Blockbuster Son-in-law

C127 Goodbye to Su Jiang Yue

C127 Goodbye to Su Jiang Yue

Hearing Zhang Hai's words, Zhang Cuilan immediately guessed what he meant: "What, are you ready to laugh at your cousin now?"    


Zhang Hai smiled honestly: "Aunt, look at what you're saying. Am I that malicious to you?"    


"Enough." On Zhang Cuilan's side, she said, "Don't pretend to be your aunt. I don't know what you're thinking. Don't worry, Aunt already went to your aunt's house to inquire about it. Chen Hao will definitely come back this time!"    


Zhang Hai's heart instantly brightened up.    




"I heard him say that with my own ears, how could it be false?" Zhang Cuilan replied.    


"That's great! Thank you, Aunt!"    


Zhang Hai hung up the phone and excitedly told the news to everyone around him.    


Upon hearing this news, the crowd became excited as well.    


All of a sudden, the news of Chen Hao, this useless trash, wanting to return spread through the entire village like a bomb.    


The entire village, regardless of whether they were men or women, the elderly and the young all began to discuss this matter. They were even prepared to watch the jokes on the day of the birthday banquet.    


At that moment, a cheerful atmosphere spread throughout the village.    


"Get ready, we'll see to it that Chen Hao loses all his face on the day of our birthday. After all, it's boring to not have any fun on such a big day!"    


Many young people started discussing and had already set up a trap for Chen Hao.    


Chen Hao, who was at the hospital in Chuzhou City, did not know anything about this.    


He was curious now.    


Because today when he arrived at the hospital, he discovered that something was wrong with Chu Xun. He had spoken to her several times, but she had only responded simply without saying anything. She was obviously sulking.    


Chu Yuvwei was rarely like this. Chen Hao was very worried, "Wife, what's wrong with you today?"    


Chu Yuvwei still remained silent, turning her head to the side.    


Chu Yuvwei was now very upset. What happened during the day had dealt a heavy blow to her, not because of Su Jiangyue's slap, but because of Su Jiangyue's words.    


She's back!    


This sentence showed that Su Jiangyue and Chen Hao knew each other for a long time.    


Chen Hao had never mentioned such a beautiful woman to her before. She felt that she was cheated by Chen Hao.    


Chen Hao was a little puzzled, so he quickly pulled Little Qiao to the side and asked, "Baby, do you know what's wrong with Mom today?"    


It was naive, saying if he had something to say: "Mommy just gave it to you, she said daddy cheated, so you don't need Mommy to add it to it anymore."    


Chen Hao felt it was extremely funny when he heard this. He never expected that the couple would have such a crisis in their relationship.    


"No." Chen Hao directly shouted at Chu Yuvwei, "Wifey, where did you hear all those rumors?!"    


"Rumors!" Once the matter was settled, Chu Yuvwei immediately exploded, "Then why don't you explain to me who Su Jiangyue is?"    


Chen Hao was stunned.    


Su Jiangyue!    


How did Chu Yuvwei know? Hadn't Tian Sanfu been instructed to keep this a secret?    


Could it be that Su Jiangyue had already gone to find Chu Yuvwei?    


How much had she told Chu Yuvwei?    


"How do you know about Su Jiangyue?" Chen Hao quickly asked.    


"I'm asking you, who the hell is Su Jiangyue?" Chu Yuvwei ignored him and continued questioning him.    


This question directly shocked Chen Hao.    


He didn't know how to answer.    


Su Jiangyue was indeed his ex-fiancee, but could he tell Chu Yuvwei about this relationship? Obviously not.    


However, Chen Hao felt guilty towards Su Jiangyue, he couldn't think of any other suitable reason.    


Seeing Chen Hao stunned, Chu Yuvwei was sure that Chen Hao had cheated.    


She felt terrible right now and had never thought that Chen Hao was such a person.    


He had silently done so much for Chen Hao, but in the end, he ended up like this.    


Chen Hao, are you worthy of me doing this?    


The more she thought about it, the more upset she felt. Chu Yuvwei couldn't hold back the tears from her eyes. She quickly got up from the stool and went to the toilet in the ward.    


Bang! Chu Yuvwei's sobbing sounds could be heard from inside soon after the door was closed.    


When he walked to the door, Chen Hao wanted to knock, but he found that his hands were heavy.    


He had never felt so sad before.    


On one side was Su Jiangyue, who felt guilty for running away and giving her a heavy blow.    


On the other hand, Chu Yuvwei, the woman he loved wholeheartedly, would never let her get hurt.    


Even someone as calm and composed as Chen Hao was at a loss of what to do at this moment.    


Chen Hao walked out of the ward quietly and arrived at the balcony of the hospital.    


After smoking heavily, Chen Hao took out his phone and called Chu Yuvwei's assistant, Lau Qing.    


He wanted to know what happened to Chu Yuvwei during the day.    


However, the moment the phone was connected, Lau Qing's scolding voice came over: "Chen Hao, you still have the nerve to call me. Screw off!"    


Lau Qing hung up without waiting for Chen Hao to speak.    


Chen Hao was completely alone in the wind. What was going on?    


However, because of this, Chen Hao was even more sure that something must have happened to Chu Yuvwei at the company.    


After calming himself down, Chen Hao called Lau Qing again.    


In the end, it was still Lau Qing who scolded loudly, "Stupid man, you still dare to call me?! Do you not want face anymore!"    


This time, Chen Hao was the first to speak without waiting for Lau Qing to hang up, "Don't be in such a hurry to scold me. I have something to ask you."    


"Scram, I don't want to hear your voice!" On the other side, Lau Qing was extremely agitated.    


Chen Hao ignored her and continued asking, "What happened to Yuvwei at the company today? She came back in a bad mood."    


"You still have the nerve to ask me. You don't know about the ugly things you've done!" Lau Qing swore. "Sister Wei loves you so much, yet you cheated behind her back. That woman has already found a company and slapped Sister Wei in front of so many people. I feel wronged for Sister Wei!"    


"What!" Chen Hao's anger flared up, "That woman beat up Yuvwei?"    


Chen Hao was furious.    


Although he felt guilty towards Su Jiangyue, it was definitely not because of her ability to ride on his head.    


No one could bully Chu Yuvwei, that was his bottom line, not even Su Jiangyue.    


All of a sudden, Chen Hao was filled with killing intent.    


"I got it!" After hanging up, Chen Hao called Tian Sanfu directly: "Give me Su Jiangyue's current location, I want to find her!"    


At this moment, the person on the other end of the line was a woman. Her tone was lazy and haughty.    


"I'm at Century House. If you want to see me, come over." It was Su Jiangyue.    


Chen Hao had never thought that it would be like this when the two of them met again.    


In the Century Building, Chen Hao stood in front of Su Jiangyue, looking at her reclining on the sofa. She looked a lot more beautiful. Her every gesture exuded the temperament of a noble lady. However, there was an additional viciousness and coldness in her eyes that Chen Hao could not understand.    


"Why did you hit my wife?" Chen Hao asked.    


Su Jiangyue also stared at Chen Hao. The moment Chen Hao appeared, she became flustered. Even after so many years, when she saw Chen Hao again, her heart was still throbbing.    


Su Jiangyue knew that she would lose this life to this man.    


"It's been so many years since we last met, and you're questioning me like this the first time?"    


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