Cultivator Master Reborn To High School

C110 If I Were the Sky

C110 If I Were the Sky

Zhang Haorann came to Old Madam Quan's mud house and said:    


"Old Madam Quan, my name is Zhang Haorann and I'm Shan Shan's friend. My purpose in coming here is to bring a Tree Essence Fruit with me."    


Zhang Haorann did not beat around the bush and directly stated his purpose.    


Xiao Yishan looked at Old Madam Quan nervously. She was afraid that Old Madam Quan would reject Zhang Haorann.    


Old Madam Quan's bright eyes moved back and forth between Zhang Haorann and the group. Finally, they stopped on Zhang Haorann.    


Old Madam Quan slowly said.    


"Tree Essence Fruit is what you call them, right?"    


"Here, we call the Tree Spirit's fruits the Spirit Fruit s."    


Zhang Haorann's expression when he looked at Old Madam Quan was instantly different.    


The cultivation world called the fruits of the Tree Spirit as Tree Essence Fruit. From Old Madam Quan's reaction, Zhang Haorann felt that Old Madam Quan knew quite a lot.    


"That's right, I want to bring a Spirit Fruit with me." Zhang Haorann said straightforwardly, "As Shan Shan's friend, I will naturally give an explanation to Zhuge Village."    


"What kind of explanation can you give to the village?" Old Madam Quan walked in front of Zhang Haorann.    


"The villagers consumed the Spirit Fruit, but don't know how to use it. I can help them with that." If he wasn't friends with Xiao Yishan, he wouldn't even talk to Old Madam Quan about this. He wouldn't even ask Zhang Haorann to help him with his cultivation.    


Surprisingly, if Zhang Haorann's suggestion was made by someone else, they would have agreed, but Old Madam Quan rejected it flatly.    


"I don't agree." Old Madam Quan shook her head and sighed softly: "The Zhuge Village needs some peace and quiet, did you know, when the village turned out like this, it was because they offended the heavens and got their revenge, so there's an earthquake. If I give the village another chance to start over, I would rather Tree Spirit never come to this place."    


"The villagers do not need to learn how to use the Spirit Fruit. I only hope that they can live a safe life."    


Old Madam Quan's voice was filled with sorrow. This was the reason why she rejected Zhang Haorann.    




The door to the mud hut was pushed open.    


Outside the door stood the villagers with Zhuge Village. They were gathered together and they had all heard Old Madam Quan's words just now.    


Zhang Haorann laughed, "Then tell me, what do I have to say to the village before you give me the Tree Essence Fruit?"    


Old Madam Quan remained silent. Finally, she said: "You can leave, the Spirit Fruit will not give it to you, that is the punishment from the heavens for using Zhuge Village. You are Xiao Yishan's friend, I do not wish for you to be harmed."    


Zhang Haorann said with disdain,    


"Heaven's punishment?"    


"Old Madam Quan, if I'm the sky, then who's punishing me?"    


Tao Ancestor, Zhang Haorann, with his domineering cultivation, looked down on all living beings.    


Cultivation was a path that went against the heavens. In Zhang Haorann's world, there was no sky, no earth, because he was the heaven and earth.    


The crowd was in an uproar. They never expected Zhang Haorann to speak so arrogantly in front of Old Madam Quan.    


"Why did Shan Shan bring such a person to our Zhuge Village?"    


"This person doesn't respect Old Madam Quan at all. What are you being so arrogant for?"    


"I think if the heavens really want to punish him, he will definitely be scared shitless."    


"I've never seen him so arrogant."    


"Old Madam Quan must be very angry now."    


The villagers were very dissatisfied with Zhang Haorann.    


Pei Xiaoyuan was very unhappy to hear this. He wanted to retort, but was stopped by Zhang Haorann.    


Old Madam Quan looked deeply at Zhang Haorann with a struggling expression as if she was considering something. In the end, Old Madam Quan made her decision.    


"Follow me, I will bring you to a place, at that time you can decide whether or not you want the Spirit Fruit." Old Madam Quan said softly, "The rest of you, stay here. I'll be back soon."    


Old Madam Quan brought Zhang Haorann out of the mud hut and walked in the village.    


The scene of Zhuge Village being destroyed made Zhang Haorann sigh.    


Logically speaking, the internal and external order of Zhuge Village should have been extremely good, but due to an earthquake, it had become like this. It was truly a pity.    


Old Madam Quan walked for a few minutes before stopping beside a stone pavilion.    


Outside the stone pavilion, there was a circle of boulders around the pavilion.    


"Follow me."    


Old Madam Quan walked around the stone pavilion before stopping. In front of her was a flight of steps carved out by humans. Stepping on the stone steps, one would be able to stand at the top of the huge rock and look down at the entire stone pavilion.    


Old Madam Quan ascended the stone steps, walking towards the highest point. Although her steps weren't fast, every step she took was filled with confidence. It wasn't easy for an old man of Old Madam Quan's age to accomplish this.    


Zhang Haorann wanted to climb up the stairs, but he suddenly realized that he had met Xiao Yishan before. An image flashed through his mind. It was the photo of Xiao Yishan on her screen in Ah Mei restaurant.    


In the photo, Xiao Yishan was standing on top of a huge rock, looking like a fairy descending from heaven, breathtakingly beautiful.    


Zhang Haorann followed behind Old Madam Quan on the stone stairs and arrived at the top of the huge rock.    


Soon after, Zhang Haorann looked towards the stone pavilion that was surrounded by the giant rocks. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.    


Inside the stone pavilion, there was a shocking scene. Crushed rocks were everywhere. In the middle of the stone pavilion, a huge pit that was a few meters deep appeared in front of Zhang Haorann.    


The soil around the huge pit was scorched black, as if it had been roasted by high temperature.    


Zhang Haorann could clearly feel the clear coolness of the Ancient Artifact's claws as they flowed. It was precisely because of the appearance of the dense Universe Vital Energy that caused the Profound Moon Chain to have this kind of reaction.    


Zhang Haorann instantly understood that the Profound Moon Chain had such a reaction, it meant that the energy here was extremely dense, and if one were to look at the stone pavilion, they would see that it was not the Magical Formation, so there was only one possibility. This was the place where the Tree Spirit had landed.    


That was why the Profound Moon Chain reacted so strongly.    


Old Madam Quan said:    


"Many years ago, Tree Spirit descended from the sky, breaking the serenity of this village. Someone discovered the Tree Spirit and reported it to the village chief, who brought the Tree Spirit out with him. I can still vividly remember that day even now."    


"At that time, the area around the stone pavilion was covered in a very thick white mist, making it impossible to see clearly. The village head brought some people here, and I was there as well."    


When we entered the white fog, we did not know what happened, but many people became lost, as if they were in a hallucination. Some villagers started to talk crazily, and even the village head became lost in his thoughts. At that time, I was very scared, and I ran with all my might, only having one thought in my mind, quickly leave the white fog and bring other villagers here to save people.    


"What I did not expect was that by a coincidence, I actually arrived at the place where the Tree Spirit had landed. When I saw the stone pavilion being smashed by the Tree Spirit, I was completely terrified. I wanted to run away immediately, but suddenly noticed that beside the Tree Spirit, there was an open piece of white paper with dense symbols on it. I could not understand it, but due to my curiosity, I still went to take a look. "    


"I just picked up that piece of white paper and the symbols actually separated and drilled into my brain. The symbols turned into characters and appeared in my mind. I felt a splitting headache and fainted. When I woke up, I was already at home."    


Old Madam Quan recounted the truth that only she knew.    


Zhang Haorann frowned. Old Madam Quan definitely knew what was written on the white paper.    


"Zhang Haorann, if you want to take the Spirit Fruit away from the Zhuge Village, you must have the ability to carry the Zhuge Village on your shoulders. I can pass the Spirit Fruit to you." Old Madam Quan changed the subject, "However, you must explain to me what happened to me when I met the Tree Spirit."    


Seemingly worried that Zhang Haorann wouldn't be able to explain, Old Madam Quan added, "If you really have the ability to protect everyone, you will definitely know everything that happened to me."    


Old Madam Quan promised her Spirit Fruit to Zhang Haorann, but gave him a test.    


Zhang Haorann had one hand behind his back and looked very proud. If Old Madam Quan were to ask this question, no one would know how to answer. However, to Zhang Haorann, it sounded very simple.    


"Since you asked, I can tell you."    


Zhang Haorann said openly:    


"The Tree Spirit descended from the sky, came to the Xingyu Mountain, and over the course of time, transformed the Xingyu Mountain into a Illusory Formation. The Illusory Formation could cause one to hallucinate, and the center of the Illusory Formation's axis was the temple where the Miaoguan Village resided. Every year on the thirteenth of April, the Universe Vital Energy's Universe Vital Energy would gather and erupt, and as the center of the Miaoguan Village, the villagers there would be affected by the Illusory Formation and become lost for a short period of time on that day, just like how the villagers of Zhuge Village reacted when they went to search for the Tree Spirit."    


Old Madam Quan was emotionally moved. Back then, the contents on the paper beside the Tree Spirit were almost the same as what Zhang Haorann said.    


Zhang Haorann continued:    


"Old Madam Quan, the piece of white paper that you found beside the Tree Spirit is a piece of Talisman Seal, the Tree Spirit descended from the sky, and it requires the ability of the Talisman Seal to protect it from being destroyed when it enters Earth, at the same time, the Talisman Seal wrote down information about the Tree Spirit, and Old Madam Quan was the first person to come into contact with the white paper. The symbol on the white paper became information, and it entered your brain.    


Zhang Haorann said it casually, as if the Tree Spirit and the Talisman Seal that could be converted into information were child's play for him.    


Old Madam Quan only cared about Zhang Haorann's three words, "Immortal Cultivator".    


"You know about Immortal Cultivators!" Old Madam Quan was shocked.    


Zhang Haorann said with a smile:    


"I can't even count the number of cultivators I've killed."    


She was filled with pride.    


"Spirit Fruit s that are born from Tree Spirit can change a person's physique and make the villagers become cultivators' body of wood. Xiao Yishan is one of the villagers named Yuan and Little Hong. I think, other than these three people, Old Madam Quan is probably also a Immortal Cultivation Tao Body." Zhang Haorann said confidently.    


Old Madam Quan was completely moved, as if all her secrets had been discovered by Zhang Haorann.    


"Then tell me, what's written on the Talisman Seal that the Tree Spirit was carrying?" Old Madam Quan asked again.    


Zhang Haorann said, "How would I know?" But guess, you can. The content written by the Talisman Seal, should be the uses of the Tree Spirit, as well as the uses of the Spirit Fruit, and there is also a way to nurture and change the Zhuge Village into the feng shui pattern of gossip inside and outside. It should be what you told the village chief, Old Madam Quan. "    


Old Madam Quan no longer knew how to describe the feelings in her heart. Saving the Tree Spirit had become an internal and external gossip. In the entire village, she was the only one who knew, but Zhang Haorann had guessed it just by guessing.    


Old Madam Quan's vigilance gradually relaxed. She seemed to have aged a lot.    


"Zhang Haorann, you're right."    


"The Tree Spirit was sent over by an immortal cultivator named 'Enlightenment' many years ago. On the Talisman Seal, he explained it just for fun."    


Old Madam Quan sighed. It was unknown whether it was because of that immortal cultivator's small action, which changed the future of Zhuge Village, or because of the mortal's inferiority in front of the immortal cultivators.    


Zhang Haorann didn't find it strange. Cultivators had a long lifespan, just like that cultivator called "enlightened". It was normal for him to throw the Tree Spirit onto Earth on a whim.    


In the past, after Zhang Haorann became Tao Ancestor, he was invincible in the wilderness. When he was bored, he even used his body to attack the planet and only stopped after a month.    


At that time, Zhang Haorann only had one belief.    


We are all born free, who dares to rise above us?    


If the heavens oppress me, cut open the heavens, if the earth allows me, step on the earth and shatter it.    


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