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C18 Reporter Interview

C18 Reporter Interview

"Hello, Zhao Xiaoying!"    


Zhao Xiaoying generously stretched out his hand towards Ye Han.    


Although this Zhao Xiaoying, regardless of appearance or temperament, had reached the level of a goddess, she didn't put on any airs. Her every move was natural and unrestrained, capable and decisive.    


"Ye Han!"    


Ye Han also reached out his hand and the two of them gently shook it. Then, they let go of each other.    


"Come, come, let's go meet those reporters."    


At this moment, Lu Boyong's voice sounded.    


Immediately, Lu Boyong brought Ye Han, Zhao Xiao Ying, and Song Jian toward Inspectorate's external media room.    


After arriving at the media room, Jin Lin Television Station, Jin Lin Daily and the other media reporters were all waiting for him.    


When they saw Lu Boyong and the others, they did not rush forward like they were interviewing celebrities.    


"Chief Lu!"    


"Good morning, Chief Lu!"    


"Chief Lu, it's Little Li. He's from the city newspaper. Do you still remember him?"    


"Director Lu, thank you for your hard work. You took the time out of your busy schedule to accept our interview. I'm really troubling you!"    


When the reporters saw Lu Boyong, they hurriedly nodded their heads in respect.    


At this moment, he finally saw through Lu Boyong's position in the Jinlin City.    


In front of these ordinary reporters, he, Lu Boyong, was a big shot, so much so that these reporters who claimed to be uncrowned kings were very careful and didn't dare to act rashly.    


"Everyone, please take a seat."    


Lu Boyong nodded slightly. He extended his hand to the reporters and gestured for them to take a seat.    


Soon after, he also walked up to the stage.    


However, he didn't sit down. Instead, he pulled out a chair and said to Ye Han with a smile.    


"Brother Ye Han, please sit!"    


Upon seeing this, the reporters were immediately taken aback.    


Of course, they knew that even though this Ye Han captured the hero of the 8.18 major crimes, they didn't expect Lu Boyong to be so respectful to this Ye Han.    


"Could it be that this young man called Ye Han has a great background?"    


In the minds of the reporters, they could not help but let their imaginations run wild.    


After all, in their eyes, Lu Boyong was one of the people with the highest Jinlin City, only second to City Lord Jiang Le and the Chief of Civil Affairs, Ding Lian.    


Such a big shot was actually so polite to a high school student. If there was no secret about it, then it would be unjustifiable.    


"Everyone, let's do an interview!"    


Seeing Ye Han had already taken his seat, Lu Boyong said to the reporters, his manner and speech were filled with the bearing of a big boss.    


Ye Han, who was watching on the side, secretly nodded his head. Lu Boyong was like a fart without moral principles.    


"Hello, Director Lu. Can you tell me the process of arresting the criminal?"    


The first person to stand up and ask a question was a reporter from Jilin Television Station. She asked a very standard question.    


For an interview like this, there was no way the reporters could come up with any bold questions. Everyone was well aware of this point.    


"Well, I need the little hero beside me to answer that!"    


When Lu Boyong heard this, he smiled and looked to Ye Han beside him.    


Seeing this, Ye Han immediately understood.    


"Regarding this, it's really a coincidence. In reality, the reason why we were able to capture the fugitives, was more because of Chief Lu's ability to command and the ability of the Golden Unicorn Inspectorate to be sharp and alert, causing the fugitives to panic and fall into our trap. However, I merely used a slight amount of effort …"    


Ye Han spoke with confidence and ease, placing all his efforts on Lu Boyong and Jin Lin Inspectorate.    


"This Ye Han, he really did it!"    


After Lu Boyong heard this, he secretly praised Ye Han and began to pay more and more attention to him.    


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