Great Son-in-law

C320 The Professional Ethics of the Shield

C320 The Professional Ethics of the Shield



Chu Fann was caught off guard by the sudden benefit. Although this guy did not want to hide, he was indeed dumbfounded at that moment.    


What was going on? Was the way the Fang family welcomed their guests so unrestrained?    


Wen Shuirou's eyes dimmed and a trace of disappointment and resentment appeared in her cold eyes. If she dared to be so bold...    


Just when Chu Fann was shocked by what had happened, hurried footsteps suddenly came from the villa.    


Chu Fann glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Faang Zhantian and a group of Fang family members rushing over. There was also an unfamiliar face in the crowd. It should be a guest of the Fang family.    


"Mr. Chu... Xiao Yuan, what are you doing?!"    


Faang Zhantian walked closer. When he saw his sister hugging Chu Fann's neck and closing her eyes, reveling in her intimacy with Chu Fann, he froze on the spot.    


The group of Fang family members were also shocked. They opened their mouths but couldn't say a word.    


On the other hand, the face of the unfamiliar face suddenly darkened. His eyes were filled with anger, as if the thing he loved had been taken away by someone.    


After another ten seconds, Faang Yuan reluctantly let go of Chu Fann, but she still maintained the posture of leaning against his chest.    


She turned her head to look at her brother. She said lightly, "Yang, I told you long ago. I have someone I love. What parents' lives, what matchmaking words, I can't make decisions for my own feelings. Then what's the difference between me and a puppet controlled by a thread? "    


Hearing this, a bitter smile appeared on Faang Zhantian's face.    


Chu Fann finally understood why Faang Yuan would suddenly give him such a "warm" welcome ceremony. It turned out that she was using him as a shield, but the price seemed to be a little high.    


But he definitely did not lose out.    


One must know that Faang Yuan was a first-class beauty!    


Furthermore, because of her many years of military career, Faang Yuan had an additional heroic spirit that did not let a man's beard and brows fall. She was flirting with this kind of girl. That was the treatment that many men dreamed of but could not get. He had made a lot of money.    


"Sister, we have only met Mr. Chu once. When did you confirm your relationship with him?"    


How could Faang Zhantian not know that this was just Faang Yuan's impulsive action to get rid of the marriage arranged by her family? But even so, he could not let Fang Yuan let his temper run wild.    


After all, this marriage was very important. It was even related to the future development of the Fang family.    


How could a family that could marry into a military family like the Fang family be an ordinary person? Faang Yuan doing this would not only anger the other party but also bring trouble to Chu Fann.    


Sigh... what a headache!    


"Hmph, that was the first time you and Chu Fann met. The last time Chu Fann came to see grandpa, I secretly added him on WeChat and slowly confirmed his relationship with him. Today, he came to see grandpa's body, but also to find me. Ask her if you don't believe me!"    


Faang Yuan did not care about the marriage. She put more strength into her arms around Chu Fann's neck and hung on him like a sloth.    


Chu Fann thought to himself that he had just taken advantage of her. If he turned against her now, it would be too heartless. As a man of principle, he was not allowed to do this.    


Therefore, he coughed dryly and said righteously. "It is indeed the same as what Xiao Yuan said. We've been secretly dating for some time now. I am here today to talk about this! "    


Faang Zhantian felt a headache coming on when he saw the two of them were on the same side.    


He knew his sister's temper. He had investigated and understood Chu Fann. He knew that Chu Fann had two women in his family. He could not afford to provoke them outside.    


But even if they knew that the two of them were putting on an act, they could not admit that they had a solution, let alone kissing in front of everyone. What could they do?    


One must know that the man who went on a blind date with Faang Yuan was also here!    


As soon as Faang Zhantian thought of this, that unfamiliar face walked out from the crowd.    


This person was tall and had a piercingly cold aura that only soldiers had. He narrowed his eyes and stared fiercely at Chu Fann. "Good job. Someone actually dared to touch my Ding Yi's woman. He really doesn't know what's good for him!"    


When Faang Yuan heard these words, she immediately exploded.    


"Ding, tell me clearly, when did I become your woman? I told you that I will marry whoever can cure my grandfather. Chu Fann did it at the scene. Is there a problem with me being with him?"    


"As for you, although you are my grandfather's proud disciple and your family is very powerful, is this the reason why I have to marry you?"    


"Xiao Yuan, don't think that I don't know!"    


Ding Yi frowned and said in a deep voice, "The one who cured my master was clearly Lau Mu, Godly Doctor Liu. It is said that this kid is a handyman. Even if you really want to marry him, you will marry Godly Doctor Liu. What does it have to do with him?"    


"But Godly Doctor Liu is a highly respected senior. Naturally, he won't argue with you. This kind of childish oath."    


"Furthermore, everyone knows that you are just too worried about my master's condition. No one will take your words seriously. You don't have to feel sorry for yourself. With this kind of fellow, he is not worthy of you at all!"    


Chu Fann was unhappy when he heard this.    


If you pick up girls, then pick up girls. Why are you belittling him for no reason? What do you mean by following him and feeling wronged? What do you mean by that he is not worthy of Faang Yuan at all?    


He, Chu Fann, was a direct descendant of a super family's Chu family. He was also a martial artist who did not lack martial arts. Not to mention how awesome he was, he was at least much more powerful than ordinary official second-generation richs.    


Why did this person say that he was worthless?    


Just as he was about to step forward and have a good chat with this Ding Yi, Ding Yi actually found him first.    


"Your name is Chu Fan, right?"    


Ding Yi walked in front of Chu Fann and said in a high and mighty tone.    


Chu Fann raised his eyebrows and didn't respond to him. This was a method he had figured out himself. When the other party spoke first, he had to remain silent.    


There was no need to be afraid if he lost the initiative. Gao Leng was the best way to fight back.    


Sure enough, seeing that Chu Fann didn't speak, Ding Yi's thick brows knitted even tighter.    


He curled his lips and said unhappily, "I know you're just a temporary shield that Little Yuan found. I don't want to make things difficult for you. You admit your relationship with Little Yuan yourself. I can ignore what happened just now."    


Chu Fann could not help but feel surprised when he heard that.    


It seemed that this kid really liked Faang Yuan. Otherwise, if it was any other man, seeing the person who was about to go on a blind date hugging and kissing someone else, he would probably turn hostile and leave on the spot.    


But he also had professional ethics. How could he give up halfway?    


So he said, "I don't have anything to admit. Faang Yuan and I are lovers. Is it very important for you to not care about what happened just now?"    


At this moment, Ding Yi's face turned completely gloomy.    


He grinned. "Since it's like this, then don't blame me for being impolite!"    


The moment he finished speaking, he clenched his fists and rushed towards Chu Fann.    


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