Super Cultivating Farmer

C683 Emergence of New Drugs

C683 Emergence of New Drugs

Guu Xiaosi was the happiest. After all, he had saved Bai Yu before, so Bai Xiaobei would not be stingy.    


Right now, they were both working at Qian Qing's company, so their wages were naturally not low. It could be said that in the future, their whole family would be fine, even in their dreams, they would be able to smile and wake up.    


"Xiaobei, thank you uncle." Guu Xiaosi was also not someone who could speak, but he could naturally feel his sincerity.    


"Uncle, no need to be polite. You guys haven't eaten yet, right? I've booked a restaurant for all of you."    


Bai Xiaobei called Guu Yuanyuan over. After all, she was the first person to take a cure for cancer, and the Dr Sunn would definitely use her as an example.    


At night, Bai Xiaobei and Lee Momo went to buy some clothes and some random things. The two of them played until midnight before returning.    


Early the next morning, Bai Xiaobei began to wash up and change his clothes.    


At the 10 o'clock press conference, the drugs to cure the cancer would definitely cause a sensation. One must know, this was the hardest incurable disease in the medical realm, yet it had been taken down by Zhonghe Group.    


Not only the reporters, even the various medical experts, as well as some of the powerful and influential people rushed over. Moreover, there were also many foreign media personnel who also rushed over upon hearing the news.    


"It's impossible to cure cancer, right? We have already studied it for so many years, and just the two of them, Dr Sunn and Professor Gu, came out just like that? "    


"Impossible, we have so many teams working together. Didn't the two of them study human body science?" Genetics and the like, why would they suddenly study cancer treatment? And it was even successful. We didn't even find a good anticancer drug, yet they have developed a cure for cancer? "    


"If it wasn't because they didn't have confidence, they wouldn't have invited us so blatantly, right? You guys also know that this is something related to Zhonghe Group, not to mention Turtle Heart Pill, Golden Wine s, Golden Oral Liquid s, are all things that we haven't been able to understand for a long time. "    


"Who knows? The Zhonghe Group has an old mister overseeing it, to be able to create so many novel things."    


The professors, experts, and others were gathered together. Their circle was not big, so they naturally knew each other. They had already begun discussing with each other.    


The things in Zhonghe Group were all miracles. They had studied them before, but unfortunately, they couldn't understand and if they wanted raw materials, they were all stopped. It was a secret even if they wanted to research them for their country.    


But now, two Dr Sunn s who studied human genetics actually developed a cure for cancer, they didn't believe it from the bottom of their heart, if the anticancer drug still had the possibility to cure the cancer, that would be a little exaggerated.    


The most important thing was that he didn't need any surgery. As long as he took medicine, he would be fine. This was truly an exaggeration.    


The reporters were also here, many different sized reporters had also arrived, and most of the famous foreign media outlets had also arrived, probably because they had received the news about Bluestar Biotechnology. Who knew that they did not meet the chairman of Bluestar Biotechnology, but instead encountered the explosive news spread by Zhonghe Group.    


Luckily the Zhonghe Group was luxurious and the meeting room was large enough.    


Bai Xiaobei came over, followed by a few tens of well-dressed Zhonghe Group higher-ups, walked over, Bai Xiaobei said a few words to Lee Zhaoran and then went up.    


I believe you all have heard that our Zhonghe Group has a new drug product. Because this medicine product is extremely important, we have been researching all this while on the medicines that are beneficial to human beings, whether it is Turtle Heart Pill s, Golden Oral Liquid s, or Pearl Paste s, everyone knows about it. "    


There was a flash below, the reporters were all impatiently waiting for a question, but Bai Xiaobei had stopped speaking, and did not dare to provoke anyone.    


"Everyone is familiar with these things, Zhonghe Group are a few important products, and indeed it is so. These things are all very good, but this time the products we are going to reveal are very precious, that is, the medicines to cure cancer!"    


Bai Xiaobei went straight to the point and did not lose his appetite.    


"Is it really a drug to cure cancer?"    


"Professor Gu is not bad, you managed to create such a thing? In the Chinese medical field, wouldn't you say that you're at the forefront of the world? "    


"Don't worry, let's take a look first. How can this kind of medicine be developed so easily? There should be something wrong. "    


"If it's true, then in terms of medicine, we'll be at the forefront."    


The happiest ones were the people from the medical realm that Dr Sunn and Dr Sunn had invited over, who were all extremely proficient in their field of study. At this moment, all of them were staring with widened eyes, waiting to see the results.    


"Hello Mr. Bai, I am a reporter from the Cc Nation's XTX. Mr. Bai, could you please tell me if you are talking about curing cancer?" Can it be cured? What degree of cancer is cured? And how do I cure it? "    


"Hello, Mr. Bai. I'm a reporter for the XXX of M Nation. Can Mr. Bai introduce your medicine to us? Is this the product of your Zhonghe Group? You have to understand that every new product that your Zhonghe Group produces will cause a huge sensation. "    




Some of the foreign reporters interrupted Bai Xiaobei, they did not know how terrifying Bai Xiaobei was in the eyes of the Chinese reporters, and started to interrupt him, one after another.    


Bai Xiaobei frowned, looked at the seven to eight reporters who were standing up, and directly said coldly: "Don't ask questions when I'm talking, sit down and wait."    


The reporters all felt like they were in a cave of ice and couldn't help but sit down.    


The surrounding Chinese reporters began to laugh. Finally, they saw the reporters from other countries being thwarted. Do you think that just because this is your country, you can casually interrupt them?    


One by one, they took pleasure in the misfortune of others, causing the reporters to blush. However, for some reason, their hearts were still beating fast and their bodies were out of control.    


"This, this is the drug to cure cancer. You must be curious about the number of pills that can cure a cancer patient. Let me tell you, for an early stage, or even intermediate stage one, only one is needed to cure yourself. You all have heard it right, one is enough!" You do not need surgery, chemotherapy, etc., no pain, you must not believe that we have treated almost ten cancer patients. "    


Bai Xiaobei turned to look at the Dr Sunn and asked, "Many people know the Dr Sunn and the Dr Sunn right? I won't introduce the two of you, so let them do it. "    


Although his own words were useful, he needed this kind of authoritative expert professor to confirm it.    


The Dr Sunn and the Professor Gu looked at each other, the Professor Gu nodded, and the two of them stood up and walked up.    


What Chairman Bai is holding is indeed a cure for cancer, and you did not hear wrongly, in this period of time, we have already treated three patients who were in the initial stage, two in the middle stage, and four in the late stage of cancer. Among them, the cancer cells in the middle stage for half an hour all disappeared, and they recovered to their peak condition.    


The crowd was dumbfounded. Was this guy crazy? The Zhonghe Group's Bai Xiaobei had just said something that was simply unacceptable, and when the Professor Gu opened his mouth, it made them even more unable to accept it, wasn't this a joke?    


Can advanced cancer also be cured? This was simply a wild boast. Furthermore, he had healed after four hours without any surgery or chemotherapy.    


Professor Gu looked at the reporters and the group of acquaintances, smiled and said, "You may not believe it, but I will be treating my first patient. She can be said to be the first one to undergo the experiment, and she will also be the first one to succeed. At that time, she will only have a few more days to live, but our medicine was very successful."    


He turned to look at Bai Xiaobei, who immediately nodded her head, and Guu Yuanyuan who was already waiting walked in.    


Bai Xiaobei walked over and said: "She is called Guu Yuanyuan, her father is my father's comrade-in-arms. Back then, he had saved my father's life, and she is already at the late stage of cancer.    


Dr Sunn immediately turned on the screen, and the first scene appeared in front of everyone.    


"This is the picture of Guu Yuanyuan's condition when she was hospitalized. Take a look, many of you are experts, I will not explain any further."    


Images flashed continuously, some of them from the start of the treatment, and then, all the way to the end, but very quickly, they were all photos taken during Cyan Rock Village, one after another.    


"Is it a person?" Some did not believe him and raised doubts.    


"Naturally, it's a person." Bai Xiaobei walked over, and looked at the continuously flickering screen behind him: "Earlier, I went to pick up Yuanyuan, and he had already been treated the same day, and on the second day, she had already recovered. You may not believe me, but we invited Yuanyuan here because Yuanyuan is the first person to benefit from the treatment, and in the future, there will be more and more cancer beneficiaries.    


It would be impossible to say it alone. No one would believe such an outrageous thing.    


Soon after, some asked questions, some questioned, and all of Bai Xiaobei's answers came out one after another. Guu Yuanyuan was also asked for a long time, and after that, Professor Gu was also asked, all sorts of professional questions came up, all sorts, so Bai Xiaobei did not understand some of them.    


Very quickly, an explosive piece of news appeared in the Chinese media, the headlines were immediately covered by the new medicine called Zhonghe Group.    


Cure cancer? Furthermore, it could also cure cancer at its late stages, which immediately garnered a lot of attention. Especially since some of the country's famous professors and experts had all indicated that it was not a rumor.    


The foreign media had also caused quite a sensation, the most nervous being Bluestar Biotechnology. They had already felt a huge threat from him.    


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