Great Son-in-law

C173 A Few Questions

C173 A Few Questions

Chu Fann frowned slightly and retreated. The man named Qiao Kai exclaimed in surprise. Apparently, he didn't expect Chu Fann to be able to dodge his attack.    


He tapped his foot on the ground and moved even faster. His five fingers were still grabbing at Chu Fann's chest.    


"You want to take a mile?"    


Chu Fann was not happy. He just could not bear to see an old man who had yet to pass away being misdiagnosed. He would regret it when he passed away.    


He did not expect this family to be so unreasonable. It was fine if they did not listen to him, but they still wanted people to attack him!    




He directly punched out.    


Chu Fann's fist collided with Qiao Kai's palm. Qiao Kai's expression changed. He took three or four steps back before he could stop himself.    


"You know Kung Fu too?"    


Qiao Kai said coldly with a serious expression.    


Chu Fann ignored him and turned around, preparing to leave. Since these people did not want him to save them, then he would not save them. As the saying goes, life and death are up to fate. This old man's life had already been destroyed by his child, so why would he insist on saving them?    


Just as he was about to leave, the middle-aged man who spoke first said, "Little brother, please wait a moment. Is what you just said true? Is my father really saved?"    


As soon as he said that, the faces of the Qiao family members in the ward changed.    


"Brother, why are you still saying such nonsense? Father is already gone. Can't you let him leave peacefully? What are you still doing?" The middle-aged man's younger brother said again.    


"Qiao Ang, I am Big Brother. I have the final say here. What do you mean by you have been contradicting me all this time?" The middle-aged man turned around and glared at his brother. He said unhappily.    


The middle-aged man named Qiao Ang opened his mouth but could not say anything for a moment.    


"Qiao Kai, you can leave first. Don't be unreasonable to this little brother." Qiao Ping said with an indifferent tone.    


"Yes, Uncle."    


Qiao Kai quickly cupped his fists and agreed. Then, he gave Chu Fann a deep look and retreated to a corner of the room.    


"Little brother, can we come in for a chat now?" Qiao Ping invited politely.    


Chu Fann looked at the food in his hand and said, "Yes, yes, but you have to wait a few minutes for me."    


After saying that, Chu Fann carried the food into the ward next door. He placed the lunchbox on the bedside cabinet and told Chen Mengyao where he was going. Then he went next door.    


"Little brother, what did you mean when you said that my father is not dead yet?" Qiao Ping stood beside the bed and asked nervously.    


Chu Fann did not say anything. Instead, he went straight to the old man's side and grabbed his wrist to check his pulse.    


When Qiao Ang saw this scene, he immediately sneered and said, "Tsk, I told you that this is a swindler who knows nothing. Father clearly stopped breathing, his heart and pulse stopped, and he still checked his pulse. Don't you guys laugh?"    


When the Qiao family heard this, they all looked doubtful.    


"Uncle, I think what Second Uncle said is right. Since Grandfather has gone to the west, why not let him rest in peace? Letting a stranger touch Grandfather's body like this is blasphemy to Grandfather!"    


"Yang, think about it. What Liu said this time is reasonable!"    


For a moment, the Qiao family in the ward all spoke up for Qiao Ang, wanting to stop Chu Fann from saving them.    


Qiao Ping's expression was also uncertain, but he did not say anything. He just clenched his fists tightly. If it was possible, he did not want outsiders to touch his father's body.    


However, there were some things he couldn't tell others, so he could only let Chu Fann try.    


When everyone saw that Qiao Ping didn't speak, they seemed to acquiesce to Chu Fann's actions. Helpless, they could only let Chu Fann feel the pulse of an old man who no longer had any 'breathing'.    


As time passed, Chu Fann finally let go of Elder Qiao's hand and said, "It has been confirmed that this old gentleman is still alive, but to save him, we need some complicated processes."    


"Alright," Elder Qiao said. We just need to pretend. " How come you still don't know how to restrain yourself? " Qiao Ang saw that Chu Fann was getting stronger and stronger.    


"From the way you took my father's pulse, I can tell that you are a pretentious layman. Do you still want to continue like this? " Do you really think we are fools? "    


As soon as he said that, many of the Qiao family members nodded.    


Qiao Ping also stared at Chu Fann, waiting for him to give a reasonable explanation.    


Chu Fann said, "All you know is to take the pulse of a living person, but you don't know that a dead person also has a pulse."    


"What? Is it true?" Everyone was stunned. They all felt that it was unbelievable, but the doubt in their eyes did not diminish much.    


Chu Fann did not care about them. Instead, he continued, "Life has veins. The living have veins. The dead have veins. Old Qiao is indeed dead at this moment, but it is more appropriate to say that he is a kind of deep fake death. This level of fake death cannot be detected with modern medical technology."    


Seeing Chu Fann's words, the faces of the many Qiao family members in the ward changed slightly.    


Only Qiao Ang still had a look of disdain on his face. "Stop playing tricks there. If you have the ability, save my father. If you cannot save him, I will not let you off lightly!"    


Chu Fann smiled and said to Qiao Ping, "Qiao family, please ask someone to help you. Is that the attitude?"    


Qiao Ping's expression changed and he hurriedly shouted, "Second brother, hurry up and apologize to this little brother. Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!"    


"Big brother, this is obviously a swindler. Why do you believe him?"    


Qiao Ang's face was full of anger. Immediately, he waved his hand and said, "Since you trust him so much, I have nothing to say. Anyway, I can't watch my father's body being manipulated by others. Can I just leave?"    


With that, Qiao Ang pushed the door open and walked out. His son, Qiao Kai, thought for a moment and followed him out.    


The annoying fly finally left. Chu Fan pointed at Qiao Ping and the young girl at the beginning. "Now, apart from Mr. Qiao Ping and this young lady, the rest of the Qiao family will have to retreat."    


"What? Why do you want us to retreat?" The group of Qiao family members questioned.    


Without waiting for Chu Fann to say anything, Qiao Ping forced them to leave. He knew very well that Chu Fann wanted to drive these people away. He should have something to say to him, but why did he want to keep a girl? He did not understand.    


Although the other Qiao family members weren't willing, the patriarch had spoken. They didn't dare to disobey, so they had no choice but to leave.    


When there were only three people left in the ward, Qiao Ping could not wait and said, "Little brother, now that everyone else has left, can you tell me how to save my father?"    


"Of course, but before that, you need to answer a few of my questions." Chu Fann said lightly.    


"Please go ahead." Qiao Ping said hastily.    


"The first question is that Qiao family is not an ordinary family, is it?" Chu Fann stared at Qiao Ping and said with certainty.    


Qiao Ping's expression changed slightly when he heard this.    


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