I Have A Bunch Of Saint Apprentices

C458 What the Heck Is All This?

C458 What the Heck Is All This?

“Hey! Cultivators and Awakened ones! Look and see! The Sea God Palace has established a Magic City branch and is currently recruiting a large number of new members! Believe in the Sea God Poseidon! The power of the sea is waiting for you!”    


“The Thunder God Church is absorbing fresh blood! Become a believer of the Thunder God and receive a fixed bonus every month! Are you interested?”    


“Little brother, do you want to know about the War God Alliance?”    


With the soundproofing of the hover car, Shen Jun did not notice the noise outside.    


Just as he got out of the car.    


The streets were filled with all kinds of flyers, and the colorful flyers dazzled the eyes of the people.    


“What’s wrong, sir? Did you see something that interested you?” Seeing Shen Jun standing there in a daze, Zhao Gongming asked carefully.    


“These people.” Shen Jun pointed to the people who were distributing flyers across the street and asked, “What are they doing?”    


“Ah, this…” Zhao Gongming smiled awkwardly and did not know what to say for a while.    


From the conversation on the way, Zhao Gongming also noticed something strange.    


This lord’s strength was indeed unquestionable.    


But he seemed to be a little ignorant about some things.    


Many of the common knowledge that even three-year-old children knew was not very well understood by this lord.    


But thinking about it carefully, it was not unreasonable.    


To become a level nine expert at such a young age, this young lord must be a core genius who had been nurtured by some top-notch forces with countless resources.    


This kind of person, other than eating and sleeping, cultivated all his life.    


He did not know about the world, but it was reasonable.    


"Sir, you may not know this, but these people are from the Western Shrine. In order to expand their believers, they have already extended their hands into our country."    


"Now, they are also one of the methods they use to recruit new people."    


"As long as you pass their qualification test, you can enter the shrine and become a believer of the Western gods. Other than obtaining the power of inheritance, some of them even give you gold as a reward."    


"Our country is vast and rich. Not only is it the world’s largest population country, but it also does not have a local god’s inheritance. Naturally, it became a treasure land in their eyes."    


Zhao Gongming explained patiently, but Shen Jun frowned when he heard it.    


"When foreign barbarians enter our country, can’t the country stop them?" Shen Jun asked angrily.    


"No." Zhao Gongming shook his head and continued to explain, "Even if you become a believer of the Western gods, you will not change your identity as a citizen of China. Believing in the gods is just a source of power, and it will not restrict your freedom."    


"Even if you want to quit the second day after you join, it will be up to your own will."    


"However, after you quit, the power you obtained from that god will disappear along with it. Therefore, after you believe in a certain god, very few people will take the initiative to quit."    


Zhao Gongming was born and raised in this era. He was used to these situations and did not find anything wrong with it.    


However, Shen Jun's expression was getting uglier and uglier.    


Setting up a distribution center in China was not only giving power and money for free, but also not restricting your freedom. You could join or leave as you wish?    


Who would believe that?    


There was no free lunch in this world.    


The greater the benefits, the greater the conspiracy!    


Those who were not of the same race would have different thoughts.    


Shen Jun did not believe that those Westerners would be so kind as to share their god's power with the citizens of other countries.    


There must be some conspiracy behind this!    


The reason why the country did not do anything about it was because they had their own reasons.    


All of this was probably because China had not produced a successor yet.    


It was just like the saying of a master teacher in his previous life.    


What was the purpose of a cannon?    


To attack the enemy? To pacify the country?    


That was wrong!    


A cannon was used to measure the size of the territory!    


Without their own god's inheritance, China was now in a precarious situation. They could only swallow their pride and endure.    


With the existence of Zhao Gongming, Shen Jun naturally entered the exhibition hall of the inheritance.    


The exhibition hall was extremely hidden, but it was quite large. It was about half the size of a field.    


The exhibition hall looked very spacious. There were three stone pillars standing in the huge space.    


On the top of the stone pillar were the three treasures that were suspected to be the inheritance.    


The reason why these three treasures were placed here so solemnly and protected was because the research department of China had used their technology to compare the energy fluctuations of the inheritance of the western gods. After careful screening and examination, they finally selected these three treasures.    


At this moment, there were more than three hundred people in the huge exhibition hall.    


Shen Jun released his Divine Sense to investigate. Most of them were cultivators at level two or three, and there were even some foreigners with golden hair and blue eyes.    


"The exhibition hall of the inheritance of China is actually allowed to allow foreigners to enter? What if the inheritance of our country is taken away by these foreigners?" Shen Jun asked in a low voice.    


"Sir, you must be joking. The inheritance of the gods is extremely profound, and these inheritance items will even choose their own inheritors."    


"As long as it is a god of our country, he will definitely choose us. No matter how many foreigners come, it is useless." When he said this, Zhao Gongming had a face full of confidence.    


Shen Jun only smiled at this.    




That was because you were too weak and could not see the true strength of the strong.    


As long as your realm was high enough and your methods were hard enough.    


Not to mention the inheritance, even if the god himself came, you could also forcefully plunder his power.    


Following the direction of the crowd, the two of them began to view the three inherited items one by one.    


The first item was an ancient hairpin.    


The hairpin was made of jade, and its entire body was emerald green. It was obvious that it was not an ordinary item.    


Shen Jun released his Divine Sense and probed it.    


Indeed, there was a powerful special energy hidden in the hairpin. Even Shen Jun, who was very knowledgeable, could not name the energy at that moment.    


However, from the attribute and nature of this energy, it seemed to be some kind of high-level power of the law.    


Not only that, Shen Jun even mustered up his courage and tried to use his Spiritual Force to probe it.    


In the end, he discovered that even with his early-stage Martial Monarch strength, he was still unable to forcefully activate this special power.    


It seemed that this inheritance of the gods really had its own unique aspects.    


Soon, they arrived in front of the second item.    


It was a… rubber band??    


Shen Jun was dumbfounded.    


He still did not feel anything, nor could he comprehend anything.    


The next item.    


When he arrived in front of the third item, Shen Jun was suddenly at a loss whether to laugh or cry.    


The inheritances of the Western world were all tridents, warhammers, and other things.    


Why did it become more and more ridiculous when it came to us?    


I could already bear with the rubber band.    


Why did the third inheritance item even have a toothpick!!    


What kind of mess was this!    


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