Supreme Son-in-law

C341 341】 I Love You

C341 341】 I Love You

Bao Xinying nodded shyly.    


Although they had already done what they shouldn't have done.    


But in fact, before Chen Yang, she had never had a boyfriend.    


She didn't know how to please a man.    


Therefore, she was especially careful, afraid that Chen Yang would be unhappy.    


It could not be denied that Chen Yang was indeed very rich. At first, she was indeed a little tempted.    


But she also understood that she and Chen Yang were people from two different worlds and could not possibly have any interactions.    


If it wasn't for that night's coincidence, perhaps she would have already been tainted by Jia Pingchuan.    


This lunch was very harmonious, and her impression of Bao Xinying was also gradually increasing.    


At the same time, he also had a certain understanding of Bao Xinying's family.    


Her parents were high school teachers, and the house in Scene's home was left for her by them.    


However, her parents had retired a long time ago. Now, they lived with her brother and helped him take care of the children.    


After dinner, Chen Yang leaned against the sofa and closed his eyes to rest. Bao Xinying walked over from behind and helped him massage his temples.    


She smelled the good scent on her body. A wave of heat rose from Chen Yang's abdomen.    


As the saying goes, a warm heart is filled with lust. He directly pulled Bao Xinying over.    




Chen Yang could be considered an experienced driver. He easily removed the restraints on her body.    


Then he started to run.    


Bao Xinying had just tasted the Forbidden Fruit. How could she be a match for Chen Yang? She was directly killed by Chen Yang until she threw away her helmet and armor, and was utterly defeated.    


In the end, she received all of Chen Yang's cannon fire while pleading.    


Chen Yang carried the limp Bao Xinying to the bathroom to take a shower, then hugged her tightly in the bedroom.    


"You rest well. I still have some things to do. I'll come and see you later."    




She was so tired that she didn't even have the strength to move her fingers. She replied softly and fell asleep.    


Chen Yang left Mansion Number 88 and was about to go to Huanyu when he received a call from Li Tianba.    


"Yang, you finally answered the phone." Once the phone was connected, Li Tianba started to complain about Chen Yang. "You are so mean. Where have you been for the past half a month? You didn't answer the phone and didn't reply to the message. Do you think I am your brother? "    


Chen Yang smiled bitterly and said, "Sorry, sorry. I just came back two days ago. I had a lot of things to do, so I forgot to reply to you."    


"Alright, I know you are a busy person."    


Li Tianba said, "Don't forget about the Martial Arts Competition tomorrow. Did you see the picture I sent you?"    


Chen Yang nodded and said, "I got it, but Tianba, I may not be able to participate."    


Damn, Yang, you are so boring. It was not easy for me to help you register your name, but you actually said that you are not going to participate. It is not enough for me, right? " When Li Tianba heard this, he immediately became angry. "I don't care. Anyway, you are going to participate. When the time comes, I won't see you in the competition. Be careful, I will rush over to your house and kidnap you."    


"But the competition will last for three days. I really don't have time for those three days..."    


Li Tianba interrupted. "What three days, just one day! The Acquired group, Innate group, and Return to Natural group did not participate in the competition at the same time. " The first day of the Acquired group finals, the second group of the Innate group finals, and the third day of the Return to Natural group finals. You can take one day out of the competition in three days, right? "    


"One day?"    


Chen Yang rubbed his chin. He hadn't looked at the pictures Li Tianba had sent him in detail.    


If it was just one day, Sister Quan would probably agree, right?    


"You still don't know, right? The top three of each group not only have the chance to enter Tripitaka Sutra Pavilion, but also Principal will personally receive them for dinner."    




Principal personally received them for dinner?    


Thinking of the Zhang Yuanqiaos on Zhang Yuanqiao's body, Chen Yang agreed without hesitation, "Don't worry, I will definitely be there during the competition."    


After hanging up the phone, Chen Yang called Yin Changkong.    


"Hello, Hall Lord!"    


When there was no one around, Yin Changkong still called him Hall Lord.    


"madame's child is from the Hall?"    


"Hall Lord, madame went to North Sea City yesterday. She also asked me to tell you to go and find her as soon as possible."    


"Where are Zhao Weiwu and Sheng Yong?"    


"They went with madame," said Hall Lord.    


Chen Yang nodded and said, "Send more people to protect madame."    


After giving instructions, Chen Yang hung up the phone.    


These people really made people worry.    


At seven o'clock in the evening, in the banquet hall on the third floor of Dynasty Hotel.    


The Huanyu Group's President Welcoming Ceremony had begun.    


All the famous people from different realms came here with invitation cards in their hands.    


The originally empty hall became lively.    


Everyone gathered together in twos and threes to chat. The waiter carried drinks in his hands as he walked among the crowd.    


"Give me a cocktail." Chen Yang snapped his fingers and stopped the waiter.    


The dining table was full of food. He had gone through a lot of demands in the afternoon and consumed a lot of energy. At this moment, he was so hungry that his chest was sticking to his back.    


Drink a mouthful of cocktail and a mouthful of cake. One word, awesome!    


Everyone was chatting. He was the only one walking around the food.    


The waitress who passed by couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh.    


The people who came to the banquet also couldn't help looking at Chen Yang. When they saw Chen Yang eating and drinking, they all laughed.    


"Isn't this the matrilocal son-in-law of Su family?"    


"No, Su Miao has already been expelled from the family. He can no longer be considered the son-in-law of Su family."    


"Ah, how did he manage to sneak in?"    


Although the Xichuan City was very big, the upper circle was very small.    


The matter of Su Miao and Tang Jing being expelled from the family tree and chased out of the Su family had already spread.    


Many people were laughing at Su Miao and Tang Jing behind their backs.    


In the face of the ridicule and ridicule from the crowd, he did not care at all and continued to do what he wanted.    


At this time, there were many more people outside the door.    


When they saw who it was, many people cried out in surprise.    


"The Xu family's Great Miss is here."    


"And Elder Young Master from the Yu family."    


As soon as they entered, they instantly became the center of attention.    


Xu Xiaorou was dressed very beautifully today. She wore a long dress that was tied around her waist, displaying her exquisite figure to the fullest.    


After entering the door, she looked around. When she saw the figure who was eating so much, her face lit up. She quickly pulled the long dress and ran over.    


"Chen Yang, are you also here to attend the banquet of Huanyu?"    


Chen Yang looked up and quickly put down the wine glass in his hand. He wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and said, "Miss Xu, long time no see."    


Xu Xiaorou bit her lips and asked, "Did you see the messages I sent you?"    


"Yes!" Chen Yang nodded.    


"Then why didn't you reply to my message?"    


Facing Xu Xiaorou's questioning, Chen Yang was at a loss for words.    


Would he not be able to feel Xu Xiaorou's feelings? Obviously not!    


But he was really afraid that he would hurt her.    


He smiled bitterly and said, "Xiaorou, I know your feelings, but you also know what my situation is. We don't..."    


Before he finished speaking, a figure rushed over and hugged his arm. "Brother-in-law, why are you here too?"    


Su Ling'er's face was full of excitement. She did not expect to meet Chen Yang here.    


"Let go of me quickly." Chen Yang was speechless. Why did this little thing also come here?    




Xu Xiaorou was stunned and said, "Chen Yang, she is..."    


"Hello, sister. My name is Su Ling'er. I am his sister-in-law." As she spoke, she generously stretched out her hand.    


"Hello, my name is Xu Xiaorou."    


After the two of them shook hands, Su Ling'er asked happily, "Brother-in-law, is Big Sister also here?"    


"Let go of your hand first."    


Chen Yang was speechless. Why was this Su Ling'er like a plaster, he could not even shake her off.    


"Tell me, where is elder sister? I need to find her."    


"Ling Er, what are you doing?"    


At this moment, Su Hai walked over with a gloomy face. Behind him was Su Yu.    


"Quickly let go! Big miss is pulling and pulling with men. What does it look like!?"    


"Brother Hai. "Brother Hai, this is my brother-in-law..."    


"Brother-in-law?" Su Hai smiled coldly. He said," Have you forgotten that Su Miao has been kicked out of the family and her family tree has been removed from the family tree? They have nothing to do with the Su family anymore. That's why he isn't your brother-in-law. "    


"Come here, Ling Er!" Su Yu walked over and pulled Su Ling'er over.    


"Chen Yang, you can do it. You are getting more and more capable. You can even sneak into a place like this." Su Hai sneered and said, "Everyone who comes here needs an invitation. Will the Huanyu Group send you an invitation?"    


Chen Yang laughed and said, "I don't need an invitation to come here."    




Pffft. Hahahaha. ...    


Su Hai couldn't help but laugh out loud. The people beside him also laughed out loud when they heard this.    


This was really funny. He actually said that he didn't need an invitation to come here.    


"You aren't here to be a waiter, are you?" Su Hai looked at Chen Yang's suit and said with a smile, "No wonder you are dressed so formally. It turns out that you are really a waiter."    


Everyone burst into laughter again.    


"This is so funny. It turns out to be a waiter."    


"Trash is indeed trash, it will never change."    


Xu Xiaorou could not take it anymore when she heard the mockery from the crowd. Chen Yang was obviously rich and capable. Why would he be mocked by these second-generation rich kids who only knew how to eat and have fun?    


She held Chen Yang's hand and said, "I brought him here, not some waiter."    


As soon as she finished speaking, everyone was stunned.    


"Miss Xu, don't joke around. He was here before you came."    


"Yeah, we know you are kind, but it is better for you to stay away from such a person."    


Su Hai was also a little embarrassed and said, "Miss Xu, why are you so protective of a useless person?"    


"Just because I like him, is it enough?"    




The entire audience was in an uproar.    


Everyone looked at Xu Xiaorou in disbelief. This... The Xu family's Big Miss couldn't have gone crazy, right? Who did she like? She actually liked a good-for-nothing who lived off a woman.    


Su Hai, Su Yu, and Su Ling'er were even more dumbfounded.    


Even Chen Yang was stunned.    


"What are you talking about?"    


Chen Yang panicked and quickly explained. "Miss Xu said that to protect me. Don't believe it."    


Hearing Chen Yang's words, everyone's expression became a little better.    


This was more like it. Miss Xu was the only daughter of Xu Family. No matter if it was her appearance, figure, or family background, she was one of the best.    


If he wanted to marry her, he would have to be from a wealthy family.    


"Chen Yang, what are you thinking? Even if you don't explain, we will know that this is fake."    


"That's right. If you know what's good for you, get the hell out of here. Don't stand in front of everyone's eyes."    


"I'm not joking. I just like him!" Xu Xiaorou held Chen Yang's hand tightly.    


At this moment, she had never been clear-headed before. This was what she had been suppressing in her heart.    


She had completely understood the reason why she had waited bitterly for half a month.    


She could not continue to be passive.    


"Chen Yang, listen to me. I know what I'm saying is crazy, but what I'm saying is the truth." Xu Xiaorou looked at Chen Yang with deep affection and said, "I don't want to lie to myself anymore. I love you."    


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