Super Cultivating Farmer

C194 Buddha

C194 Buddha

The Sixth Guard didn't feel any pressure at all. who had just entered the Spirit Base were way too different from Wen Yu, and the Seventh Guard probably wasn't too strong either.    


Living Buddha and the others had already entered, but there was no movement. He was too lazy to fight with them over the items, so he directly walked towards the Seventh Guard.    


The Seventh Guard was a statue with a thin Monk Knife in her hand and a merciful look on her face. When Bai Xiaobei got closer, his eyes immediately lit up.    


"You're not going to draw your sword and slash at me, are you?"    


The Seventh Guard activated his Buddha Golden Body and without saying a word, he immediately raised the stone blade in his hand and slashed towards Bai Xiaobei.    


Fortunately, the stone blade looked dull, and wasn't sharp. Bai Xiaobei didn't feel any pressure, as the things inside the Buddha Sect didn't have any killing intent.    




Slashing out with his blade, Bai Xiaobei welcomed it with a punch, without any weapon, he was clearly at a disadvantage, luckily his own body was already extremely strong.    


"Berserk Demon Slash!"    


The seventh guard suddenly spoke in human language and roared. He brandished the stone saber in his hand and chopped down once again.    


"This is simply a Copper Armor Body." exclaimed, Buddha Sect s methods were the same as cultivators, it was just that cultivators did not like to fight and kill, but cultivators liked to fight.    


The seventh guard went berserk after he blocked the first blow.    


The second slash came as a shock to Bai Xiaobei, the strength of the blade immediately doubled, but it was nothing to him, but when the third slash came, he felt the same kind of pressure as Wen Yu.    


"Although he's crazy, he doesn't have any killing intent, and he's not a Flying Sword. He's way too much weaker than Wen Yu."    


As expected, the Seventh Guard stopped his chopping, sheathed his blade and returned, his face expressionless. Behind him, the branch halls also opened, clearly, Bai Xiaobei passed the test.    


"Tsk tsk, amazing!"    


Bai Xiaobei looked at the long white scar on his fist and couldn't help but exclaim in surprise. This Seventh Guard indeed had some skills.    


Seeing that the Seventh Guard's Divine Buddha Temple was opening, he did not waste any time and directly walked in.    


The Buddha Temple looked very gorgeous, as though it was a gorgeous temple. The divine Buddha Carving stood upright inside, and after Bai Xiaobei walked in, the space seemed to expand in an instant.    


"So big!"    


Originally, it seemed to be a temple. However, after entering, it seemed to have become a world.    


One sand, one world? Bai Xiaobei tried to take a step forward, and sure enough, everything here seemed to move along with him.    


After walking for a while, they were still very far from the statue. The Divine Buddha sat cross-legged with his hands clasped together, and on his legs, there was actually a long Monk Knife.    


"Sizzle sizzle!" As Bai Xiaobei was walking, he suddenly felt a tremble beneath his feet, a burst of crazy suction force suddenly came over, he who was caught unprepared was directly sucked in.    


"It's over!"    


Bai Xiaobei instantly thought of the Inhibition that the Living Buddha and the others were talking about. Obviously, this was the Inhibition.    


He was not worried about his own life. If he were to come here with his identity as the Buddha Son and let the Buddha Hall die, who would be willing to become the Buddha Son in the future?    


The Buddha Golden Body released a golden light, Bai Xiaobei felt as if something was dragging his leg. Very quickly, he hit a very hard rock, and immediately struggled to get up with a grimace.    


"This …"    


Bai Xiaobei was dumbstruck, he had actually already somehow been pulled under the Buddha Carving's body, and only after looking at it closely did he realize how amazing the Buddha Carving's work was.    


It was like a small mountain, and he was actually dragged here?    


Suddenly, he saw a few yellow halos on the Monk Knife's legs. This caused his eyes to light up and he immediately climbed up.    


Although he didn't know why he was pulled here, it was obvious that the treasures here should be these yellow rings of light.    


However, Bai Xiaobei, who was unable to stop the Invigoration of Archaeus in Zang-organs, arrived on top of a long Monk Knife with a few leaps.    


The Monk Knife's entire body was made of stone, and it was most likely painted in gold. Within the three yellow rings of light, each of them had a treasure.    


A golden bottle, a golden Monk Knife with countless Buddhist inscriptions carved on it, and a golden gold foil.    


"What is this?"    


Bai Xiaobei reached out his hand, but was blocked by the yellow halo. Although it was gentle, he was unable to insert his hand in.    


After a few tries, he realized that he was unable to retrieve what was inside.    


The guards outside were already so weak, how could there be such a strong defense? A thought flashed through his mind, and the Buddha Golden Body immediately appeared, grabbing towards the inside with a slightly golden hand.    


The rings of light that had been preventing him from reaching in were now rippling like a lake. His hand also directly reached in and grabbed the golden bottle.    


Taking it out so easily, Bai Xiaobei smiled complacently. As expected, it was a place that required Buddha Son to take treasures from, and to the Buddha Son, it was basically unstoppable.    


There was a golden stopper on top of the golden bottle that was pulled out. He immediately smelled a sweet fragrance that made his whole body feel refreshed and refreshed. In an instant, he seemed to hear a buddhist chant in his mind.    


"What a treasure!"    


Bai Xiaobei took a look inside and realised it was four Pills s the size of a fingernail. Unfortunately, he couldn't find any names on them even after looking around several times.    


"Who cares, there's no poison in anything from the Buddha Sect. It must be something good."    


If it was a cultivator's Pills bottle, he wouldn't dare to casually eat it. However, he wasn't worried about the Buddha Sect's Pills bottle at all, and directly received it.    


There were too many types of cultivators and many types of Pills s that could harm others. If it was cultivators and Pills s, they would definitely think that it was poison, but Buddha Sect, this kind of compassionate religion, it was not bad that there were poison.    


However, he was not foolish enough to eat it directly. Who knew what benefits there were? If he asked a living Buddha, he would probably know.    


It was entirely gold, the sheath was incredibly beautiful, and it emitted a faint Buddhist light. It was very heavy in the hand, and this Monk Knife actually weighed over a hundred jin. Looking at it for a long time, he was still unable to figure out what kind of metal it was.    


Pulling out the Monk Knife s, the body of the Monk Knife was snow-white and glowing. A wave of cold Qi forced his way in, causing him to be happy, it was obviously a treasured blade that was hard to come by.    


"Very good!" He liked the half meter long Monk Knife very much, so he naturally accepted it with a smile.    


All this while, he had been lacking in fighting techniques. His defense was good enough, and Flying Sword could attack, but once they fought, he would be no different from a hooligan. Even some of the First-rate Expert s fought with the demeanor of an expert.    


"Berserk Demon Slash!"    


He looked at it for a while and immediately understood that the three slashes from the guard outside were the Berserk Demon Slash. Furthermore, it was only the first part. The more he slashed, the more powerful and crazy it would become.    


He was overjoyed, this was simply a gift from someone who was lacking, even if he met Spirit Base Expert in the future, he would not only defend, but also give them a sneak attack by a Flying Sword.    


The Flying Sword was still in its elementary state and had not even finished refining the copper that Wang Hu had given him. It could not even be touched by spirit artifacts or else it might be damaged and could only be ambushed.    


Of course, the sharpness of the Flying Sword was also without a doubt.    


After going back, he would definitely cultivate properly. Even if he met with Immortal Sect in the future, he wouldn't need to rely on the Copper Armor Body to protect his life.    


"Are there any other treasures?"    


Bai Xiaobei saw this buddhist hall that seemed to be extremely close, but was actually extremely curious. Below, there were even many service tables, and above them were many things he could not see clearly, but he was sure that there were definitely more good things.    


However, after he jumped down from the Buddha statue, he walked a few steps forward and found that these things seemed to be moving, just like before.    


After running randomly for half a day, he still did not encounter a single Inhibition. The pulling power he had earlier was also gone, preventing him from approaching the two rows of altar.    


"There's something you can't take?"    


Bai Xiaobei thought that he was too stingy. He had even entered the room yet he did not allow himself to sweep through the place.    


"Crack crack crack …"    


Suddenly, a crack appeared in the ground beneath his feet, and a smiling bald head emerged from it.    


Bai Xiaobei's expression changed, and after seeing the bald head's eyes light up, he could not help but ask: "Protection Stone Buddha?"    


This was a Protection Stone Buddha that would kill after it appeared outside, and it was actually at his feet now, and from the looks of it, the target was obviously him.    


Why would he waste his breath on this thing? Furthermore, Protection Stone Buddha were only puppets, just like Copper Armor Body.    


As expected, the moment the Protection Stone Buddha came out, it shared Bai Xiaobei's personality. With a low growl, it immediately rushed towards him.    


"Bastard, I didn't trigger any Inhibition right? Why did you send this kind of thing to beat me? "    


Although he was not afraid of Protection Stone Buddha, this thing was still very difficult to deal with. Right now, he also did not dare to fight with this kind of thing that protected the pure land.    


Or maybe he could even trigger some Inhibition, which would throw him out. If he couldn't leave, then he would really have to rest in peace here.    


"Crack …"    


What made his expression change was that, sure enough, another part of the ground had cracked open. The same Protection Stone Buddha crawled out from the hole and saw that he was about to kill him in the future without hesitation.    


"What's going on? What happened to the fact that there was no danger? Why did so many things drop? If Living Buddha and the rest were here, wouldn't they be killed immediately? "    


When Bai Xiaobei saw that five or six Protection Stone Buddha started to chase after him, he started to panic. These things were fine with one or two, but he could protect himself with three.    


"Living Buddha?"    


When he talked about Living Buddha, Bai Xiaobei seemed to have understood something and immediately activated his Buddha Golden Body. As expected, a group of Protection Stone Buddha that were chasing after him immediately stood in a daze.    


"So that's how it is, outsiders are really ruthless!"    


Bai Xiaobei finally understood that the Spirit Energy was repelled, and was only like a Buddha Power. Just now, he accidentally used a Spirit Energy, and when he came down, he naturally used even more Protection Stone Buddha.    


As if they had lost their target, all the Protection Stone Buddha slowly sank downwards, and gradually, all of them disappeared from his line of sight.    


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