Peerless Sovereign



As the energy descended, the figures of the two men appeared.    


They stared at each other proudly and didn't move an inch.    


Su Lie had already kept his Qiankun Pen. Ye Tong's counterattack from before had far exceeded his expectations!    


The martial skill that the cyan spear had killed had most likely surpassed the average rank eight martial skill. It could very possibly be a rank nine martial skill.    


Grade nine martial skill!    


Such a terrifying level had already exceeded his imagination!    


However, Su Lie's Qiankun Pen was definitely not someone to be trifled with. However, a total of ten acupoints' worth of strength, was merely equal for him.    


"You haven't fallen yet, but you don't have any strength left, right …"    


After standing for a moment, Su Lie suddenly let out a soft sneer.    


He suddenly raised his right hand and placed it on Ye Tong's shoulder.    


An extremely tiny sword glow slowly surfaced above it.    


The tiny sword beam emitted by his fingertip was extremely minute!    


However, it was enough to slit Ye Tong's throat.    


Ye Tong looked at him as soon as he finished talking. Apparently, it was difficult for him to move his throat.    


After a moment, he said slowly, "You win."    


He won!    


The word 'short' came out of his mouth with great difficulty.    


Su Lie laughed lightly. He slowly withdrew the finger that was originally on Su Li's neck and said: "It was a good fight."    


After he finished speaking, he walked straight towards the back, leaving Ye Tong, who looked to be in a daze.    


Naturally, there were two senior brothers and sisters from the Tianyuan Sect s who helped him down.    


Returning to the grandstands, Su Lie's back was still drenched in sweat.    


When the strong wind blew on the Cloud rolling platform, it actually shook for a bit.    


Then he rubbed his temples and sighed at how nervous he was.    


That was a Grade Nine Martial Skill, Grade Nine!    


Even his highest movement technique and martial skill was only a grade six.    


The pentagram sword formation that he had created himself could probably be considered around the eighth rank … So, it could be said that this was his first time fighting against a rank 9 martial skill!    


At this level, he did not even dare to think about it in Qingyang City.    


Who would have thought that they would meet again in this short half a month after coming out.    


"Hehe, Su Lie, that's pretty good …"    


Seeing that Su Lie had returned, Luo Xiaoyu immediately asked with concern.    


Su Lie shook his head slightly and said indifferently: "No worries."    


His gaze fell on Ye Tong, and the corner of his mouth slowly rose into a smile: "Hehe, a martial arts fanatic, is indeed someone to befriend. "It's also good to let him fail once. If a martial arts fanatic who has never failed ends up in the dark, it's likely that something bad will happen …"    


Only after hearing Su Lie's words did Luo Xiaoyu relax.    


Xiao Yan nodded indifferently and nodded slightly.    


It could be seen that she was not very interested in that so-called martial arts fanatic.    


After being silent for a while, she suddenly said, "The martial skill that he used earlier was indeed a rank 9 martial skill. If I'm not wrong, this should be a martial skill from the West Region's' Piercing Wind Pavilion '. Ling Feng Pavilion is considered to be a very large faction in the western region. "    


"Lingfeng Pavilion? What is that?"    


Su Lie suddenly frowned and asked.    


Luo Xiaoyu only gave a shallow smile and replied, "I'm not too sure, I just know this name." I don't know even a little bit about it. "    


"But you have to remember."    


After saying these words, Luo Xiaoyu's expression suddenly became serious. She looked at Su Lie and said seriously: "There are many things on this continent that you don't know about, and even in our Dayuan Dynasty s, it is far from as simple as it appears on the surface. It was this Ling Feng Pavilion, and its strength … I think he is not much weaker than Tianyuan Sect. "    




Su Lie was stunned for a moment. He looked at Luo Xiaoyu's face which had suddenly turned serious. After a moment, he smiled and knocked at her and said: "You and I are both from Qingyang City. How do you know so many secrets?"    


"I know that's good."    


Luo Xiaoyu pouted, obviously extremely dissatisfied with Su Lie's reaction.    


However, it was only a moment before she regained her smile.    


He then looked at the field and watched the selection with interest.    


Su Lie's gaze had also shifted away from Luo Xiaoyu. He was indeed slightly surprised.    


Luo Xiaoyu and Luo Bai, whom he met a few days ago, probably had quite a secret on them.    


He knew a few things that he didn't know.    


Fortunately, the two of them had no enmity with him. Instead, they had quite a good relationship.    


It was just that such a secretive secret confused Su Lie.    


Of course, being confused was being confused. He wouldn't expose anything because of this.    


After the selection, there were two that were quite exciting.    


However, to Su Lie and Luo Xiaoyu, it was nothing.    


After watching for a while, the two of them went back to the room prepared for them by the Tianyuan Sect and started to concentrate on cultivation.    


And this time, in order to recover their strength as quickly as possible, the people from the Tianyuan Sect had sent over three more Grade Four Pills.    


Naturally, Su Lie accepted these benefits with a smile.    


"As expected of the Tianyuan Sect that is known as the number one sect of the Dayuan Dynasty. "In the mortal world, if you want to invite Hua Yi to refine a pill, then it would be worth quite a bit. I never thought that pills would be so cheap here."    


As he fiddled with the pill in his hand, he suddenly thought of something.    


He slowly took out the emblem he obtained from the Alchemist Association in Tianyuan City and looked at the words written on it with a faint smile.    


"According to Hua Yi, as long as one is a Grade One Alchemist, Tianyuan Sect would retract his disciple. Could it be that alchemists are extremely scarce in Tianyuan Sect? "    


A Tier 1 apothecary didn't have any offensive capabilities, and their mental strength was extremely weak, unable to be unleashed.    


Thus, as long as Su Lie did not reveal himself, his identity as an alchemist would not be discovered.    


"Pill refining is also a good way out. If there is a chance in the future, think of a way to become an alchemist in the Tianyuan Sect. "    


He mumbled to himself and made a decision. "Alchemists of the same rank are much nobler than warriors of the same rank …"    


He pondered for a moment, and finally, from his Cosmic Bag, he slowly took out the Space Splitting Explosion.    


This was also a martial skill that was at least a sixth grade. If Su Lie wanted to cultivate it, it would be a powerful idea in the future.    


However, after thinking for a while, he gave up in the end.    


Tomorrow was the day of a chaotic battle between the ten on the Rolling Cloud Platform!    


If he were to cultivate today, it would be very difficult for him to achieve any results.    


It would be better to wait until the selection is over before making a decision.    


As he slowly swallowed the last medicinal pill, a wave of heat flowed through his body and seeped into his limbs.    


The entire strength that Su Lie had expended today, had also been restored.    


Even the extremely obscure acupoints in the 3000 star charts were filled with immense medicinal power.    


The terrifying recovery medicinal power that Grade Four Pills could create, had greatly benefited Su Lie!    


In the short span of a few days, a tremendous amount of medicinal power had opened up a lot of blocked meridians in his body.    


His strength had also reached the peak of the fourth level of Natal Opening Realm … Of course, this was also related to his own potential!    


He had just entered the fourth level of Natal Opening Realm and in less than a week's time, he had already reached the peak of the fourth level.    


This speed would likely cause many people's eyes to turn red and curse at the demon-level character.    


However, even after he had absorbed all of the medicinal effects, he still had not allowed Su Lie to break through to the fifth level of the Natal Opening Realm!    


In the end, Su Lie could only faintly smile and shake his head.    


He waited until the sky gradually cleared and a touch of white appeared on the horizon.    


He once again sat down cross-legged and absorbed the purple gas into his stomach.    


On the Dantian that had been silent for a long time, the faint dragon roar also started to roar … Su Lie seemed to be used to this strange scene.    


There was a dragon hidden in his body. If this matter were to be spread out, he would either be ridiculed as crazy by others.    


Or else, what shocked them the most was their chins falling off.    


However, up until now, this dragon was still as weak as a chicken's ribs.    


Other than occasionally refining pills and absorbing the extremely illusory Innate Dan Qi, it had no other use.    


Of course, the power needed to modify bloodlines was not small.    


He waited for the white light in the horizon to dissipate and turn into the rising sun.    


The dragon cry within Su Lie's body finally slowly faded away.    


He opened his eyes as soon as the dragon's cry sounded.    


He was completely refreshed!    


He was extremely satisfied with his cultivation at the peak of the fourth stage of the Natal Opening Realm.    


And at this time, Su Lie's true combat strength was probably enough to directly clash head on with an ordinary person at the eighth level of Natal Opening Realm.    


If he met that Alligator acutus, Su Lie was confident that he would be able to crush that crocodile into dust on the land.    


The purple color slowly descended and he got up.    


After washing his face and rinsing his mouth, he slightly tidied himself up before continuing to participate in the selection on the second day at the Cloud rolling platform.    


The selection for the second day wasn't as simple as the first.    


but rather, all of the people of the Tianyuan Sect, as long as you want to watch, you can come over anytime!    


The tactics used in the free-for-all had also caused the situation to change drastically.    


Be it strength, luck, or wisdom, they were all indispensable.    


In summary, it was much more difficult than the duel of the first day.    


If he wanted to escape from it, he would have to enter the top three.    


In the top three of the ten choices, everyone could feel a great pressure when facing the ten elite people from the entire empire.    


He slowly walked to the top of the roiling cloud platform. The two light barriers over the roiling cloud platform had completely disappeared, and what replaced them was a large circular light barrier in the center!    


It took up a good half of the entire Cloud Wave Hall's area. Compared to yesterday, the area of the battle was still three times as big.    


"Is it still noon like before?"    


Looking indifferently at the sky, Su Lie gently smiled.    


His gaze swept across the light cover and found Luo Xiaoyu's figure.    


Then, he slowly stepped inside.    


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