Blockbuster Son-in-law

C500 You Outnumber Me?

C500 You Outnumber Me?

Chen Hao still did not say anything, but his gaze towards Wu Kaile became colder and colder.    


Seeing that the situation wasn't good, Qi Yao shouted at Wu Kaile with a gloomy face, "Wu Kaile, you're done! What do you think of Big Brother Chen! "    


Although she didn't know much about Chen Hao, she at least knew that he could afford the Rolls Royce and was very good at it. If they were to fight, the four bodyguards behind Wu Kaile might not even be enough!    


If this Wu Kaile dared to provoke Chen Hao again, he would definitely suffer a lot!    


"Oh? You two know each other? " Hearing Qi Yao call Chen Hao, Big Brother Chen, Wu Kaile subconsciously saw Chen Hao as a love rival, and his eyes became more unfriendly.    


"Since you know him, then you should at least give him more money." Wu Kaile pulled out all the cash in his bag, which amounted to at least ten thousand yuan. He threw all of them in front of Chen Hao.    


This brat must have been shocked when he saw him taking out so much money so casually. He might even retreat in fear! You, a pauper, want me to fight?    


Wu Kaile thought for a while, then coldly said: "Take this money and scram!"    


Before Chen Hao could react, the surrounding people already started to shout in surprise. After all, it was rare to see someone who could take out 10,000 yuan and throw it everywhere.    


This young man would definitely not be able to stand such a temptation. This was 10,000 yuan! If it was him, perhaps he would have already given in before Wu Kaile took out several hundred yuan.    


Besides, didn't they see that there were four bodyguards standing behind the guy with money on his hands? Even if they didn't give face to the money, they would still give in to the bodyguards.    


Unexpectedly, Chen Hao suddenly chuckled, looked at Wu Kaile with disdain and said, "I advise you not to offend me, otherwise I'm afraid you won't be able to bear the consequences!"    


Seeing that Chen Hao was already a little angry, Qi Yao also hurriedly shouted, "Wu Kaile, this is Chuzhou, not Hai Dong!"    


Hearing Qi Yao's words, Wu Kaile sneered and gave Chen Hao a meaningful look before instructing the bodyguard to pick up the money.    


Just as Qi Yao had said, this place was not Hai Dong, so he did not want to cause too much trouble, especially for someone as tough as Chen Hao. Seeing that he was not afraid of his position, he must have something to rely on.    


Wu Kaile turned to look at Qi Yao's front seat. There was a young couple sitting in the front seat, not daring to look back.    


Wu Kaile smacked the man's head and viciously said, "You, get lost and give up your seat!"    


He didn't believe that he would run into another tough bone on this bus.    


Sure enough, the boy who was slapped on the head by Wu Kaile said with a wronged expression, "You can't bully others like this, I'm sitting with my girlfriend."    


"Then you can't go away with your girlfriend?" Wu Kaile looked at the boy impatiently.    


The couple looked like students in school. The boy was so wronged that he was about to cry, but he still stubbornly sat on the spot and refused to move. The girl directly pulled him to her feet and apologized to Wu Kaile. The two of them hurriedly walked to the door. It seemed that they would get off once the bus stopped.    


Looking at this scene, Wu Kaile nodded his head in satisfaction. This was the normal scenario.    


Who would have thought that he would sit down with a clear conscience. However, Chen Hao said coldly from behind,    


"May I ask if this mister is old and weak, or sick and crippled? Seeing how young and strong you are, how can you allow others to give up their seats for you? "    


Chen Hao's voice was full of mockery. What Wu Kaile had just done was indeed a bit too much.    


"None of your business!" Wu Kaile had just given Lili face by not making things difficult for Chen Hao. Who would have thought that this brat would dare to take the initiative to provoke her? Then she wouldn't be able to blame herself, and she immediately roared at Chen Hao.    


"These are the future pillars of our country. As a good citizen, I naturally can't bear to see them suffer a little." Chen Hao pointed at the couple by the car door and said righteously.    


Upon hearing Chen Hao's words, the boy also threw a grateful look at Chen Hao. Being bullied by Wu Kaile, although hot-blooded as a young man, he could not do anything about it.    


The people in the car were also looking at Wu Kaile, waiting to know what he wanted to do. If he insisted on making things difficult for Chen Hao, he couldn't let this young man be bullied like this!    


Some had already decided to come forward! The main reason was that Wu Kaile was too arrogant. He said something like that and forcefully took the seat, which angered everyone.    


Wu Kaile wanted to teach Chen Hao a lesson, but when he saw the hostile looks from the passengers around him, he suppressed his anger.    


He looked at Chen Hao and said in a low voice, "If you have the ability to get off the car at the next stop, I'll let you see what it means to be truly wronged!"    


Wu Kaile lowered his voice, but his words were filled with threat.    


"Oh? How do you know? I'm looking forward to it. " Chen Hao looked at Wu Kaile with amusement.    


Wu Kaile chuckled and said, "I have four bodyguards and one of my own. What do you think?"    


"You have more people than me?" Chen Hao laughed.    


"Yeah, it's more than you. Five against one. It's not fair, but it's very effective." Wu Kaile also laughed. The two of them seemed to be having a very pleasant conversation, but the smell of gunpowder in their words was obvious to everyone.    


Qi Yao was also holding her forehead. It seemed like Wu Kaile was going to be unlucky, but he had already warned her more than once. If something really happened, she couldn't be blamed.    


Although Qi Yao looked calm on the surface, she was already secretly looking forward to what would happen next. If Wu Kaile was really scared by Chen Hao to go back to Hedong City, it would be a relief for her.    


"How about this, we'll call people over now. How about we have more people than we can get out of the car later?" Suddenly Chen Hao leaned close to Wu Kaile and whispered, "Like you said, see which side is unfair but more effective?"    


Hearing Chen Hao's seemingly confident words, Wu Kaile was stunned for a moment. He had not expected Chen Hao to say such words. It seemed that this boy was not a good person.    


However, even though he was not a native of Chuzhou, he knew anyone within the Chuzhou. Since this brat could only sit on the bus, he could at most make ten or so of his best friends explode.    


Maybe he had heard from Qi Yao that he was not a local and thought that he only had these bodyguards?    


Thinking of this, Wu Kaile also sneered in his heart. Coincidentally, he knew a few rich second generations a few days ago, and they said that they knew the underworld society with the greatest Chuzhou.    


I want to see how a normal person like you would be scared in front of these underworld people!    


Thinking that Chen Hao might be scared to the point of wetting his pants, Wu Kaile could not help but laugh out loud. He turned to Chen Hao and said, "Wow, so you're calling someone now?"    


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