I Have A Bunch Of Saint Apprentices

C493 True Samadhi Fire!

C493 True Samadhi Fire!

When Yao Yuanlong shouted out the Third Prince's real name, the Seven Feet Heavenly Silk on his waist also soared into the sky!    


The rapidly expanding Heavenly Silk instantly enveloped the entire arena. Looking over, it was all red.    


A vast and mighty aura shocked everyone's mind.    


Behind Yao Yuanlong, who was receiving the inheritance, a 30-foot-tall phantom gradually condensed.    


It was a slightly childish face.    


However, he was wearing a golden and red armor!    


Three heads and six arms, each holding a Fire-tipped Spear, Heavenly Silk, Universe Ring, Yin Yang Sword, and Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield.    


It was the mighty Great General.    


It was worthy of its name!    


"Master, this is..." Tian Zhao swallowed his saliva and asked.    


"The mighty Great General, Nezha." Shen Jun knew that this girl could not remember such a long name, so he took the initiative to say it, "But everyone is used to calling him the Third Prince in my memory."    


"This venerable self is much more impressive than in the TV."    


The mighty Great General, who led the Great General, the Giant Spirit God, the Five Battalions and Four Gods, and the 16 Godly Generals.    


It was the Super Strong who had fought with Sun Wukong for hundreds of rounds in the Southern Heaven Gate.    


In the millions of live broadcast rooms, there were only a few comments.    


It was not that the water friends were muted.    


It was that everyone was stunned by the extremely shocking scene in front of them. They could not even speak!    


Those who reacted the first were not even from China.    


They were the foreigners from the western powers.    


“Impossible! This is impossible!”    


“In less than two days, there are already three Ancient God successors! How can a mere country like China have such luck!”    


“This is fake. It must be a trick of those yellow-skinned people from China!”    


“We just released our promotional activities, and in the next second, they have an awakened Ancient God. This, this, this… this must be fake! It’s a holographic projection, an illusion!”    




When they encountered something that they could not understand, their first reaction was not anger or doubt.    


It was rejection.    


Refusal subconsciously.    


Especially those who were used to being high and mighty and could not accept such a huge gap.    


They were unwilling to believe it. Even if the truth was right in front of them, they would force themselves to not believe it.    


These western powers were in this state.    


Although the images in front of them were flawless, they could not find any flaws.    


But they still unanimously believed that this live broadcast was a fake!    


It was an illusion created to counter their promotional activities.    


These images could be a holographic projection, or it could be an illusion created by many experts working together.    


In any case, it was definitely not real!    


How could there be such a terrifying thing in the world?    


To say that they could awaken the inheritance, and they could awaken the inheritance?    


He said that he wanted to inherit the power of the Ancient God, but he was actually chosen in person?    


What nonsense!    


If it was so easy to obtain power, then what kind of status did these so-called 'divine messengers' have?    


Impossible! Absolutely impossible!    


Suspicion spread.    


Very quickly, they began to suspect Shen Jun.    


Since this live broadcast was a show, then what about this young man?    


Was his strength also fake?    


Was there really such a powerful existence in this world?    


Those so-called 'miracles' in the Cherry Blossom Kingdom might also be a great show that the two countries had collaborated to put on!    


Thinking about it in this way, all the problems seemed to be easily solved.    


That's right.    


How could a person who had just received the inheritance have such terrifying power?    


Looking at the entire Western world, even the strongest person would only have a strength of Level Seven when they awakened.    


But what about this young man?    


At least he was at least Level Nine!    


This was completely against common sense.    


Just as the Western temple was deceiving themselves...    


In the Eastern capital, the Beijing Museum.    


Five minutes later, the Heavenly Chaos Silk gradually returned to its normal size, and the projection of Nezha slowly faded away until it completely disappeared.    


Shen Jun also clearly felt that Yao Yuanlong's aura was completely different from five minutes ago.    


Just by standing in front of him, he could feel a faint rhythm of the Great Dao.    


This change was even more obvious than Sun Wufan's.    


"Yuanlong, how do you feel?" Shen Jun asked happily.    


The other disciples also came over with envy and curiosity. They wanted to know how much benefit the Third Crown Prince's inheritance brought.    


"This feeling... is really awesome!"    


"It's really f*cking awesome!"    


As soon as these words came out, more than a dozen disciples, including Shen Jun and Xie Qilan, were all stunned.    


[What the hell?]    


[Yao Yuanlong actually cursed just now?!]    


[What the hell!]    


Yao Yuanlong was the most quiet boy in the sect. He dealt with medicine all day long, and he was self-contained and obedient. He had a scholarly air about him.    


It was the first time he had heard him cursing!    


In fact, Yao Yuanlong's current excitement was not something that could be vented with just a few words.    


He even wanted to roar and flip the roof!    


It had been a thousand years.    


He finally had the ability to fight head-on!    


As a cultivator, his combat strength was abnormally weak. He often had his senior brothers and even junior brothers and sisters protect him.    


This was a hurdle that Yao Yuanlong could not get over.    


But now, after receiving the inheritance of the Third Crown Prince, Yao Yuanlong was about to completely get rid of this disadvantage!    


The only thing he could rely on was the tiny red flame in his soul.    


The True Samadhi Fire!    


The power of this thing was naturally needless to say.    


It could burn all things in the world, water could not be extinguished, and soil could not be extinguished.    


The word divine fire was not just for show.    


Apart from fighting, this thing could also be used to refine pills, and it would be even more powerful!    


There were a lot of things to consider when it came to the Dao of alchemy.    


Apart from the extremely high requirements for alchemists, the requirements for external objects were also incomparably harsh.    


There were only two things that were the most important.    


One was the pill furnace.    


The other was the fire used to refine pills.    


The True Samadhi Fire.    


The Old Lord Taishang used this thing to refine pills.    


"Yuanlong, your inheritance force is called Lotus Palace, right? Choose a place and your master will help you build it."    


The name Lotus Palace was something that Shen Jun had just thought of.    


The Third Crown Prince cut off his flesh, tore off his bones, and reforged his body with lotus roots.    


It was very appropriate for him to give such a name.    


"Replying to Master, I am not familiar with Earth, so I will listen to Master's arrangements." Yao Yuanlong replied respectfully.    


Actually, to these disciples of Shen Jun, Earth was just another slightly strange plane.    


This so-called inheritance force was just a method to become stronger.    


Not to mention where it was built, even if it was not built, he did not care.    


For these disciples, their eyes were still fixed on the Upper Realm.    


They had obtained a fortuitous opportunity on Earth this time and increased their strength.    


When they returned to the Upper Realm one day, they must return to the Nine Palace Immortal Land!    


Kill that Everlasting Immortal Lord!    


"Since that's the case, then let's put aside the location of your inheritance for the time being." Shen Jun laughed and said, "Let's first look at the remaining two inheritance items."    


"Maybe, when the time comes, your inheritance will be established next to your senior and junior brothers! Hahaha."    


Three Ancient God successors?    


It sounded like it was enough.    


However, Shen Jun's appetite was not limited to this much.    


As a man, he had to do things in a grand manner, and he had to make it known to the world!    


After this matter was over, he would properly wrap things up and completely cut off his thoughts of returning to the Azure Wood Continent.    


At that time, he would return to the Azure Wood Continent.    


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