I Have A Bunch Of Saint Apprentices

C73 The Wedding Ceremony Is Going to be a Big One

C73 The Wedding Ceremony Is Going to be a Big One

Gan Jiayu wiped away the tears and snot on his face. He lowered his head and stammered:    


"Master, this... I... If I said that I came here voluntarily and I couldn't get out in the end... Can you hit me lightly? "    


Shen Jun was stunned when he heard this.    


What the hell?    


He came in willingly?!    


And he didn't go out by accident??    




Without any hesitation, Shen Jun whipped him.    


"Ouch! Ouch! It hurts!" Gan Jiayu screamed in pain, "Master! Master, please listen to my explanation! "    


Only then did Shen Jun put away the whip and coldly snorted, "Speak properly! Tell me everything that happened! "    


"Yes, Master!"    


Gan Jiayu, who was afraid of getting beaten up again, quickly got up, wiped his tears, and told him everything that happened that year.    


More than three hundred years ago, Gan Jiayu had successfully broken through to the God Stage, and his comprehension of the Dao of Dead Souls had also deepened.    


At that time, the undead experts in Gan Jiayu's hands were no longer enough to satisfy him.    


He was in a hurry to succeed, so he began searching for the corpses of the powerful experts all over the world.    


But how could this thing be so easy to find?    


After wandering around for seven or eight years, Gan Jiayu still found nothing.    


But at this moment, he suddenly heard that there were dozens of experts locked up in the fourth level of the Snow Holy Land's Imperial Prison.    


Among them, there were even a few Half Emperor!    


Gan Jiayu immediately became excited.    


A group of Half Emperor Expert whose cultivation base was sealed and unable to move!    


Wasn't this the raw material that he had been dreaming of!    


If he could successfully sneak in, his strength would definitely increase greatly!    


Although that was the case, Gan Jiayu didn't have Shen Jun's miraculous means, nor did he have Shen Jun's good luck.    


Imperial Prison was heavily guarded. How could he enter?    


Thus, this little kid had an idea.    


If I can't sneak in, then I'll just be caught!    


I'll do it.    


From that day onwards, Gan Jiayu had been thinking of ways to cause trouble for Snow Holy Land.    


From the initial ambush of the transportation team to the subsequent ambush of the upper echelons of the Sacred Land.    


In the end, he even directly charged into the mountain gate of the Snow Holy Land!    


Relying on that miraculous Great Path of Dead Souls, Gan Jiayu successfully entered the blacklist of the Holy Land.    


After the three Half Emperor Expert joined forces, Gan Jiayu was defeated in half a push and was then escorted into the Imperial Prison.    


However, he never expected that.    


He didn't enter the fourth level, but the fifth!    


Furthermore, after he was detained, it wasn't a Half Emperor elder who cast a seal on him, but an Emperor Sovereign Stage supreme elder who did it himself!    


At this point, Gan Jiayu's plan had been completely messed up.    


The unsealing technique that he had prepared in advance was useless in front of the Ancestor's seal.    


Just like that, Gan Jiayu had been locked up in the fifth level of the Imperial Prison for over three hundred years.    


When the story was finished, Shen Jun's face was filled with black lines.    


Is this guy really a disciple that I taught?    


Shame... This is too f * cking disgraceful!    


If he couldn't sneak in, he would just deliver himself to his doorstep?    


Taking the initiative to sneak into the Imperial Prison of the other holy lands?    


Is your brain full of mush?!    


There was nothing else to say. Shen Jun's wrist shook again.    




Another whip was lashed out.    


Such a fool must be whipped!    


Even if he was whipped, it might not be useful.    


But it must be drawn! And he had to do it with all his might!    


" Ahhhh! Master! Master, don't hit Master!"    


" It hurts! It hurts! It hurts! "    


On the fifth floor of Imperial Prison, Gan Jiayu was crying for his mother.    


Just as Shen Jun was getting angrier and angrier the more he thought about it.    


The system's voice suddenly rang in his mind.    


"Ding Dong, congratulations on reuniting with your disciple. Current progress: 4 / 81."    


"Ding Dong, congratulations on obtaining System reward: Shared Thaumaturgy."    


Shen Jun's hand, which was waving the whip, could not help but pause.    


Shared Thaumaturgy?    


What kind of reward was this?    


"[System, what is Shared Thaumaturgy?]" Shen Jun asked in his mind.    


"The details of the ability sharing are as follows: Host can choose a disciple and duplicate the Power of Great Dao. Effective time is 12 hours."    


"After using it once, the cooldown period of 10 days will pass before it can be used again."    


Hearing this explanation, Shen Jun could not help but raise his eyebrows.    


This reward was good!    


Copy the Great Dao of another person. This was equivalent to copying all the combat strength of another person!    


The only drawback was that this cooling period was really too long.    


It could only be used once every ten days, lasting for an entire day at a time.    


Moreover, the target of the duplication had to be the disciple he had found.    


"Host, do you wish to replicate the Great Dao immediately? The current Great Dao is as follows: Undead Great Dao, Formation Great Dao, Building Great Dao, Sword Great Dao."    


"I won't replicate it. We'll talk about it in two days."    


Shen Jun did not hesitate to choose no.    


A few days later would be Bai Ling'er's "big wedding." How could she use her ability at this time?    


"Master, please calm down, calm down." Seeing Shen Jun stop, Gan Jiayu quickly came over with a smiling face. "Although disciple has been locked up for more than 300 years, it is not like I did not gain anything."    


"Speak!" Shen Jun glanced at him unhappily.    


Seeing that Shen Jun's attitude had eased up, Gan Jiayu immediately smiled smugly. "These idiots from the Holy Land only sealed the cultivation base of their disciples. Although the cultivation base of the disciples in the past three hundred years has not made any progress, But my undead creatures are all cultivating in the summoning space! "    


"In these past three hundred years, their progress has not been small."    


"Furthermore, after this disciple was captured, he even obtained four Half Emperor Expert and twenty God Stage Expert corpses!"    


Gan Jiayu was showing off.    




Shen Jun whipped him again and scolded him coldly, "You are still my disciple. How can you be so stupid?"    


"Let me ask you, if the Sacred Land doesn't plan to keep you, what will you do? Turn yourself into a dead spirit?!"    


"Taking ten thousand steps back, if you want to find a powerful undead spirit, do you have to come to the Holy Land? The ancient battlefield, the ruins of mystic realms, the ruins of ancient powers, so many places, how could it not be possible?! "    


This silly kid's brain was too useless.    


" Yes, yes, yes... Master's lesson is right, disciple doesn't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore. " Gan Jiayu quickly lowered his head and admitted his mistake.    


Actually, it wasn't that he didn't know that those places also had the dead souls he wanted.    


However, he was too weak at that time. If he really encountered powerful dead souls in those places, not to mention subduing them, he wouldn't even be able to protect himself.    


Of course, he only dared to think about these words in his heart.    


If he really said it out loud, he would not be able to avoid another beating of the whip.    


Shen Jun was too lazy to teach him a lesson. Now, he had more important things to do.    


After removing the restraints on Gan Jiayu, he told him what happened to Bai Ling'er.    


After listening to him.    


Gan Jiayu, who had a terrified look just now, suddenly had a murderous look on his face!    


The Death Spirit Spiritual Force was unconsciously released, causing the temperature of the entire fifth level to drop rapidly.    


Even the prisoners on the fourth level could hear the furious roars clearly!    


"Holy Land of Slaughter! If you dare to lock me up, then so be it! You actually dare to touch Little Junior Sister! "    


" I will definitely slaughter all of you and refine all of you into undead creatures!! "    


Gan Jiayu's eyes were cold, and his killing intent was soaring to the sky!    


A wedding? A happy occasion?    


It was more like a funeral!    


I want everyone in Snow Holy Land to wear mourning clothes!    


"Alright, take it." Shen Jun said faintly, "Raise your strength first, then we'll talk about these things."    




As his voice fell, a wooden bucket that was 30 meters long and wide appeared out of thin air.    


It was filled with golden Heaven Reaching Pool Water.    


"I'll give you ten days."    


"No matter what method you use, break through to the Half Emperor!"    


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