears fell again.    


"Brother, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have bitten you."    


"I was just too scared." She looked panicked, and her eyes were full of fear.    


"Mom left, and dad left me too. Now even you have to leave. No one wants Yin Yin anymore."    


At this moment, Yao Yinyin was like a wounded kitten. She curled up into a ball and her body could not help but tremble.    


Chen Yang's heart ached.    


"Don't worry. Brother won't let you go. When I finish dealing with the matters outside, Brother will come back to see you. How are you doing?" Chen Yang held her in his arms and comforted her softly.    




"More real than pearls!" Chen Yang said seriously.    


"Then you are not allowed to lie to me."    


"I will never lie to you."    


As soon as she finished speaking, Yao Yinyin's tears instantly turned into a smile.    


"If you dare lie to me, I will cut you off!"    


After hearing these words, Chen Yang felt a chill run down his body. This girl was not joking. She would definitely do that if she said so.    


"How could that be?" Chen Yang laughed dryly.    


"Does it hurt?" I'll blow it for you. She laid on top of Chen Yang's body and pressed herself against him.    


"Phew ~ phew ~ Are you feeling better?"    


"Yes, a lot..."    


Before Chen Yang could finish his words, Yao Yinyin lowered her head and moved closer to him. She used her tongue to gently lick him.    




Chen Yang took a deep breath. It was a little painful, but it was numb and numb, as if it had been electrocuted.    


He couldn't help but make a sound.    




Yao Yinyin raised her head and licked her red lips with her tender and tender pudding.    


There was still a trace of blood at the corner of her mouth.    


When this scene entered Chen Yang's eyes, it instantly aroused his desire.    


Seemingly feeling something, Yao Yinyin smiled charmingly and gently sat down...    


That night, Yao Yinyin transformed into a wild female knight, but she was still unable to match Chen Yang's pointer and was ultimately defeated.    


Only when the sky revealed the whites of the fish belly did this war stop.    


Chen Yang hugged Yao Yinyin, who was drenched in sweat, and fell into a deep sleep.    


Xichuan City Criminal Investigation Unit.    


Today was the day Liao Hualoong came out. After seven days of interrogation, he was finally released.    


When he thought of all the things that had happened these days, he wanted to cry.    


Damn it, he had to catch that guy who made him stay in the detention center for seven days.    


After coming out, Liao Hualoong bought a high-speed train ticket and rushed to Southern Frontier without stopping.    


After arriving at Southern Frontier, he rushed on the mountain road for another night and finally returned to Five Poisons Cult.    


When he saw that the wall was covered with white cloth, he was completely dumbfounded.    


What was going on?    


Who died?    


He went to the entrance of the village and reported his identity before entering the village.    


The charred ground in front of him made him even more dumbfounded.    


What the hell was going on?    


Did the Five Poisons Cult suffer a calamity?    


"Who's that? Stop right there!" Liao Hualoong stopped a disciple and asked, "What happened while I was away in the Five Poisons Cult? "Why are there white flags hanging on the walls and the charred ground? What's going on?"    


Liao Hualoong was Yao Shengyuan's confidant. Otherwise, Yao Shengyuan would not have given the Four Wings Gu King to him to nurture.    


"Greetings, Chief Liao."    


The disciple recognized Liao Hualoong with a single glance.    


"No need for formalities." Liao Hualoong waved his hand proudly.    


"You still don't know, right? Blessed Sovereign has already passed away."    




Blessed Sovereign had passed away?    


Liao Hualoong's mind went blank.    


"Tell me what happened!"    




Ten minutes later, Liao Hualoong finally understood what had happened in Five Poisons Cult.    


He slapped his thigh and said hatefully, " Damn it, I can't believe I didn't get such a good opportunity!"    


He was Yao Shengyuan's confidant. If he was present at this time, how could Yin Yin Blessed Sovereign not confer Rite King the title of Rite King?    


Thinking of this, he hated that fellow who had locked him up in the detention center even more.    


"Alright, it's none of your business."    


When the disciple left, Liao Hualoong rubbed his eyes with all his might. He rubbed his eyes until they were completely red, then squeezed out a few more tears and cried. He howled, "Blessed Sovereign, why didn't you wait for me..."    


As he cried, he walked towards the highest meeting hall.    


At this moment, Chen Yang was happily lying on the chair with his head resting on Yao Yinyin's thigh. She peeled the grapes and put them into her mouth to feed Chen Yang.    


Just as she was energetically feeding, she heard the sound of pig slaughtering cries coming from outside.    


"Who is it, crying in broad daylight?" Yao Yinyin frowned and asked.    


"Reporting to Blessed Sovereign, Chief Liao is here!"    


Chief Liao? Which Chief Liao?    


As he spoke, Liao Hualoong walked into the hall while crying.    


"This subordinate, Liao Hualoong, greets the world..."    


Before he could finish speaking, when he saw Chen Yang sleeping on Yao Yinyin's lap, he was completely stunned.    


The next moment, he stood up and pointed at Chen Yang and scolded, "What are you doing? Why aren't you coming down? That seat is also for you to sleep in?"    


It's really the opposite!    


Old Blessed Sovereign had just died, but these people actually climbed onto the new Blessed Sovereign's head. They were simply lawless.    


Fortunately, he had returned. Otherwise, the old Blessed Sovereign's daughter would have been bullied to death.    


Chen Yang didn't move when he saw that there was no movement from Chen Yang. He was instantly enraged: "Are you deaf? Get down here now!"    


Yao Yinyin's face darkened when she heard this.    


Chen Yang was also puzzled. It was that hothead after all. He actually dared to point at him and scold him.    


He turned his head and was stunned.    


What the hell? Wasn't this the person who was caught by Yu Lan? Why was he here?    


Could it be that Yu Lan did not interrogate anything?    


"What are you looking at? Hurry up and get down here."    


As he spoke, he rolled up his sleeves and walked up.    






Just as he was about to speak, Yao Yinyin slapped him and shouted in a lovely voice. "Who are you to actually dare to point fingers at Great Rite King, do you not want to live anymore?"    


This slap was very forceful and directly slapped Liao Hualoong's face until it was swollen.    


He covered his face and looked at Chen Yang in disbelief.    


Wha... What?    


This kid is the Great Guardian Rite King?    


It can't be!    


"What are you still standing there for? Quickly apologize to Great Rite King!"    


Chen Yang sat up and looked at him with a smile that was not a smile.    


Liao Hualoong looked at Chen Yang and remembered what the disciple had said to him.    


The Great Guardian Rite King was a devil who killed without blinking his eyes, and he was a man possessed by a devil. Zhu Ming Rite King was killed by him.    


How was this possible?    


This kid looked like a gigolo, how could he beat Zhu Ming Rite King to death?    


Liao Hualoong was extremely suspicious in his heart.    


Seeing him in a daze, Yao Yinyin became angry and walked down. Another slap.    




The other side of the face was also swollen.    


This slap also woke Liao Hualoong up. He said with a sullen face, "Blessed Sovereign, why did you hit me? I am Old Blessed Sovereign's confidant."    


"I have just returned to the sect. I have been carrying out the mission Old Blessed Sovereign gave me. "I am also worried about your safety. I thought you were being persecuted by a traitor. "That is why..."    


"Confident? Why didn't I know that Father had a confidant like you?" Yao Yinyin said with a cold smile.    


"It is absolutely true. I am indeed Old Blessed Sovereign's confidant. It's just that I usually keep a low profile and rarely show my face. If you don't believe me, you can ask others. Although I am ugly, there are still many people in the sect who know me. "    


At this time, Yao Yinyin summoned an ordinary disciple and asked. She found that Liao Hualoong was not lying and said, "Even if you are not lying, you have violated your superiors and insulted the great Rite King. According to the rules of the sect, you can go to hell."    


"Someone, drag this guy out and kill him."    


"Oh, Blessed Sovereign, I am very loyal to you. You can't not distinguish right from wrong."    


"How dare you say that I'm indistinguishable from right and wrong? Very good, I have another reason to kill you."    




When did I say that you don't know right from wrong?    


Liao Hualoong almost fainted.    


He knelt on the ground and begged: "I really didn't know he was the great Rite King, I beg Blessed Sovereign to investigate."    


"Stop quibbling here. Someone, drag him out and kill him!"    




At this time, a few burly men walked over and were about to pull him away.    


Liao Hualoong felt regret in his heart. If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have come back. This was great. He would have died the moment he came back.    




If it wasn't for the Four Wings Gu King suddenly cutting off his connection with him, he wouldn't have fallen from the Simplicity Returning Stage to the Innate. If he had the strength of a Simplicity Returning Stage, he would have escaped long ago.    


No, I can't just sit and wait for death!    


Just as he was about to escape...    


Chen Yang suddenly stood up. "Alright, you guys can leave now."    


Hearing Chen Yang's order, the few burly men quickly retreated.    


"You can get up. Those who do not know are not guilty. I forgive you for not being guilty." Chen Yang looked at him with a smile and said.    




"Big Rite King, are you serious?" Liao Hualoong suspected that he had misheard him. This Great Rite King was too easy to talk to.    


"Of course." Chen Yang nodded and said, "Since you are Old Blessed Sovereign's confidant, I naturally can't let you die in such a worthless manner."    


"Thank you, Great Rite King, and thank you, Great Rite King!" Liao Hualoong was wild with joy.    


"Alright, you can leave now." Chen Yang waved his hand and said.    


"Yes, this subordinate will retire."    


Liao Hualoong respectfully left. The moment he stepped out of the door, he felt as if he had forgotten something.    


Aiya, why is he so stupid? He had come to Blessed Sovereign to ask for Rite King's position.    


Now, the situation was good. He hadn't gotten Rite King's position yet, but he had offended Blessed Sovereign.    


However, it seemed like the Great Guardian Rite King was quite easy to talk to. If it really couldn't be helped, why not ask him for it?    


Chen Yang never would have thought that Liao Hualoong would actually have his eyes on him.    


"Brother, why didn't you kill him?" Yao Yinyin pouted unhappily.    


"This Liao Hualoong is not bad. He is indeed loyal to Five Poisons Cult and his strength is also not bad. Keeping him alive is more useful than killing him."    


"But, he has offended you."    




Chen Yang chuckled and pulled her into his arms. He said, "You are now Blessed Sovereign of Five Poisons Cult. You can't be as willful as before no matter what you do. Do you understand?"    


"I want to be willful."    


After saying that, she pushed Chen Yang onto the chair and called out the disciple that was guarding the hall.    




The door slammed shut, and only the two of them were left in the hall.    


Yao Yinyin licked her lips and enticed: "Now, I will be willful and show you."    


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