Supreme Son-in-law

C189 Asking for Money.

C189 Asking for Money.

Wang Pann comforted her, "You don't have to worry. I know you are afraid Sima Yanru will misunderstand. You were drunk today. She paid for you. She must have a bad impression of you. Wait till tomorrow. Go find her, apologize to her. Just say that you were happy and drunk yesterday, After you explain to her, ask her for a bank account. Transfer the money to her. "    


He continued: "Doing this will definitely make her look at you in a new light. When the time comes you can use the opportunity to pay back the money to get close to her and take the opportunity to get her contact information. Then you can use this reason to thank her for helping you pay the bill and treat her to a meal. "    


Before he could finish speaking, Wang Pann started laughing vulgarly.    


Tong Jun's eyes lit up. He felt that what Wang Pann said made more and more sense.    


He patted Wang Pann's shoulder with a big smile and praised, "Your brain is really flexible. This method is not bad. Do as you say!"    


He was really happy. This way, he could solve the urgent situation in front of him and get the contact information of the goddess.    


Furthermore, it would also deepen his impression of the Goddess!    


The three of them looked at each other in dismay. Everyone smiled.    


After settling the matter in their hearts, the three of them returned to the private room while chatting happily.    


Chen Yang couldn't help but laugh when he heard their plan.    


So it turned out that he didn't have enough money.    


He still wanted Sima Yanru to pay for him?    


Dream on!    


Chen Yang smiled coldly in his heart. Just as he turned around and wanted to return to the private room, Sima Yanru walked out from the room.    


Chen Yang was careless and bumped into Sima Yanru!    


It was so fragrant!    


Sima Yanru bent her leg and was about to fall to the side when Chen Yang reacted quickly and grabbed Sima Yanru's slender waist.    


With the beauty in his arms, Chen Yang's heart slightly moved. The moment he helped Sima Yanru up, Chen Yang immediately used the other ultimate skill of Empty Hands, Flowing Cloud Hand. He directly stole Sima Yanru's phone and wallet!    


[Empty Hands] Including the Body Movement Floating Technique, sneaking skill, and Flowing Cloud Hand.    


If he used the Flowing Cloud Hand in combat, it would be a first-class fighting technique.    


In just one night, Chen Yang had mastered the Floating Technique. He was still not familiar with using the Flowing Cloud Hand.    


Just now, when he was taking something out, he accidentally touched Sima Yanru's butt.    


Chen Yang was embarrassed and quickly apologized to Sima Yanru, "Sorry, I didn't know you were behind me. That's why I ran into you!"    


As he spoke, Chen Yang couldn't help but look at Sima Yanru.    


This woman is really beautiful.    


She was beautiful to begin with. Now that she had drunk the wine, her face was flushed red, and she was indescribably alluring.    


A trace of cold light flashed across Sima Yanru's eyes. He actually dared to touch her body randomly just now.    


She originally wanted to get angry, but when she saw Chen Yang's flustered expression, she knew that he also did not mean to do so.    


Thinking of this, Sima Yanru lightly said, "It's fine. She then went to the washroom.    


Sima Yanru had no idea that the phone and wallet in her bag had long been taken away by Chen Yang.    


After returning to the private room.    


Chen Yang quietly sat in his seat and watched Tong Jun continuously pour wine for him. Not long after, Tong Jun laid on the table, as if he was drunk and unconscious. No matter how others called him, Tong Jun didn't move.    


This time, everyone was dumbfounded.    


Tong Jun treated everyone to a meal, but he was drunk and could not wake up. What was going on?    


Who would pay the bill later?    


Seeing this, Wang Pann and Yan Shou looked at each other and smiled. It was time for the two of them to go on stage.    


After a while, Wang Pann walked over shakily and shook Tong Jun, who was lying unconscious on the table. "Brother Jun, wake up. We should go!"    


Tong Jun lay there as if he was dead. He did not move at all. He was even shaken to the ground.    


Tong Jun's head hit the corner of the table. It was so painful that he almost cried out.    


But Tong Jun remembered that he did not have enough money to pay the bill, so he held it in.    


"Brother Jun is really drunk!" At this time, Yan Shou walked over from the side. He quickly helped Tong Jun up from the ground. "Look, Brother Jun is drunk like this. His head is swollen and he still hasn't woken up."    


In order to not pay the bill, Tong Jun was really cruel to himself.    


Looking at the egg-sized bump on Tong Jun's forehead, Chen Yang couldn't help giving him a thumbs up in his heart.    


The others didn't know, but they all thought that Tong Jun was really drunk.    


There were even people who went over to help Yan Shou support Tong Jun.    


At this time, someone beside him said: "What should we do now? Tong Jun was drunk. Who would pay the bill? "    


"Don't worry!" At this moment, Xia Lan stood up and called the waiter in. "Show me the bill!"    


The waiter nodded and jogged out. After a while, he came in with the bill and said respectfully, "Hello, lady. You have spent a total of 18 million this time."    




18 million for this meal?    


After hearing the waiter's words, everyone in the room couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air.    


This was too exaggerated.    


There were quite a number of rich second generations among them. But a meal could only cost around a few hundred thousand at most. Eighteen million. If their parents found out, they would be beaten up by their parents.    


Seeing this, Wang Pann rolled his eyes and shouted, "What?! Eighteen million, that's too much. My pocket money for a year is only two million!"    


Hearing Wang Pann's words, everyone fell silent.    


This was eighteen million. How could they take out so much money?!    


Just as the atmosphere became awkward, Sima Yanru stood up. "Alright, I'll pay for this meal!"    


Sima Yanru's words were like the sound of nature.    


Many boys looked at Sima Yanru with admiration. At the crucial moment, they still had to rely on their goddess.    


Eldest Miss from the Sima family was indeed worthy of being called Eldest Miss. Just her wealth and heroic spirit was incomparable to theirs.    


Sima Yanru had just opened her handbag when her beautiful brows instantly knitted.    


Why was her phone and wallet gone?    


What was going on? She had clearly called downstairs just now. Could it be that she had lost it?    


If it were any other girl who had lost her phone and wallet, they would have panicked a long time ago.    


However, Sima Yanru had a nonchalant look on her face. She raised her head to look at the crowd and said lightly, "My phone and wallet have both dropped. I can't pay.    


This Sima Yanru was really not ordinary. She actually said it openly. She did not feel that there was anything shameful about it at all.    


But no one blamed Sima Yanru. Instead, they comforted Sima Yanru, "Miss Sima, don't be anxious. Think about it carefully and see if you have landed somewhere."    


"Think about it again. If it really doesn't work, we will look for it together."    


Those who said this were all boys who wanted to please Sima Yanru. This made the other girls very jealous.    


Why were all these men walking around her?    


Didn't she just lose a phone? Was there a need to mobilize so many people?    


Sima Yanru did not say anything, and the scene immediately became chaotic.    


The waitress at the side said, "Excuse me, who will pay the bill?"    


At this moment, everyone became silent.    


Are they going to split the debt?    


But this meal was clearly Tong Jun's treat. That was close to 20 million. How could they have so much money?    


Listening to the crowd saying one sentence at a time, Tong Jun, who was lying on his stomach pretending to be drunk, could no longer continue acting.    


If he continued acting like this, his image would completely collapse.    


Thinking of this, Tong Jun felt very helpless in his heart. There was no other way. It seemed like he could only call his father for help.    


Then, Tong Jun moved and opened his eyes while holding the painful bump on his head. "My head hurts. Why does it hurt so much?"    


Everyone stared at him. He forced a smile and said, "I'm sorry. I was drunk just now. Did everyone eat to their heart's content? If you guys are full, I'll pay the bill! "    


Tong Jun took out his phone and dialed his father's number. The call had not connected yet. Tong Jun said with some embarrassment, "I'm sorry. This meal is worth 18 million yuan. I have invested all my money. I'll call my father first and ask him to transfer some money to me! "    


Tong Jun's father's name was Tong Daqian. He was a contractor for all kinds of branded clothing. He was called King of Clothing locally.    


Soon, the call connected.    


The moment the call connected, Tong Jun said to the phone, "Dad, can you call me 20 million? I need it urgently!"    


"What? You want money again?"    


Tong Daqian's face instantly darkened. He scolded, "You are a person who likes to spend money! Didn't I just transfer ten million to you a few days ago? Don't tell me you've spent all of it! "    


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