Super Decomposition System

C261 Returning the College Entrance Exam Results Were out

C261 Returning the College Entrance Exam Results Were out

After bidding farewell to the Xiao Soong, Jiang Hao quickly climbed over the mountain and returned to the main road.    


After checking that there was no one around, he took out the carriage from the System Space.    


However, after changing into a new set of clothes, he drove home!    


When he returned to Jiang Village, Jiang Hao accompanied Old Master and Jiang Jingyi to practice for a few days and then went to Jiang Daloong's house to collect the debt.    


At the same time, he used some of the spirit materials he obtained from the primitive forest to make another medicinal meal.    


Firstly, it was to build a foundation for his little brother Jiang Jingyi, and secondly, it was to help Old Master!    


After staying in Jiang Village for a few days, time passed very quickly. Soon, the results of the college entrance examination would be out. Jiang Hao decided to return to Tianhee City!    


Early in the morning, in Jiang Village, at the entrance of the village.    


Jiang Hao opened the window and waved goodbye to his sister.    


After that, he drove all the way to Tianhee City!    


When Jiang Hao returned to Tianhee City, it was noon and he caught up with Mrs. Jiang for lunch.    


After lunch, Jiang Hao called Xue Zixi to ask her out!    


In a private room in Heavenly-Mansion Tavern, Jiang Hao and Xue Zixi sat opposite each other.    


Xue Zixi looked at Jiang Hao and said with a smile.    


"Why did Mr Jiang have the time to come to my place today?"    


Jiang Hao looked at Xue Zixi, then smiled and took a small bag from behind him. He handed it to Xue Zixi and said.    


"Miss Xue, this is the super vegetable seed you wanted. Miss Xue can check it!"    


Xue Zixi heard this and immediately took the bag from Jiang Hao. She was pleasantly surprised.    


"No need to check. How can I not trust Mr Jiang?"    


"I will pay the rest of the money now!"    


Jiang Hao heard him and smiled without saying anything.    


At this time, Xue Zixi took out her phone and made a call.    


Very quickly, Jiang Hao's phone rang.    


He took it out and took a look. Sure enough, there was an extra 40 million in his account.    


Jiang Hao looked at Xue Zixi and a smile appeared on his face. He extended his hand of friendship towards Xue Zixi.    


"Miss Xue, happy cooperation!"    


"Happy cooperation!"    


After that, just as Jiang Hao was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something.    


After that, he stopped and looked at Xue Zixi.    


"Miss Xue, can I trouble you with something?"    


Xue Zixi was a little surprised.    


"Mr Jiang, please speak!"    


Jiang Hao did not hesitate and immediately said.    


"In a few days, I would like to invite my family to have a meal in Heavenly-Mansion Tavern. I would like to personally make a few dishes for them to taste!"    


Before Jiang Hao finished speaking, Xue Zixi agreed first.    


"Don't worry, Mr Jiang. When the time comes, let me know. I will tell the kitchen myself."    


"Okay, thank you very much!"    


"If Miss Xue has time that day, I hope Miss Xue will give me some light. I want to thank Miss Xue for taking care of me."    


"Mr Jiang is too polite! Then I would not be honored! We'll definitely be there when the time comes! "    


After communicating with Xue Zixi, Jiang Hao turned around and went home!    


After that, Jiang Hao thought for a while and called Soong Wan to invite her. At the same time, he also called his parents.    


This time, he planned to use the best spirit materials he had obtained from the primeval forest to make a medicinal meal and repay his relatives and friends!    


Very quickly, two days passed. The college entrance examination results were out!    


Jiang Family!    


Jiang Hao sat at the computer desk. Behind him, Jiang’s father, Jiang’s mother, and Jiang Zixuan were all behind him, staring at the computer screen.    


Jiang Hao opened the scoreboard website and entered his information according to the requirements. He filled in his ticket number!    


He clicked on the last check.    


At that moment, Jiang Hao and his family held their breath and waited.    


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