Peerless Sovereign



On the mountain peak where the Da Yuan Outer Sect was located, Su Lie was still focused on recovering his elemental energy. However, Liu Xuanyue, Gu Yuankai, and the others were still paying attention to the movements of the Inner Sect disciples.    


They were clear about the situation of those people outside. If the disciples of the Inner Sect could not gather enough Imprint Spirit Stone, they would definitely return.    


When the Inner Sect disciples gathered at the foot of the mountain after raiding the mountains, they were secretly on guard. However, in a short period of time, the Inner Sect disciples spread out once more, causing them to be suspicious, as they did not know what the Inner Sect disciples were planning to do.    


Looking for the figures of the Inner Sect disciples, he saw that they had once again scattered out. They climbed up the mountain and began to treat the injured disciples.    


"What are they doing?"    


Wu Yan couldn't help but to ask.    


He did not believe that those disciples of the Inner Sect were suddenly kind-hearted, and were just trying to save him.    


"Anyway, it's not a good thing."    


Ye Han also frowned.    


Liu Xuanyue pondered for a moment before her expression changed. "Not only is this bad, it's a huge problem for us."    


She had already guessed the intentions of the Inner Sect disciples. They were unable to break through the Five Elements Desolate Heavenly Formation, and just like them, they wanted to make use of the power of the selected disciples.    


Su Lie and Gu Yuankai's hearts sank as they looked at each other.    


"Can the Five Elements Desolate Array withstand the attacks of so many people?"    


Gu Yuankai couldn't help but to ask.    


Su Lie shook his head slightly. He was also not confident in his heart.    


"When he attacks the formation, the two of us will control it with all our might." When he attacks the formation, the two of us will use all our might.    


Su Lie frowned and said.    


Gu Yuankai nodded, but he was still frowning slightly. Among those disciples, no one was able to raise their fighting prowess to the Revealing Astral Realm Realm, so they couldn't break through the Five Elements Desolate Formation in one go yet, but he was afraid that if those people kept attacking him, the spirit energy consumption of those rogue cultivators would be a problem. Once they run out of spirit energy, they wouldn't be able to stop those Inner Sect disciples.    


They still had more than a day. They had no confidence that they could block those people for so long.    


"Let's wait and see."    


After temporarily putting down the Inner Sect disciples, Su Lie started to recover his Origin Energy.    


Time slowly passed by, and the number of people that the Inner Sect disciples saved continued to increase.    


Other than those few injured people, more than half of the disciples of the two great Outer Sect s and three great imperial families were saved by them.    


Just when Liu Xuanyue and the others were worried that the Inner Sect's disciples would order them to attack, they did not expect that after the Inner Sect's disciples gathered those people, they would still arrange for those people to recover their spirit energy. It seemed that they planned to let them recover to their peak and destroy the Five Elements Desolation Formation in one go.    


Half a day passed in the blink of an eye. The sky gradually darkened and the night gradually deepened.    


The second day finally passed.    


Although the selection was only for a short three days, it felt exceptionally long.    


"There are still a lot of people who have yet to enter the central region. It seems like they won't come to the central region!"    


Liu Xuanyue shook her head slightly.    


There were still a few powerhouses who had yet to appear in this selection. It seemed that they had chosen a different path from the others and had stayed on the outskirts.    


The Great Spirit Outer Sect's Rank three formation master and the other Outer Sect Ranker did not appear, and Xiao Han did not appear either.    


Although Xiao Wei had been injured by Liu Xuanyue, he would definitely not withdraw from the selection just like that. He would definitely think of ways to capture the Imprint Spirit Stone, but he just did not know why they did not enter the central area.    


However, the situation did not seem to be good for them. The disciples of the Inner Sect had won over the other five great forces, wanting to deal with them together.    


It was soon midnight, but Gu Yuankai did not dare to relax. He stared at the people at the bottom of the mountain. They could attack at any time, so he had to be on guard.    


The foot of the mountain was completely silent under the cover of night. However, a tense atmosphere gradually spread out from the foot of the mountain. Both sides were preparing. Once the battle started, it would be like a violent storm.    


However, in this kind of tight collapse, the night passed peacefully.    


Whether it was the mountain peak or the mountains, the rogue cultivators or the disciples of the Inner Sect, everything was set aside for the time being. They cherished the rare time this morning as they began to absorb the heaven and earth's purple energy to cultivate.    


The purple color disappeared and the sun rose. As the eyes of the Inner Sect disciples opened, the storm that had been brewing for an entire night seemed to suddenly erupt.    


"Let's go!"    


Those disciples of the Inner Sect waved their hands, bringing the people of the two great Outer Sect s and three great imperial families, and rushed towards the peak where the Da Yuan Outer Sect s were.    


As these people slowly approached, a strong aura rose up from their bodies, like the waves of a sea, constantly crashing over.    


"As long as you can break through this Five Elements Desolation Formation, each of you will have one Imprint Spirit Stone. If you cannot break through, then you will be eliminated."    


The leading disciple of the Inner Sect said in a cold voice.    


They weren't afraid that those people wouldn't try their best. As long as it seemed like they had passed this selection, they would have to go all out. Only by breaking this Five Elements Desolation Formation would they have a sliver of hope.    




Following the orders given by the Inner Sect disciples, the disciples of the two great Outer Sect s and three great royal families immediately released powerful auras. In an instant, the Origin Energy in the sky surged, and powerful attacks continuously condensed and attacked the Five Elements Desolate Formation.    


At the peak, Su Lie had already stood up. He stood shoulder to shoulder with Liu Xuanyue and the others as he looked down at the attacks that seemed to cover the sky.    


"He's coming …"    


Gu Yuankai could not help but clench his fist.    


The first wave was only the fight between the disciples of the two great Outer Sect s and three great royal families. Those Inner Sect disciples were still standing at the side.    


Those rogue cultivators also knew that at this critical moment, as long as they endured past today, they would be able to become the disciples of the Tianyuan Sect. But if they could not, then their fates would be different, and they might end up like this for their entire lives.    


For their own future, those rogue cultivators had to go all out, pouring their elemental energy endlessly into the Five Elements Desolate Array. The energy was so abundant that the entire array formation seemed to solidify into a solid entity. The crystal wall of the array formation was like glass, cold and hard.    


"Boom!" BOOM! BOOM! "Boom!    


In the blink of an eye, extremely tyrannical attacks landed on the Avalon of Five Elements' formation, causing ripples to appear on it. The ripples did not spread to the surroundings, and the entire formation began to slightly undulate.    


The Avalon of Five Elements array began to quickly dissolve the terrifying energies that had fallen into the array, and the energy within the array was also rapidly being consumed.    


The attacks of those people were overwhelming, but because there were too many of them, no attacks that were too powerful had appeared. They did not activate the Five Elements Desolate Formation's counterattack.    


"If those disciples of the Inner Sect do not attack, even if they were to attack for a day, they would still not be able to break through the Five Elements Allheaven Formation."    


Seeing that the attacks of those people were unable to truly shake the formation, Su Lie could not help but heave a sigh of relief, and said while chuckling.    


"These people are indeed not scary enough, but those Inner Sect disciples are a big trouble."    


Gu Yuankai looked at the Inner Sect disciples who were standing behind him and said softly.    


"There's no other way. I can only take things one step at a time."    


Su Lie shook his head slightly.    


If it were just the nine Inner Sect's disciples, they could still go out to fight. But now that so many people had gathered outside, and they were all Earth Origin Stage's experts, if they dared to go out, they would be courting death.    


"Pay attention at any time. If anyone is unable to withstand it, attack immediately!"    


Gu Yuankai slightly turned his head and spoke to the rogue cultivators who were free at the side.    


When the rogue cultivators saw the huge attack from Gu Yuankai, all of their faces turned pale. Hearing Gu Yuankai's words, they naturally did not hesitate and nodded their heads.    


They were already tied up with the Da Yuan Outer Sect. Once the Five Elements Desolate Formation was broken through, they would be done for.    


"Don't stop, continue attacking!"    


When those disciples of the Inner Sect saw that the attacks of the two great Outer Sect s and three great imperial disciples did not actually shake the formation, their expressions became a little ugly.    


The faces of the disciples of the two great Outer Sect s and three great royal families also changed slightly. They knew that the Five Elements Desolate Formation was extremely powerful, but they did not expect it to be this powerful.    


Although they felt that they were unable to break through the Five Elements Desolate Formation, since the Inner Sect disciples had spoken, they did not dare to disobey.    


BOOMM! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Attack after attack bombarded the Five Elements Great Heavenly Array. Waves of elemental energy suddenly spread out around the formation.    


"Elder Brother, with these people, I'm afraid they won't be able to break the Avalon of Five Elements spell formation!"    


A disciple of the Inner Sect who was sensing the situation within the Five Elements Desolation Formation frowned and said.    


"There's no other way!"    


The leading man shook his head slightly, and said: "Even if we are included, this formation is still the same. This formation is extremely special, and if the attack reaches the Revealing Astral Realm Realm, it's very easy to break through.    


"If that's the case, then let's fight a battle of attrition. Let's see who can last until the end."    


The reason why the Avalon of Five Elements was so strong was because of the support of powerful elemental energy. As long as they kept attacking, their elemental energy would be depleted. At the end, it all depended on who had the most elemental energy.    


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