Godly Pet Evolution System

C468 Bramble

C468 Bramble

Feng Yixiu slowly walked towards Queen of Thorns's position. Along the way, the battle spirit silhouettes did not say a single word, as if they were extremely afraid.    


"Are you Queen of Thorns?" Feng Yixiu stood in front of the demon spirit grimoire and said in a deep voice.    


However, the demon spirit grimoire in front of him did not have the slightest intention of ignoring Feng Yixiu, and continued to float quietly in the air.    


Feng Yixiu frowned and was about to touch the demon spirit grimoire.    


However, before he could even touch the demon spirit's grimoire, a few red thorny vines whipped towards Feng Yixiu's arm.    


Feng Yixiu hurriedly let go of his hand in pain, but a red wound still appeared on his hand.    


"Foolish human, don't touch me!"    


A cold and domineering female voice suddenly shook, scaring Feng Yixiu into taking more than a dozen steps back.    


"What a strong aura!" Feng Yixiu said with a serious expression.    


This Queen of Thorns did not seem to have a good temper!    


So many battle spirit were fighting to become his battle spirit, but this Queen of Thorns seemed to be looking down on him!    


However, this small setback was unable to change Feng Yixiu's mind. On the contrary, it made him more determined to win his heart.    


Feng Yixiu quickly contacted the System and said in a deep voice, "System, I choose Queen of Thorns!"    


As Feng Yixiu finished his selection, all of the demon spirit s in the entire Spiritual World started to slowly disappear, leaving only Queen of Thorns's demon spirit Grimoire.    


Feng Yixiu also slowly recovered from his deep slumber and returned to the real world once again.    


The first thing he did after waking up was to check if he had succeeded.    


"demon spirit Grimoire, appear!"    


Feng Yixiu concentrated and started summoning his demon spirit Grimoire.    


Suddenly, the first demon spirit Grimoire appeared to Feng Yixiu's right. It was the white jade demon spirit grimoire.    


Soon after, a ball of scarlet colored wood element slowly condensed, and a crimson wooden demon spirit's grimoire appeared on his left side.    


"It's a success!"    


Feng Yixiu couldn't wait to capture the wooden demon spirit's grimoire. This time, he didn't reveal the awkward situation he had in the Spiritual World.    


This demon spirit grimoire did not show any signs of resistance to Feng Yixiu, so the thorny vines that twined around it obediently shifted their positions.    


Feng Yixiu took a deep breath and solemnly opened the first page of the demon spirit Grimoire.    


What caught his eye was a human-shaped battle spirit, with a head of fiery red hair reaching to its waist. Crimson red thorns twined around its body, forming a thorny battle armor filled with thorns.    


She calmly and coldly stood in the middle of the bush of thorns. The thorny vines around her moved without any wind, as if they were the tentacles of hell.    


Her charming and cold face could be vaguely seen, giving her a noble and cold appearance.    


Feng Yixiu looked at the name of the battle spirit: Enchantress of Thorns.    


This was the name of Queen of Thorns who was at the mature stage. She was just like her name – beautiful and mysterious!    


Just when Feng Yixiu was about to turn to the second page, he suddenly thought of a critical problem.    


If Queen of Thorns could not even absorb a single demon spirit card, then wouldn't that mean that his first demon spirit card could already absorb Gold-ranked demon spirit cards?    


"I hope you won't disappoint me!"    


Feng Yixiu held his breath, and with trembling hands, he flipped the demon spirit's grimoire to the second page.    


What entered his eyes was an empty card slot, it was obvious that it had not absorbed a single demon spirit card!    


Feng Yixiu then flipped through a few pages and realized that all the card slots were empty. That meant he could absorb the demon spirit card at will!    


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