Peerless Divine Sovereign



"Which group do you think will take the lead this time? Let's reach the finish line first." Entering into the secret room, after staring at the scene for a while, Nuan Tutor suddenly looked at Teacher Mo and Deacon Yang and asked.    


"Heh, of course. It must be Xian Xiaoguo's group that reached the finish line first. Their strength is still there. This second mission is a piece of cake for her." The moment Instructor Ruan finished speaking, Deacon Yang opened his mouth and said.    


That's right, the fifteen images that appeared on the screen in front of the three were precisely the teams formed by the thirty students. Whatever happened in the illusion world, they could clearly see it from the screens.    


There were two main functions to this surveillance screen. The first was like what Yao Ling was worried about earlier. Although the mission set up by the Spiritual Sky Academy was not dangerous, it was also afraid of unexpected accidents, so they had to monitor them in real time. If something happened, they would make an emergency move or close the illusion.    


Secondly, as I said before, the three coaches would rate each mission based on the student's performance. If even they can't see the situation within the mission, then they won't be able to do anything about it.    


In reality, apart from the first personal task, which could not be monitored in real time, they could monitor the other two tasks and rate them according to their performance.    


The first individual task was based on the result of the task, the time spent on the task, the performance of the task, and the evaluation given by the task holder. Generally speaking, one could get a perfect score of 10 points unless they made some kind of mistake.    


Returning to the main topic, when Deacon Yang's voice fell, Instructor Nuan also nodded his head and let out a long sigh. A proud smile appeared on his face as he said: "Right, with Xian Xiaoguo's strength, this mission is nothing to her.    


Regarding this, Deacon Yang and Instructor Mo did not say much. In fact, they also agreed to this, and after Instructor Ruan finished her sentence, she seemed to have thought of something and asked Instructor Mo, "Right, did you apply for the recommendation to escort Xian Xiaoguo to the main courtyard?"    


"Right, right, I also wanted to ask you about that. That girl, Xian Xiaoguo, is definitely qualified to be recommended for guarantee. If you apply to the academy, they will definitely not reject you." Deacon Yang also nodded and said.    


"As you wish, we have applied. At the same time, the academy has indeed given us the recommendation to deliver it." After the two of them were done talking, Teacher Mo first nodded his head, then shook it and said, "But the academy also said that they want her to choose whether she's willing to be recommended as a escort or not."    


Instructor Nuan and Deacon Yang both knew the reason for why they chose to be recommended as escorts or not. They did not ask too much, but secretly nodded, then looked at Teacher Mo and asked, "Then did you tell Xian Xiaoguo, what did she say?"    


Teacher Mo paused for a moment before saying, "Yes."    


Deacon Yang and Instructor Nuan followed up and asked, "Then did she agree?"    


You agree? The corner of Teacher Mo's mouth twitched. His expression was a little strange and he was unable to say anything for a long time. Seeing his appearance, Deacon Yang and Instructor Ruan also frowned as a bad feeling rose in their hearts …    




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