Asura Martial System

C299 High Priest Shen Ju

C299 High Priest Shen Ju

Just as Zhao Xin was asking what he should do.    


Suddenly, a loud shout resounded through the entire scene.    


"Everyone, be quiet."    


Zhao Xin was shocked by the shout and came back to his senses. He looked at the person who shouted, it was an old lady, Old Lady God Qu.    


At this moment, Jin Muyan had woken up.    


A gentle breeze blew past. Zhao Xin suddenly felt that the wind was a little cold down there. He lowered his head and was shocked. He was completely naked. He was tied up on the cross and was surrounded by so many Beauty Snakes!    


The old man pointed his cane at Zhao Xin and Jin Muyan and shouted angrily, "Human Clan has tried to harm my people, the people of God Qu. Their crimes and actions are so heinous that it makes one's hair stand on end. Here, represent the Dragon God and sentence the two of them to death."    




The old lady shouted loudly. A few people of the God Qu Family lit up the firewood pile below them and immediately, a raging fire was ignited.    


"Burn humans to death, burn humans to death."    


"Burn them to death."    


"「 Damn humans, kill my women, burn them to death 」"    


A series of shouts rang out from within the crowd.    


Zhao Xin was stunned when he heard that. He turned to look at the old lady and shouted, "Old lady, what right do you have to burn us to death?"    


The old lady snorted and said, "Based on what? The two of you raped my God Qu clansmen and caused their deaths. Don't you want to plead guilty?"    


Causing their deaths?    


Zhao Xin and Jin Muyan were shocked when they heard this. They had been knocked out before they had even succeeded. How could those four Beauty Snake have died?    


The old lady waved her hand and the four Beauty Snakes were carried up. They died in a miserable manner. Their bodies were covered in injuries, and it was as if they had been violently stabbed by something thick.    


Jin Muyan saw this and angrily shouted, "Bullshit! We have never done such a thing before. Old hag, you are framing us!"    


Zhao Xin looked at the four corpses on the ground and fell into deep thought. Jin Muyan had been arguing with the old lady.    


Zhao Xin looked at the pair of dead sisters and slowly clenched his fist. The veins on his forehead suddenly bulged. The Spiritual Energy in his body was about to burst out, but Zhao Xin stopped it time and time again.    


"Zhao Xin, you should say something too. We have never done such a thing before."    


"If you want to add fuel to the fire, there is no need to say anything."    


"You..." Jin Muyan was shocked when he saw Zhao Xin looking down at him.    


High Priest looked at the two of them and smiled coldly. The fire continued to spread, and soon it would burn the two of them. There was a continuous stream of angry shouts in the square, and they were all shouting to burn them to death.    


The fire was burning. It went along the bottom of the cross and reached their feet.    


Jin Muyan saw that Zhao Xin had yet to move, and his eyes darkened. He wanted to summon He Zi.    


A loud shout suddenly sounded in the square. "Wait! These two humans are innocent."    


As the shout spread, all of the God Qu clansmen were shocked.    


Zhao Xin and Jin Muyan were also shocked. They looked towards the source of the voice and were shocked. When they saw the person who shouted, they exclaimed, "Xiao Qing!"    


High Priest saw that Xiao Qing was still alive and her expression suddenly changed. A wave of anger ignited in her heart. She originally wanted to kill Xiao Qing on the spot but when she saw the Beauty Snake beside her, she could only suppress the anger in her heart.    


Xiao Qing walked out and looked at the Beauty Snake in front of High Priest, "Elder sister patriarch, these two humans are innocent. They did not rape and kill our clansmen."    


Zhao Xin followed Xiao Qing's gaze and saw that the elder sister patriarch in Xiao Qing's mouth had a flying immortal bun on her head. A few golden flowers that were separated from her hair bun highlighted her noble temperament.    


The two ribbons that hung down from her head gently fluttered in the breeze. In her noble temperament, there was a hint of elegance like that of an immortal. Her eyebrows were like crescent moons and her eyes were like stars. She looked around and was charming and moving. It was seductive. Her heart and soul.    


She had a red cloth wrapped around her chest and a red cloth covering her chest. Through the translucent red cloth, one could see her jade-like skin and delicate arms.    


Such a peerless appearance, no man could resist.    


With a cold expression and a serious expression, he looked coldly at Xiao Qing and asked, "Where is the evidence? High Priest saw with her own eyes that the two of them raped and killed in the small stream, Tan Mi. All the witnesses and material evidence were present. What else is there to say?"    


Xiao Qing's face froze and she looked up at High Priest. She turned to look at the elder sister of the patriarch and stammered, " This... "    


She did not have any evidence. She secretly returned to the tribe and saw that Zhao Xin was tied up and about to be burned to death. She did not have a conscience before she came out to save him.    


High Priest shouted, "Xiao Qing, as Snake People, you are hindering the execution. What do you have in mind? Could it be that you have already hooked up with these two humans?"    


Xiao Qing's expression changed. How could she be a match for the cunning High Priest at such a young age?    


Xiao Qing was silent.    


High Priest took advantage of the victory to chase and shout, "Men, come and fight a battle of fifty as a warning to others."    


The patriarch only looked at all of this coldly and did not stop High Priest.    


Under the patriarch's tacit agreement, Xiao Qing was pressed down to the ground with a stick and was about to hit Xiao Qing's butt when a strong wind suddenly swept up in the venue and directly overturned a few Snake People who was holding the stick.    


The strong wind dispersed and Shui Tong's figure appeared in front of Xiao Qing.    


"Elder sister patriarch, I have evidence to prove that High Priest really framed the two humans' Little Brother." When Shui Tong's words came out, it caused a huge uproar in the crowd.    


At this moment, High Priest's expression was extremely ugly. She really could not understand why Shui Tong would suddenly betray her.    


The patriarch nodded and motioned for Shui Tong to take out the evidence.    


Shui Tong took out a round white crystal and injected the Spiritual Energy into it. A screen appeared on the white crystal.    


High Priest was shocked and the Spiritual Energy in her body burst out. The green staff in her hand suddenly burst out with a powerful force and rushed towards the recording crystal ball in Shui Tong's hand.    


Shui Tong's expression changed and she thought that it was not good. Before the attack reached her, the pressure directly crushed her Spiritual Sense and she spat out a mouthful of blood.    




Suddenly, the air shook and High Priest's attack was intercepted in midair. The patriarch's figure appeared in front of Shui Tong.    


"High Priest, if you have something to say, say it properly. I will not allow you to touch my clansmen." The patriarch said coldly.    


High Priest's face changed. She was livid. She held the divine staff tightly and said, "Patriarch, I, priest just don't like people accusing me. I was furious for a moment."    


"Shui Tong, take out your evidence. I will not cover up any side."    


"Yes, elder sister patriarch."    


Shui Tong forcefully endured the surging blood energy in her heart and injected it into the Spiritual Energy. The screen that disappeared reappeared in front of everyone's eyes.    


"High Priest, are you really going to assassinate Xiao Qing's parents?"    


"You only came to ask me after killing them?" High Priest smiled and threw out two bloody heads.    


The screen played the familiar scene of High Priest. Because the angle of the camera was not good, one could only see the heads on the ground and the two people's conversation. But from the sound, one could tell that Shui Tong and High Priest were talking.    


Xiao Qing saw the bloody human heads that appeared and sobbed silently as if the world had collapsed. In an instant, she cried like a person in tears.    


"High Priest, the clan head's spy has been removed. What should we do next?"    


"I will make arrangements freely. Ren Bingyan, your patriarch will not be able to do it for a few days."    


A scene flashed across the screen. The entire scene was so quiet that even the sound of a pin dropping could be heard.    


High Priest's expression was gloomy and revealed a vicious look. She sent her voice to Snake People behind her, "Do as planned."    


"Yes." Snake People retreated secretly and did not attract anyone's attention.    




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