I Have A Bunch Of Saint Apprentices

C459 True Name of Inheritance

C459 True Name of Inheritance

If Shen Jun had not clearly sensed a special force in these three items, he would not have believed that these three pieces of trash were the heirlooms of China.    


In fact, he was not the only one who had such thoughts.    


When the more than two hundred visitors saw these three heirlooms, they were all disappointed.    


Some of them even laughed.    


"I thought that the heirlooms of China would be very impressive. They are too inconspicuous."    


"They are not only inconspicuous. If they were seen on the street, nine out of ten of them would treat them as garbage."    


"Hahahaha, that's too much. These things have been screened by the higher-ups of China before they were placed here. Before meeting their own heir, even if they were heirlooms, they would not be special."    


"Only when they meet their true heir will they reveal their true strength."    


"That's true, but how many years have passed? China has so many people, so there shouldn't be no heir. I think that the problem might not be on the people, but on these things."    


"Alright, let's not waste time here. Let's try our luck in the western gods."    


"Sigh, as the world’s largest population country, it's too sad that there is no heir for so many years."    


"Yeah, I heard that there was another Western inheritance that appeared two days ago, but it has not been made public yet."    


"Regardless of how we decline, I'm afraid that the next time the Demon Cavern erupts, Huaxia will be removed from the list of countries on the international stage."    


A few blonde and blue-eyed foreigners chuckled without any concern.    


The surrounding Huaxia citizens were furious when they heard this, but they could do nothing about it.    


What they said was not pleasant to hear, but it was indeed the truth.    


For so many years, Western inheritances had appeared one after another, but only Huaxia had not made any moves at all.    


Even the Sakura Nation next door had their own god inheritance in a small island.    


As for the great Huaxia, there was not even a single person who could carry the flag.    


This was a huge rock that weighed heavily on the hearts of all the Huaxia people.    


Shen Jun glanced at the foreigners.    


They were all level three cultivators, and they were probably around the late stage of the Diamond Realm.    


Today, I returned to my hometown and was in a good mood. I will let you all be happy for a while.    


After I finish visiting this museum, I will make you disappear from the face of the earth.    


In the Wasteland Small World, there were no weak people like you.    


"Zhao Gongming, where did you unearth these inheritances?" Shen Jun asked curiously.    


"Sir, look, these stone columns all have a nameplate on them, and they have detailed introductions of the origins and information of these inheritances." Zhao Gongming respectfully pointed to the bottom of the stone columns.    


Shen Jun nodded. He had only briefly looked at it, so he had not noticed this unremarkable brand.    


After reading it briefly.    


"Ah? This can't be?"    


Shen Jun raised his eyebrows and could not help but exclaim.    


"What happened, sir?" Gongming Zhao asked.    


Shen Jun did not answer him. He already had a guess in his heart.    


A guess that made him very excited!    


At this moment, Shen Jun did not care about keeping a low profile anymore. Relying on his tyrannical physical strength, he immediately turned around and rudely pushed aside the crowd. He returned to the third inheritance item.    


That's right, it was that toothpick.    


Shen Jun had felt that it was a bit strange before. It was clearly a toothpick, but why was it made of metal?    


Could this thing be used repeatedly? Wasn't it disgusting?    


However, after reading the introduction on the brand, Shen Jun suddenly realized.    


Bullshit toothpick!    


This was clearly a embroidery needle!    


And this was not the main point.    


The main point was that he had discovered the place where the embroidery needle was.    


In the East China Sea, on a remote and beautiful unnamed island!    


East China Sea!    


Embroidery needle!    


These two words that had nothing to do with each other, but Shen Jun could think of a mythical story that no one in his previous life did not know.    


Could it be that this embroidery needle was really...    


With this thought, even with Shen Jun's calm personality, he could not help but become excited!    


"Gongming Zhao, I said I know the real name of this embroidery needle. Do you believe me?" Shen Jun looked at the inheritance item in front of him and said with a faint smile.    


"Sir! Please don't make such a joke!"    


Zhao Gongming's voice instantly rose by eight octaves.    


He looked at the young man beside him in disbelief.    


If it were anyone else, he would have definitely ridiculed them.    


The three heirloom items had been displayed in the Beijing Museum for at least two or three thousand years.    


Such a long time had passed, and even if the country had not done any research, there were still hundreds of millions of cultivators who had come here to try their luck.    


However, to this day, no one had even figured out the name of the god that the heirloom items corresponded to.    


And this level nine lord had just said that he knew the true name of the heirloom items!    


This was simply the biggest joke in the world.    


Zhao Gongming could not believe it no matter what.    


However, his feelings for his country made him look forward to it.    


The people who had inherited the inheritance of the western gods had only come to realize the true name of the heirloom items after coming into contact with the heirloom items.    


Could it be that this lord had also had such a realization just now?!    


Shen Jun's crude action of pushing aside the crowd naturally attracted the attention of everyone present.    


Everyone had heard what he had just said clearly.    


Their reactions were not concealed at all.    


Shen Jun and Zhao Gongming had concealed their auras, so these people did not know their strength.    


Hearing such a sudden sentence, he naturally started to mock him.    


"Hey, did you hear that? That kid in his teens actually said that he knows the true name of this inheritance."    


"Hahahaha, kid! If you really have the ability, then shout out the true name!"    


"If you don't have any reaction in a while, then don't stay in Shanghai anymore. We can't afford to lose face."    


"What are you talking about? He's the successor of the inheritance. Watch your tone, hahahaha."    


The surrounding people laughed loudly without mercy.    


Hearing this, Zhao Gongming's face turned gloomy. He turned around and wanted to curse.    


A group of nobodies who were at most level three or four actually dared to be so impudent to a level nine expert!    


However, before he could scold him, he heard a clang.    


Turning around, he saw Shen Jun had already kicked the fence and flipped over to the front of the exhibition stand.    


"Although I already know the name of this inheritance, I'm not the successor of this ancient god." Shen Jun gently touched the glass, and with a complicated gaze, he looked at the embroidery needle in front of him.    


"Stop talking nonsense!"    


"Aren't you just bullshitting? If you weren't the successor of this ancient god, where did you know the true name of this inheritance?"    


"Kid, can you be more reliable when you act? Stop making fun of yourself."    


"If you really know the true name of this inheritance, then say it!"    


Shen Jun pretended not to hear the noises and mockery around him.    


Looking at the ordinary embroidery needle in front of him, his eyes were filled with emotion and excitement.    


He didn't expect this.    


Even this thing had appeared.    


Earth was indeed more interesting than he had imagined.    


"The Ruyi Jingu Bang, I really didn't recognize you at first glance."    


Shen Jun smiled faintly and muttered.    


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