Great Son-in-law

C352 What Kind of Car Is This

C352 What Kind of Car Is This

She took a few steps forward and walked side by side with Chu Fann. However, she couldn't help but put her finger on Chu Fann's hand.    


Chu Fann was slightly stunned. Just as he was about to move his hand away, Faang Yuan hurriedly said, "You are not allowed to move?"    


"Miss Fang, we are just acting. We just need to take two photos together in the Ferris wheel later. Now, in front of everyone, you are just pulling my leg. Do you not want to get married in the future?"    


Chu Fann smiled helplessly and said seriously.    


Faang Yuan pursed her lips and said angrily, "You are a talkative person. You already agreed to act with me. How can you have so much to say? Do you think I want to hold your hand? My brother arranged for someone to secretly film me. It's to expose the fact that we're not lovers, or else I won't hold hands with you! "    


Hearing this, Chu Fann could not help laughing.    


Was this girl pretending to be silly with him, or did she really not understand?    


With the connections of the Fang family in Yunhai City and Chu Fann's current reputation, it was simply too easy to find information about him.    


After all, Chu Fann had always felt that there was nothing to hide about him. As long as the Fang family wanted to, they could immediately find out that he already had two girlfriends. Under such circumstances, how could the Fang family support Faang Yuan to be with him?    


Therefore, it was very obvious that Faang Yuan was willful this time and secretly ran out to find him.    


He originally did not want to accompany Faang Yuan out. If it was not because he saw that she persuaded Chen Mengyao and Qiao Xue, he was not willing to go out.    


Retracting his thoughts, Chu Fann could only temporarily let Faang Yuan manipulate him. The two of them went to the world window and played a lot of interesting projects inside. Finally, they boarded the Ferris wheel and enjoyed a moment of silence in the narrow cabin.    


"Chu Fann, the entire Yunhai City looks so beautiful from here!" Faang Yuan looked down through the window and could not help sighing with emotion.    


Chu Fann also looked outside and nodded in agreement. "It is indeed beautiful. I did not expect the city that I have lived in for so long to be so beautiful from a different perspective."    


At this time, Faang Yuan suddenly mustered up her courage and turned her head to look at Chu Fann. Her eyes flashed as she said. "Then do you think I am beautiful or the scenery outside is beautiful?"    


Chu Fann was stunned for a moment and then grinned.    


He was about to say that the night view outside was beautiful, but Faang Yuan pounced on him without any warning. Her soft and sweet red lips pressed on his mouth. She blocked off all the words he wanted to say.    




Chu Fann screamed. His voice was filled with unwillingness and humiliation, but it was also filled with a hint of cheap delight.    


Although he didn't want to provoke the peach blossoms again, that was only because he didn't want to actively provoke them, and then symbolically resist them. However, Faang Yuan, this kind of brainless person, pounced over. He could not stop her even if he wanted to. Hehe.    


A long, romantic French kiss. It was only when Chu Fann felt that there was not enough oxygen in his lungs that Faang Yuan reluctantly separated.    


"Chu Fann, regardless of whether you are willing to accept me or not, I like you."    


Faang Yuan looked at Chu Fann's stunned look and muttered with a red face.    


Hearing the woman's shy thoughts, Chu Fann helplessly sighed. He did not say anything and the atmosphere in the cabin fell into silence.    


After a while, the Ferris Wheel they were in landed on the ground.    


Chu Fann was the first to go down. He extended his hand to Faang Yuan. "We are here. Come down."    


Faang Yuan could not control her joy when she saw Chu Fann reaching out his hand to her. She held Chu Fann's hand and walked down from above. Then, she jumped into Chu Fann's arms.    


"Faang Yuan, actually, I don't deserve you. You were just forced to rush by various factors and coincidentally met me." Chu Fann looked at the girl in his arms and said in a deep voice.    


"I don't care. The man I have decided on will not change!" Faang Yuan shook her head and said firmly.    


Seeing that the girl was so stubborn, Chu Fann sighed helplessly.    


Forget it, Faang Yuan was still young. After a long time, he would understand that he was not the right person.    


At that time, Faang Yuan would let go of herself.    


"Let's go. We have played. Let's go back." Chu Fann said.    


Faang Yuan nodded. Satisfied, she followed Chu Fann and left. Today's harvest had far exceeded her expectations. Even if Chu Fann hadn't promised her, it wasn't obvious that he had rejected her.    


She still had a chance!    


The car was parked in the school parking lot. The world window was not far away. The two of them walked back together, but when the two of them returned to the parking lot, Chu Fann and Faang Yuan were both stunned.    


"Oh my god, why is the car like this?"    


Faang Yuan looked at the car in front of her, which had been smashed into pieces and broken glass, and said in disbelief.    


Chu Fann thought about it and immediately guessed who did it.    


Coincidentally, two figures walked in from the entrance of the parking lot. They were Qi Yufen and her driver, Zhao.    


"Yo, evil people have evil people. How did your car become like this?" Zhao walked to Chu Fann's side and gloated.    


"Zhao, let's go. Don't waste time on people who aren't worth it." Qi Yufen only glanced at him and said coldly.    




Zhao nodded and was about to leave when Chu Fann grabbed his clothes and pulled him back.    


"Do you think there are no surveillance cameras in the parking lot? Do you need me to find someone to bring out the surveillance camera? Who did this?"    


"You, what do you mean?" Zhao glared at Chu Fann.    


"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Not only are there surveillance cameras in the parking lot, but I also have surveillance cameras in my car. Do you think I should call the enforcers here and show them the video first?"    


Zhao panicked when he heard that.    


He had only been angry for a moment and had already smashed Chu Fann's car. He hadn't thought too much about the consequences.    


In his opinion, Chu Fann was just a student of a school. He was the driver of the head of the Arts Department. Even if Chu Fann had a few hundred more guts, he wouldn't dare to argue with him!    


But who would have thought that Chu Fann would be so brave. Qi Yufen was still around and he dared to treat him like this? This was totally not giving Qi Yufen any face!    


Qi Yufen was not stupid either. Looking at Zhao's panicked expression and evasive eyes, how could she not know who did this?    


However, she was the head of the school's Arts Department and Zhao was her driver. As the saying goes, one has to look at the owner when hitting a dog. Chu Fann's aggressiveness was obviously hitting her face.    


Therefore, she said in a deep voice, "This classmate, it is our fault for smashing your car. We just need to pay for it. There is no need to bring the comrades of Law Enforcement Agency here."    


As she spoke, she took out her phone and prepared to transfer the money to Chu Fann.    


"How much is this car of yours? I will compensate you with a new one." Qi Yufen said straightforwardly.    


"Sister Yufen, this is a Volkswagen Passat. It's just a garbage truck. It doesn't cost much. Don't let him cheat you!" Zhao wanted to make up for his mistake, so he quickly said loudly.    


When Chu Fann heard that, he couldn't help but laugh.    


He stared at Zhao with a playful look and said with a grin, "Have you ever heard of a saying that one is not afraid of Mercedes-Benz and Land Rover, but is afraid of people carrying letters? Take a closer look. What kind of car is this?"    


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