Cultivator Master Reborn To High School

C939 River Pool Peak

C939 River Pool Peak

Heechi Peak.    


Looking at it from the outside, this was a huge mountain with five fingers shaped like a mountain. It was shaped like a palm and five thick mountains proudly stood there with an extraordinary temperament.    


There was a legend that Heechi Peak was governed by Immortal Courtyard, which meant 'one has control over the heavens'.    


Although Heechi Peak was the place where the resources of the institution were distributed, there were no Immortal Courtyard personnel stationed here. In the center of the Heechi Peak area, there was a teleportation Magical Formation.    


At this time, the number of immortals in Heechi Peak had already reached a hundred.    


There was no lack of Great Completion Earth Immortal of the Nascent Infant Period amongst them.    


The immortals who came here were all here to carry out academy missions and transport academy resources. Of the immortals in groups of three or five in the other institutions, only the Luohou Institution of Learning was able to send one.    


In any case, during the missions of transporting the academy's resources, the deities only needed to guard against the attacks of the Vicious Beast s. The rest were not worried, as no deity would set their target on the academy's resources.    


In terms of Penglai Immortal Realm, the one who opposes Immortal Courtyard is courting death.    


The Heechi Peak was very lively, and all the deities gathered together to discuss.    


More than thirty immortals from Lou Lan Academy had arrived.    


More than seventy Immortals had come from the Seven-annihilation Institution.    


"There's still two hours before the teleportation of Magical Formation opens. After collecting the academy's resources, we'll be able to return to the Lou Lan Academy."    


"This is different from the past. I don't know if that Zhang Haorann from Luohou Institution of Learning has arrived yet."    


"Hehe, but he's just a young deity in Nascent Infant Period. What's there to be proud of?"    


"You don't know, Zhang Haorann did the big picture mission this time, and I heard that he was ambushed on the way and had more than one opponent."    


"That's right, whether Zhang Haorann will be able to come to Heechi Peak alive is still a question."    


The immortals of Lou Lan's Institution were naturally arrogant, and had an outstanding background to be able to enter Lou Lan's Institution.    


Soon, a few immortals received the news that their Hee Family had been destroyed.    


Just when the immortals were shocked, they received news that their Baqing Clan had also been destroyed, and the culprit was even a Chi Hou that they raised.    


"What happened?"    


"The destruction of the Hee Family? Who would extinguish their Hee Family? "    


"I remember Hee Quandong from Hee Family. Could it be that Hee Quandong wasn't able to block the opponent's attack?"    


"Other than Hee Quandong, the Hee Family's Patriarch He Zhishui also has Great Completion Earth Immortal of the Nascent Infant Period. Although Hee Family's status is average, I have never heard of any opponent with Hee Family."    


"Could it be that Zhang Haorann did it?"    


The Immortals were all chatting amongst themselves.    


Another immortal came to the Heechi Peak, and another shocking piece of news caused everyone to be shocked.    


"The Baqing Clan has also been destroyed!"    


"The Baqing Clan's ability can control Chi Hou, could it be that the ability imprint lost its effect?"    


"How could it be ineffective? In the history of the Baqing Clan, there has never been a time where a sacred art imprint had no effect."    


"I remember hearing from a deity that the imprint of a Baqing Clan can be removed, but it requires the use of a Celestial Method."    


"Celestial Method? You must be joking, in the entire Louvre Hole Heaven, the only person who can display a Celestial Method similar to it is the Du Family Immortal. Of course, the Deification Period immortals could also directly use the Celestial Method, could it be that the Baqing Clan had offended some kind of Deification Period immortals? However, according to the rules of Louvre Hole Heaven, anyone who becomes a Deification Period Immortal must first pass through the Immortal Courtyard to point the way, and then immediately head to the second region.    


The deities sighed, their Hee Family s were annihilated without question, and their Baqing Clan s were exterminated with their own s. These two things were really too strange.    


Some immortals were guessing, could it be that the people from Du Family were doing this behind the scenes?    


"Don't spout nonsense, you're still an immortal of Seven-annihilation Institution. Later on, Du Da will also come." An Immortal warned him.    


"That's right, Du Da received an order at the last moment to carry out this academy mission." The immortal immediately shut up, knowing that a storm was coming.    


No one knew who would be swallowed by the storm.    


A moment later.    


"Du Da is here!" Some immortals said.    


The others looked over, only to see a young man approaching from afar, flying over. It was Du Family Immortal, Du Da.    


Even though Du Da's cultivation was only at the initial stage of the Nascent Infant Period, all of the Great Completion Earth Immortal of the Nascent Infant Period present had still looked in his direction upon his arrival.    


The Du Family Immortal, under the protection of the Spirit Tree, used Mixture Tao Method that contained the profound meaning of the Celestial Method.    


"Du Da, have you heard about the Hee Family?" From Seven-annihilation Institution, a deity called Jade Sky Silver said.    


"Yes, I've heard of it." Du Da nodded. As soon as he arrived, he became the focus of everyone's attention.    


"The Hee Family have been destroyed, and even the Baqing Clan have been spared." Yu Tian smiled, "Hee Family is close to the Xindan Mountain, Baqing Clan is close to the Lotus, I feel that this matter is not simple."    


Du Da glanced at the Jade Sky Silver and said impatiently,    


"What are you trying to say? Baqing Clan was a clan that was ranked in the top ten in Louvre Hole Heaven. To be able to lay a hand on Baqing Clan and remove the sacred art imprint within the Chi Hou, one had to be able to utilize either the Celestial Method or a spell similar to it. Silver Jade Sky, are you trying to say that the destruction of the Baqing Clan was caused by me, the Du Family's immortal? "    


Jade Sky Silver laughed and said: "I didn't say that, but everyone knows, the disaster of Baqing Clan is extremely rare, who do you think is here?"    


With a flick of her finger, the crowd turned to look.    


Upon seeing it, everyone's expression changed.    


When it got closer, everyone could see the true face of the black shadow. It was a ferocious looking Vicious Beast, as if it was the owner of the beast. Its face had a gloomy expression on it, like a poisonous thorn piercing everyone's eyes.    


"This is the Immortal Ba Qingyu of my Seven-annihilation Institution, the person under his command is the Vicious Beast!" A deity from Seven-annihilation Institution could not help but shout.    


This was precisely the reason why everyone's expression changed. The Baqing Clan's destruction was due to the Vicious Beast losing control. Until now, no one knew the reason for the Vicious Beast losing control.    


"Why did Ba Qingyu come to Heechi Peak?" A deity who had a close relationship with Baqing Clan muttered to himself, "Furthermore, Ba Qingyu's expression is so ugly, as if Heechi Peak has his mortal enemy."    


Another immortal said: "Vicious Beast s have an ability called 'Sub-Speed'. When using this power, the fur of the black Vicious Beast s will occasionally reveal a silver luster, and when sprinting at full power, their speed is even faster than the Nascent Infant Period immortals. Why is Ba Qingyu controlling the Vicious Beast s to use Divine Speed?"    


While everyone was still confused, Ba Qingyu arrived.    


"Thief Wu steel annihilates my Baqing Clan! I hope that the other deities of the same house in Seven-annihilation Institution can help me vent my anger! " Ba Qingyu looked at the immortal of Seven-annihilation Institution, and actually kneeled down in front of everyone.    




The immortals of the Seven-annihilation Institution were all stunned. Normally, Ba Qingyu never treated them like this, after all, Ba Qingyu came from the Baqing Clan and his position in the Seven-annihilation Institution was quite high.    


The immortals of Seven-annihilation Institution hesitated. Not to mention did they have any evidence that Zhang Haorann was related to the destruction of Baqing Clan, just his identity as someone from Luohou Institution of Learning was enough to cause the immortals of Seven-annihilation Institution to be afraid.    


At this time, Wu Tie spoke: "Ba Qingyu, let me ask you, the reason why the Baqing Clan were destroyed was because the Chi Hou had lost control, right?"    


"That's right."    


"The reason why the Chi Hou has lost control is because the imprint of the divine ability that the Baqing Clan left in the Chi Hou's body was erased, right?"    


"That's the only reason."    


"Only the Celestial Method or the Mixture Tao Method that contains the mysteries of the Celestial Method can erase a sacred art imprint, right?"    




Du Da's expression turned serious when he heard that, "Do you think the immortals of Du Family would do such a thing?"    


"When dealing with Du Family, be careful. You would never make a move against it at this time." Ba Qingyu said.    


Liu Tie said in a deep voice: "Everyone heard it, Ba Qingyu admitted that Du Family has nothing to do with Baqing Clan's destruction, so the target of this matter is one person, it's Zhang Haorann. Since our Baqing Clan have been destroyed, facing Ba Qingyu's request, how can the immortals of our Seven-annihilation Institution just sit still and wait for death, everyone say that?"    


The faces of the immortals with Seven-annihilation Institution varied, and they quickly nodded their heads, agreeing with Du Da's intentions.    


Everyone came from different families, so only when the Spirit Tree opens, would the immortals of these families come together to deal with the Du Family for the common good. Therefore, now was not the time to activate the Spirit Tree, so the other clan immortals naturally had no reason to target Du Family.    


Furthermore, Du Da was blessed by the Spirit Tree and the Mixture Tao Method contained the profound meaning of the Celestial Method. Even if Du Da was only an Earthly Immortal at the initial stage of Nascent Infant Period, he could still fight with Great Completion Earth Immortal of the Nascent Infant Period.    


Therefore, rather than calling them on Du Da's side, the Seven-annihilation Institution Immortals present would rather give them some face by saying that there was no need to draw aggro until the Spirit Tree was activated.    


"Thank you everyone!" With the destruction of the Baqing Clan, Ba Qingyu, who had lost his clan, had no one to rely on anymore. Ignoring everything else, he urged his Chi Hou to come to the Heechi Peak, just to tell everyone the truth of the Baqing Clan's destruction.    


The immortals of Seven-annihilation Institution were standing by Ba Qingyu's side. On the other hand, the Immortals of Lou Lan Academy were extremely calm and did not express their stance.    


Ba Qingyu said, "Everyone, have you thought of a way to deal with Zhang Haorann?"    


Du Da took the lead and said, "Heechi Peak is not a place for battles. This place is under the jurisdiction of the Immortal Courtyard.    


"Ba Qingyu, I don't mind telling you this, I've always disliked that Zhang Haorann. No matter how much Du Family support him, at least at this moment, I'm on your side. No matter what, I must get Zhang Haorann to give you an explanation.    


Ba Qingyu quickly nodded. With Du Da's words, he was satisfied.    


Suddenly, someone pointed into the distance.    


"My sacred art 'Mo Li' has detected, from seventy thousand meters away from the Heechi Peak, a azure-robed immortal riding a sword has arrived. He should be Zhang Haorann!"    


Everyone's faces became serious as they stared into the distance. They didn't know how the azure-robed Immortal would react in his arrival.    


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