Godly Pet Evolution System

C1 Divine Pet Evolution System

C1 Divine Pet Evolution System

Jiangshui City Ningping County Junior High School, Class 3 (9).    


It was June. The searing hot weather was enough to make everyone restless. As the sunlight burned their skin, so does their patience. As the minutes had passed, the class became louder and louder.    


"Monitor, it's almost our midterms, what are you preparing for?" A student propped up his elbow as he stared at the muscular man in front of him. "The knowledge exam? Or the martial arts one?"    


"Don't talk nonsense!" Someone scoffed. "Monitor is a straight-A student. His parents have been buying him all kinds of spirit herbs since he was just a little kid. He's obviously preparing for the martial arts exam."    


"You are right. For a talented and rich young genius like our monitor, you think he'd be stupid enough to take the knowledge exam?" the other gushed.    


There, on the first few rows of the classroom, was a group of students. Many of them were gathered around the muscular man as they chatted about the upcoming midterms. Well, for them, it was their entrance exams.    


The monitor they were all bragging about, his name was Lee Kaiyuan. Upon hearing their praises, he mustered up a smile and waved his hand, indicating people to stop talking about it. But there wasn't a hint of modesty in his face.    


Ignoring the praises, his gaze fell on the skinny man on his right. "Hey," he called out with a proud look. "Have you thought of what exam you'll be taking?"    


The skinny youth was staring at the chimney in a daze. As soon as he heard Lee Kaiyuan's question, he immediately drew back and turned to him. "Please, as if the kid had a choice," The others scoffed, shaking their head. "Does he even have a battle spirit bloodline?"    


The youth they were laughing at was called Feng Yixiu. Today was supposed to be his fifteenth birthday, but he didn't feel anything but indifference. Unlike his peers, he wasn't the type of man who'd jump the fence. In fact, despite his young age, his eyes revealed years of hardship that none of them had ever experienced.    


He knew the reason why Lee Kaiyuan only picked him to answer his question was because he wanted to get people's attention. Naturally, he would give him a hard time.    


"Monitor, why wasting your time with him?" The other man snorted. "He's just an orphan. It's already hard enough for him to survive. You think he'll even have the time to think about taking the martial arts exam?"    


"Yeah, look at his built! Hell, he probably wouldn't be able to pass the physical portion of the knowledge exam." The group burst into laughter.    


"Sure, he topped the entire grade, but that's the only thing he has to offer," the other agreed, even going as far as to sneer at him. "In this world, the most respected profession is still not War Spiritualist. You two shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath."    


Before Feng Yixiu could reply, the other students were already hurling insults his way. Their expressions became uglier with each second. They obviously weren't pleased with his attitude.    


Lee Kaiyuan was also angered by his attitude. Relaxing in his seat, he feigned sympathy, "You're right. He is just an orphan. Having no strong backing, I wouldn't be surprised if he'd drop out and just work as a busboy in some restaurant. I shouldn't have asked him such a question."    


"A busboy? Do you think I'm going to be the same then?“    


Before Feng Yixiu could rebut, the girl beside him slammed her hands against the table and turned around. Her eyebrows were twitching as her face morphed into something dangerous.    


The girl stood forward was called Shen Ruyu. She was considered as the school's muse–being one of the most beautiful girls in their grade. Unfortunately, she didn't have a strong backing like the other students here, for she, too, was an orphan.    


She actually grew up in the same orphanage as Feng Yixiu, which was why she always stuck up to him. That was also the reason why many others hated him with a passion, especially those who admired Shen Ruyu. Lee Kaiyuan was clearly one of her admirers.    


"Ruyu," Lee Kaiyuan stuttered, waving his hands in panic, "You know that's not what I meant. You're different!"    


"You say anything bad about Big Brother Feng, and I'll make you feel sorry. Got that?" She crossed her arms and shot him a glare.    


He immediately backed down. "Okay, okay, you win."    


However, as he stared at the way the two interacted, he couldn't help but clenched his fists. His heart thrummed with jealousy. "What the hell did Feng Yixiu have that he didn't? How could he be close to the school belle anyway? I'll show him who's boss." he murmured under his breath.    


"Hey, monitor, don't be angry," someone said, waving his hand, "The talent assessment's coming soon anyway. When that time comes, I'm sure Shen Ruyu will realize how useless the kid is and move on to someone more outstanding like you!"    


"You're right," Lee Kaiyuan said through gritted teeth. "I'll show Shen Ruyu who's the better man."    


Before the others could say anything else, a young man swept past the window of their classroom. Suddenly, everyone returned to their seats as the noise practically dissipated. The silence settled in as soon as the door creaked open.    


It was their headteacher. He strode to the center of the stage. In his hand was a transparent pearl with a strange run engraved in the front. His gaze swept across the crowd, studying every minuscule movement they made.    


All the students' gazes were focused on the transparent pearl in the man's hand. It was the Spirit Summoning Pearl–the treasure that could change their entire lives. Others gazed in delight. Others hummed in anticipation.    


Feng Yixiu, however, had the opposite reaction. As soon as his gaze settled onto the pearl's strange carvings, he felt as if someone had knocked his head with a heavy hammer. His body felt heavier as his vision flickered right before him.    


"The system has detected a fluctuation of spiritual energy within its vicinity." A voice sounded in front of him. "The Divine Pet Evolution System will activate the hidden battle spirit bloodline for you."    


Just when he thought his vision was improving, sparks burst into his skull and his eyes flashed.    


Suddenly, he felt as if a large weight had been lifted off his shoulders. His originally weak body was now thrumming with energy as adrenaline rushed into his veins. He took a deep breath. "What the hell happened?"    


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