Cultivator Master Reborn To High School

C314 Accidental Encounter

C314 Accidental Encounter

Quan Zihao finished his training and returned to the Eagle Residence with a head full of sweat.    


"My legs have gone numb. I feel like I don't belong here anymore. Minn Yi, as a Daoist, how did you train your body to such an extent? " Quan Zihao gasped. Minn Yi was able to defeat him easily in close combat without using any spells. There was no reason at all.    


Minn Yi was holding the Dao Token and feeling its compatibility with him. Hearing Quan Zihao's words, he laughed: "My physical fitness is only second to the quasi-Celestial Being Level experts of the martial families."    


Quan Zihao clicked his tongue.    


Are all the Taoists this powerful? How did Minn Yi train? He really is a monster.    


Minn Yi said, "Not every Taoist is like me. If you really want to compare, just based on the body, I think I am weaker than Young Master Long from your dragon group. According to the information I gathered, each of the dragon group's four Young Master Long's physical attributes are basically the same as a Quasi-Celestial Being Level expert, and the same level as the number one expert of the Ye Family, Ye Qian.    


Quan Zihao rolled his eyes, "I know." He glanced over and saw Minn Yi holding onto a sign.    


"How is your training going?"    


"It's not bad, although it's not comparable to First Grade Half-immortal. If I wasn't facing people from First Grade Half-immortal, I would have definitely won."    


Minn Yi was completely confident, and with a deep voice, he pulled back his breath. He reached out his hand towards the mouth of the Eagle Residence ventilation fan, and a ray of light flew out from the command order.    


Quan Zihao's heart turned cold. If Minn Yi had hit him like this, he wouldn't have been able to dodge it. Because the speed and movement of Minn Yi's attack just now was so fast that Quan Zihao didn't have any reaction.    


With the Dao Command, Minn Yi was like a tiger that had added wings to its tiger. In the future, when he fought with Minn Yi, Quan Zihao would be even more unrivaled.    


At this time, Pei Xiaoyuan, who was meditating at the side with his eyes closed, opened his eyes, "Quan Zihao, did you see my master?"    


"He said he had to leave." Quan Zihao muttered, "In my opinion, it should be to accompany Xu Qing."    


Everyone was silent.    


Zhang Haorann had paid a lot for Xu Qing's illness.    


The only hope for saving Xu Qing was to wait for Martial Arts Conference to be held on November 17th. Now that Zhang Haorann's competitor Martial Arts Aristocratic Family had already left the competition, being first place was as easy as pie for Zhang Haorann.    


Beep, beep, beep.    


At this moment, someone's cell phone rang.    


"It's yours." Pei Xiaoyuan pointed at Quan Zihao, who was still panting heavily.    




Quan Zihao came to his senses and mumbled to himself who was calling him at this time. Didn't he know that he was so tired that he didn't even want to take his phone?    


Ye Zichen glanced at the caller ID and picked up the call.    


"Principal Du, it's me."    


"Yes, I have something to talk to you about."    


"Please speak, Principal Du."    


"Is Zhang Haorann beside you?"    




"Hurry up and call him. Tell him to be careful during this period of time. Something big is about to happen."    


"A big matter?"    


Quan Zihao didn't understand.    


"In short, notify Zhang Haorann as soon as possible, do you understand?"    




After hanging up, Quan Zihao tried to figure out what Du Kang was referring to as he dialed Zhang Haorann's number.    


No one answered.    


No one answered.    


"Nothing will happen to Master Zhang, right?" Quan Zihao muttered to himself. He felt that he might have said something wrong. How could anything happen to Master Zhang? If he was with Xu Qing, perhaps he might have muted his phone.    


"What's wrong?" Minn Yi stopped practicing, felt that something was wrong, and asked Quan Zihao.    


Quan Zihao told them the contents of the call.    


"Could it really be something big? "Why didn't Principal Du say it directly?" Minn Yi did not understand.    


"Because the dragon group's secrecy measures are restricted. I quit the dragon group and joined the sect to follow Master Zhang. I'm not a member of the dragon group, so Principal Du has no reason to reveal anything to me.    


"Even Principal Du thinks that it's a big matter, it definitely isn't that simple."    


Minn Yi pondered.    


"Pei Xiaoyuan, Quan Zihao, we'll go look for Master Zhang now."    


The two of them agreed.    


Just as they were about to leave, an unexpected guest arrived at Eagle Residence.    


The arrival of this uninvited guest made Minn Yi and the other two feel as if they were facing a great enemy.    


In the coffee shop.    


Zhang Haorann and Xu Qing sat in the lobby and didn't choose a room because Xu Qing said that she wanted to take in the air and chose to sit near the window in the lobby. From this position, she could see the street outside.    


"This coffee is bitter." Mo took a sip and almost vomited.    


"That's what coffee tastes like." Zhang Haorann took a sip and felt that it was alright.    


"I'm used to rough work, I really can't drink this stuff." Mo said with a bitter face.    


Xu Qing asked curiously.    


"Driver Mo, I want to ask a question."    




"Zhang Haorann is really valued that much by Boss Xu. It's like giving away a house and getting you to take it yourself."    


You don't know about this, but when Boss Xu had his stock market crash, he got a lot of money. In the end, Zhang Haorann stood out and helped Boss Xu solve the problem, avoiding hundreds of millions of losses, but Boss Xu wanted to give the money to Zhang Haorann, but who would have thought that Zhang Haorann would reject Boss Xu's offer. Later, Boss Xu gave the first class mansion to Zhang Haorann, and also told me that as long as Zhang Haorann needs it, I must find a way to help him.    


"I didn't expect Zhang Haorann to be a stock market genius."    


Mo said in a very soft voice that only the few of them could hear.    


Xu Qing pouted. "Stock market?" "Zhang Haorann can even trade stocks?"    


Mo smiled in embarrassment and no longer explained.    


"I was lucky, I was just messing around." The moment he finished, his eyes moved. When he saw someone in the distance, Zhang Haorann's eyes narrowed.    


"Is that true?" Xu Qing was half believing and half doubting. She felt more and more that Zhang Haorann was unable to see through her. He had incredible medical skills, and he was also the top scholar in Xihu Province, so how could he not be tired?    


"Wait, what is he looking at?"    


Xu Qing followed Zhang Haorann's line of sight and looked over. There were several people along the line. Xu Qing did not know who Zhang Haorann was looking at.    


Zhang Haorann retracted his gaze and said: "Right, I need to talk to you about something. In a few days, I will be leaving the Xiangzhou City."    


Xu Qing was surprised. "They're leaving again."    


Zhang Haorann nodded, that's right, if I don't go participate in Martial Arts Conference, how can I help you?    


"I want to go to a place called Tianwu City." Zhang Haorann didn't say what to do.    


Xu Qing didn't intend to ask since she knew that Zhang Haorann would find an excuse if he didn't want to tell her.    


"Tianwu City?" On the other hand, Xiao Yishan who didn't say anything seemed to recall something. Just as she was about to open her mouth and speak, she was signaled by Zhang Haorann's eyes. Then, Xiao Yishan went silent.    


"Driver Mo, is Tianwu City far?" Xu Qing asked.    


"Very far." Mo nodded, "The Xiangzhou City is about 1500 kilometers away, whether it's by train or plane, it's a long journey. The Tianwu City is in the southern part of China. Now that October has passed and the Xiangzhou City has turned cold, many people will choose to go on vacation in the southern part of the country. "    


This was like running to the north for summer's sake. However, what Mo didn't expect was that his careless words made Xu Qing suspicious for a long time.    


"Zhang Haorann, you want to go for a vacation at Tianwu City?" Xu Qing asked. She suddenly saw Zhang Haorann's gaze following the previous route and looking towards the distance.    


At this moment, in Zhang Haorann's line of sight, the last few people drinking coffee had already left. Only a young girl with long hair and a shawl covering her shoulders was facing Zhang Haorann. Opposite the girl sat a male student.    




Xu Qing was angry. It wasn't long after I came out that Zhang Haorann was attracted by someone else. Don't tell me I'm not good-looking? It's just that my face has recently turned pale.    


"Hey!" "Zhang Haorann, what are you doing!" It attracted a lot of people's attention in the coffee shop.    


"Huh?" Zhang Haorann was stunned. Damn, I forgot Xu Qing was here too.    


"I say, why are you going to the Tianwu City? What were you looking at? " While Xu Qing was speaking, she noticed from the corner of her eyes that Zhang Haorann seemed to have heard her words and walked towards them.    


Xu Qing was stupefied by this.    


"How could it be her?"    


The person who appeared in front of Xu Qing was none other than Zhang Xiaoyu!    


That day at the Summer Water Paradise, when Zhang Haorann, Xu Qing, and Ling Huan were swimming, they met with Ke Rann and the others from Donghai University. At the same time, Ling Huan was the hero who saved Zhang Xiaoyu, causing the two of them to fall in love.    


After that, for some reason, Zhang Xiaoyu suddenly broke up with Ling Huan. What happened after that, Xu Qing didn't know.    


If Xu Qing knew that Zhang Xiaoyu abandoned Ling Huan, and brought Ling Huan to Qingwu Town to consume the Beast Blood Pill, making Ling Huan into a half human half beast werewolf form, Xu Qing definitely wouldn't look at Zhang Xiaoyu even once.    


Xu Qing didn't know about all of this, so she smiled at Zhang Xiaoyu and said politely, "Zhang Xiaoyu, I didn't expect to see you here."    


Zhang Xiaoyu's appearance hadn't changed much from before. She had a pretty face with white jade white fingers that were wrapped around her chest. She looked to be in good spirits.    


"Hello, Xu Qing. Nice to meet you. Are you sick?"    


"That's right, my health hasn't been well recently." Xu Qing said with a polite smile.    


"You need to rest when you're sick. Zhang Haorann doesn't care about you at all. What if you come out and catch cold?" Zhang Xiaoyu shook her head. When the man beside her heard the three words "Zhang Haorann", his gaze swept over and landed on Zhang Haorann.    


"This is your boyfriend?" Xu Qing pointed at the man beside Zhang Xiaoyu.    


"Yes, he's called Chu Ming. We've known each other for two months." Zhang Xiaoyu said with a smile.    


"Two months." Xu Qing mumbled to herself. In other words, after Zhang Xiaoyu and Ling Huan broke up, she went to find this man. Xu Qing did not know why, but she felt very uncomfortable inside.    


Thinking of this, Xu Qing was not excited at all by the coincidence of meeting Zhang Xiaoyu here. She just said a few polite words and didn't want to continue chatting.    


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