Peerless Sovereign



In the main hall, the last stone statue lit up, but the expression in Qi Tianye's eyes gradually dimmed down.    


He slowly closed his eyes and did not make a sound.    


His truesoul had completely dissipated, disappearing from this world.    


He left very casually, and at the very last moment, he was also very calm.    


He was extremely satisfied with Su Lie. He was able to discern that Su Lie was of a true nature, and even if Su Lie didn't have the Pledge Heart Stone, Su Lie would probably go and take revenge for him.    


Su Lie still did not know that Qi Tianye had died, and was sitting cross-legged on the Di Ji Five Cube Sword Art's inheritance.    


The inheritance of the Di Ji Five Cube Sword Art should not have been left behind by Qi Tianye.    


Countless sword moves and countless paths of elemental energy flowed unceasingly into his mind. It was like a raging flood, rampaging through his mind. He did not care whether he could endure it or not.    


The inheritance contained a domineering aura, as though an emperor was descending from the heavens, controlling all five directions.    


The sword moves were indeed extremely exquisite, but the Di Ji Five Cube Sword Art, the most important thing was not the sword moves, but a state. Only by mastering the kind of state where only I am in charge and the world is in my hands, will I be able to execute the last three ultimate sword moves.    


Once the three ultimate moves were used, every single one of them would cause the heavens to shatter and the earth to shatter.    


Although the Di Ji Five Cube Sword Art was an Emperor Level sword technique, the conditions for cultivation were slightly lower than that for the Green Edge Art. As long as one's cultivation reached the Earth Origin Stage, they could start training, but if one wanted to cultivate the last three ultimate moves, their cultivation would have to at least reach the Sovereign Realm.    


The tyrannical way in which the Di Ji Five Cube Sword Art was passed down made Su Lie's consciousness seem to be slashed by a sword light that carried an endless domineering aura. It caused his mind to rumble and faintly hurt.    


Su Lie could only feel streams of information endlessly gushing into his mind. Within his six senses, he could no longer sense anything else.    


Time slowly passed. The light still remained strong in the stone statue's eyes as it looked down from above like an emperor looking down at Su Lie.    


As Qi Tianye left, only Su Lie remained in the palace. The silence was terrifyingly quiet.    


The Emperor Level Sword Technique was something far beyond the Heaven Stage. It was just a sword technique, but the amount of information it contained was more than what Qi Tianye had learned in his entire life. It was even more than the two legacies that Qi Tianye had left behind.    


After almost four hours, the light in the statue's eyes began to dim, and the inheritance finally came to an end.    


After the inheritance ended, Su Lie was still sitting cross-legged on the spot, quietly digesting the information from the inheritance.    


Passing the intent inheritance was like carving it into one's consciousness. Although it would never be forgotten, it was the easiest time to comprehend and assimilate the inheritance right after receiving it.    


Not to mention that one of the five methods, the Empyrean Terminus Five Arts, also contained a concept. Su Lie wanted to take advantage of the fact that the concept was still clear, and comprehend it in detail, remembering that feeling.    


Concept inheritance wasn't like a cultivation method. It was something that was most clear at the start. As time passed, it would slowly become fainter and fainter.    


Only after spending more than a day did Su Lie finally absorb the concept. After another five days, he finally managed to sort out the Di Ji Five Cube Sword Art a little. As for the specific training, it was not something that could be done in a short period of time.    


Su Lie opened his eyes and immediately turned his head to look at Qi Tianye. Seeing Qi Tianye sitting quietly with his eyes closed, Su Lie's expression could not help but slightly darken.    


"Senior …"    


Su Lie's emotions were complicated.    


Originally, they did not know each other, but they got everything from Qi Tianye.    


After he gave everything to himself without holding anything back, his soul vanished.    


"Even our dragon race managed to escape death in the end, not to mention you humans, you will be the same in the future."    


Tian Zi said indifferently in Su Lie's mind.    


Listening to Tian Zi's indifferent voice, Su Lie wanted to curse loudly. Could it be that this fellow couldn't say something nice?    


"Su Lie, this inheritance of the Di Ji Five Cube Sword Art shouldn't be something that he left behind. He's only using a special method to activate it. Such a powerful inheritance, it shouldn't be something that can only be inherited once. Go and take a look!"    


Tian Zi said something else.    


Su Lie raised his head and looked forward. It seemed that this stone statue was truly different from the other two.    


After he had received the inheritance, cracks had appeared on the other two stone statues. However, the statue in front of him was completely undamaged.    


"When he obtained the inheritance, it definitely wasn't such a huge stone statue. There should have been something hidden inside this statue. That's the true inheritance treasure."    


Tian Zi guessed.    


"You want me to smash apart this statue?"    


Su Lie stared at the stone statue and said to Tian Zi while carefully inspecting it.    


"Could it be that you have other concerns?"    


Tian Zi couldn't help but ask.    


Su Lie was slightly stunned and couldn't help but look over at Qi Tianye's corpse. The fact that Qi Tianye had passed on his legacy was already a great grace. Su Lie didn't want to destroy the things in his palace. This was more or less disrespectful.    


"Think about it carefully. If that Inheritance Item can be used again, then it will be a priceless treasure. If you miss it, then it will be gone."    


Tian Zi said enticingly in Su Lie's mind.    


Top rank Earth Realm martial skills were already priceless in the sect. There weren't even any at all. It wasn't wrong to say that the Emperor Stage martial skills were priceless treasures.    


Su Lie slightly thought about it and could not help but be moved.    


He walked to the side of the statue and reached out with both of his hands to grab the statue.    




He let out a light snort and suddenly exerted force through his entire body. The veins and muscles on his body bulged out.    


Moreover, it was twenty to thirty feet tall, and extremely tall. But how terrifying must Su Lie's strength be, to have at least a hundred thousand kilograms of strength, carrying that stone statue was not difficult at all.    


He pulled the statue out of the ground and carried it on his shoulder as he walked out of the hall.    


Even if he wanted to smash the statue, he didn't want to do it in front of Qi Tianye in this hall.    


Su Lie carried the huge stone statue with him as if he was carrying a mountain, and walked out of the hall. He walked down the stone stairs and placed the stone statue by the side of the deep abyss.    




Su Lie's strength must have been incredibly great. Not to mention the stone statue, he could even smash a metal sculpture with his bare hands.    


"Crack …"    


On the stone statue, a crack appeared in an instant, spreading to the entire body.    




Another smash.    


A dense web of cracks appeared on the statue like a spider web. After only two breaths of time, tiny rocks began to fall from the statue.    


More and more cracks appeared on the statue, and the cracks became denser and denser. The speed at which the cracks collapsed increased and countless fist-sized stones fell from the statue, rolling towards the abyss below.    


Su Lie deliberately controlled his strength and completely shattered the stone statue.    


A few breaths later, the stone statue was much smaller, and its core was gradually revealed. It was a metal ball with many simple and unadorned patterns on it, suffused with a golden hue.    


"This is it!"    


Tian Zi said.    


Su Lie reached out his hand towards the metal ball. It was only the size of a fist and Su Lie could easily grab it with one hand. He then dug it out from the stone statue.    


However, when he touched the metal ball, his arm suddenly sank.    


"So heavy!"    


Su Lie cried out in surprise, and his eyes couldn't help but reveal a trace of astonishment.    


The metal ball was only the size of a fist, but it was several thousand jin in weight. It was unbelievably heavy.    




Tian Zi also cried out in alarm.    


"What, this kind of metal has a great origin?"    


Su Lie could not help but ask.    


Other than the things that were beneficial to his recovery, there were very few things that Zi would take a fancy to. There had never been anything that could make him let out such a cry before.    


"Of course it has its origins. This metal is not something from your world. It comes from another world, that world, and it's even stronger than our Dragon race's world. This iron is a type of metal from that world, and it's a top quality material for refining weapons."    


Tian Zi said excitedly.    


Exquisite material?    


Even Tian Zi could use the word 'top quality' to describe it, causing Su Lie to be unable to help himself from carefully inspecting the metal ball in his hand. However, other than it being extremely heavy, he was still unable to discover anything.    


"With your current cultivation, you won't be able to see anything. Hurry up and put it away, just like how there's no inheritance. Even this piece of iron is a priceless treasure."    


Tian Zi said cautiously.    


It was as if he was afraid that someone else would take it away from him.    


Su Lie nodded his head and put the metal ball back into his Cosmic Bag. Then, he casually pushed the broken stone statue into the abyss.    


"How do I leave?"    


Su Lie's eyes swept the surroundings and suddenly thought of a problem.    


He had forgotten to ask Qi Tianye this question, and Qi Tianye seemed to have ignored it and didn't tell him.    


Su Lie once again entered the palace and looked around, but he did not discover anything.    


He rejected Tian Zi's suggestion to search Qi Tianye's body.    


Once again arriving outside the palace, Su Lie discovered that the abyss had passed through the entrance and there were no other entrances.    


"Do we have to get out of the abyss?"    


Su Lie's eyes stared at the black fog rolling down the abyss and could not help but frown.    


This chasm didn't give him a good feeling, moreover, the chasm extended to both sides, he didn't know that it was the exit over there.    


"Let's take a look first!"    


Su Lie's body moved and flew to the left first.    


After flying for more than half an hour, he had no choice but to turn back. In front of him was a huge magma cave. There was no way out, it was sealed off.    


He flew to the right again, and after only flying about twenty to thirty feet, he stopped. Not far from the palace, on the cliff, there was a teleportation formation, this discovery made Su Lie smile bitterly. If he had known this would happen, he would have searched the surrounding area first.    


The Teleportation Formation was powered by elemental energy. Once Su Lie infused elemental energy into it, he could easily activate it.    


"Senior, once I find the descendants of the Qi clan, if I have the chance, I will definitely have them come and pay their respects."    


Su Lie bowed slightly towards the direction of the palace and stepped onto the Teleportation Formation.    


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