I Have A Bunch Of Saint Apprentices

C85 Give Me Another Hug

C85 Give Me Another Hug

"Big brother! Something's not right! I... I can't do anything to this young man! "    


" How is this possible!? How can we be restrained by an Eighth Level Meditation Stage brat?!"    


"It's the King of Hell! He really is the King of Hell! I sensed a terrifying demonic energy from his body!"    


" Please spare my life, my lord! Please spare my life, my lord! From now on, you are our master. As long as you are willing to spare my life, I am willing to be Sir's dog! "    


The five ghost shadow were being sucked by Shen Jun until they cried out miserably, their wails shaking the sky.    


They finally understood why Shen Jun said they were ghosts, and they were the kings of hell.    


Shen Jun's body contained a powerful devil energy that they didn't even dare to imagine.    


In front of that pure devil energy, they really couldn't even be considered ghosts.    


What followed was deep regret.    


They were truly blind!    


How could they dare to attack such a person?    


Wasn't this courting death!    


"Become my dog?" Shen Jun smiled. "Forget it."    


"You guys look too disgusting."    


After saying that, Shen Jun immediately activated the Devil God Bone in his body, and the suction force instantly increased by several times.    


In just a few seconds, the four ghost shadow had completely disappeared.    


The strength that they had accumulated for many years had all flowed into Shen Jun's body.    


As for the last ghost shadow...    


Shen Jun had purposely spared his breath.    


After all, this ghost shadow had stayed in the forbidden area for thousands of years. Perhaps he could get some useful information from it.    


The reversal of the situation was so fast that everyone was caught off guard.    


Demonic Qi?    


Hell King?    


How did the master suddenly become the Hell King?    


Why did Master have demonic energy?    


The four of them had questions in their hearts, but none of them opened their mouths to ask.    


Qiu Huda had made a blood oath. Even if Shen Jun was really a devil, if Shen Jun wanted to take his life, he would have to obediently accept it.    


It would be a waste of time to ask.    


Zhao Mingchuan respected Shen Jun from the bottom of his heart, so he did not ask.    


As for Bai Ling'er and Gan Jiayu, there was even less of a need to talk about them.    


If Martial Ancestor was a devil, then they would just follow him into the devil realm.    


In any case, Master would always be right!    


Shen Jun pulled the chain and pulled the last ghost shadow in front of him.    


Stepping on the head of the devil, Shen Jun looked down and asked, "If I'm not wrong, the few of you are divine souls. After being buried in this place, they unexpectedly came into contact with something with a powerful demonic nature. That's why you were transformed into this ghostly appearance. "    


"And that thing with a powerful demonic nature, when it gave you a second life, it also trapped you here"    


"My guess is correct, right?"    


The ghost shadow that was stepped on by Shen Jun was shocked!    


This young man was right!    


This forbidden area was the place where all the Holy Lord had been buried. These divine souls of the Holy Lord had come into contact with that thing, and that was why they had been transformed into this shape...    


"Sir, you are able to see through everything. This lowly one admires you. I admire you." Under the roof, the ghost shadow also pretended to be a grandson.    


"That thing should be in the deepest part of the forbidden area, right?" Shen Jun pointed in the direction behind the ghost shadow and asked again.    


"That's right! It's in here. Master, I'll bring you to find it!" In order to survive, this ghost shadow was completely shameless. Even though it was being stepped on, it still put on the appearance of a slave. "Sir, as long as you give the order, I'll go and scout the way for you!"    


Shen Jun gave him a deep look. After hesitating for a moment, he still did not kill him. Instead, he put him into Wasteland Space.    


Wasteland Space could only accommodate creatures that were weaker than him.    


When he killed the four ghost shadow, Shen Jun had also absorbed ninety-nine percent of the origin power in his body.    


Currently, he was only at the first level of the Meditation Stage.    


Anyone on the scene could easily kill him.    


After putting away the ghost shadow, Shen Jun looked at Gan Jiayu and said in a serious manner, "Before you become the Ancestor, you must never pay any attention to this kind of evil thing. Remember this!"    


"Yes! Disciple understands!" Gan Jiayu quickly stood up straight and answered loudly.    


Just now, he felt that it was a pity.    


These evil creatures were indeed a bit disgusting, but their strength was indeed not bad.    


If he could refine them into undead creatures, it would also be an extremely powerful combat strength.    


However, since his master had said so, Gan Jiayu knew the pros and cons of it.    


In the future, if he encountered such a thing again, he would just kill it.    


Shen Jun nodded his head in satisfaction and took the lead to walk forward. "Continue walking. I would like to see what exactly turned them into like this."    


Everyone followed suit.    


As they moved forward, Shen Jun also felt the condition of the Devil God Bone in his body.    


In the ten plus days that he had been in the fourth level of Imperial Prison, in order to use the Devil God Bone faster, Shen Jun had practically used the method of pulling up seedlings to aid the growth of the Devil God Bone and refining it into his body.    


Although he had reached a fifty percent degree of refinement within these ten or so days, he had still paid a considerable price.    


Because he had been too impatient at the beginning of the refinement, the next 50% would be as difficult as ascending the heavens.    


Just now, after absorbing so much origin energy from the four ghost shadow, although his cultivation base had not improved at all, the degree of refinement of the Devil God Bone had actually increased a little.    


Mo Wuji's cultivation had increased from fifty percent to fifty and a half.    


Shen Jun had originally estimated that after his initial refinement, he would need at least three to five years to perfectly merge this Devil God Bone with his body.    


Although it did not seem like he had improved much, he had really saved nearly a year's time.    


Shen Jun was still very satisfied.    


Retracting his thoughts, Shen Jun looked at Bai Ling'er who was beside him.    


Previously, he had beaten her up so badly that she was noisy. He had not even properly looked at this little girl.    


She had not lost any weight for eight hundred years. She had become taller and thinner, and her face had also grown longer.    


"Ling'er, you look quite pretty in this phoenix coronet and gown."    


Shen Jun said without any warning.    


The atmosphere of the scene froze.    


Zhao Mingchuan:... "    


Gan Jiayu:... "    


Qiu Huda:...    


The three of them forcefully controlled their facial muscles to prevent themselves from showing any expressions.    


What are you doing!?    


They had just escaped death, and it seemed like they were about to step into danger again.    


Why did he suddenly say that!?    


Bai Ling'er, on the other hand, was also thin-skinned. When she heard Shen Jun's praise, her ears turned red from embarrassment.    


"En... Thank you, Master... for your praise." Bai Ling'er buried her head in her chest and nervously held her fingers together. Her voice was like a mosquito's buzzing.    


"It's my fault for making you trapped in Snow Holy Land for so long." Shen Jun smiled guiltily. "Fortunately, we arrived in the end. Otherwise, you would definitely blame me for the rest of my life."    


"How could Ling'er?" Bai Ling'er almost blurted out, "To be able to see Master again, Bai Ling'er is already the happiest person in the world. How could she blame Master?"    


Until the moment her voice fell, Bai Ling'er did not realize that her words were not right.    


The other three practically lowered their heads at the same time.    


No way!    




He had been holding it in for so long, he absolutely could not expose it!    


"Good, you are my good girl." Shen Jun rubbed Bai Ling'er's hair lovingly. "Master is back. No one will be able to bully you in the future."    


"Yes!" Bai Ling'er grinned and nodded happily.    


The smile on Shen Jun's face became bigger. He was about to say something when he suddenly thought of something.    


The system seemed exceptionally quiet today.    


He had found Bai Ling'er today and had yet to give him the mission reward.    


The previous one. The few times they had met, the system had given him the reward the moment they met.    


Why hasn't there been any movement today?    


The System also learned from capitalists and began to suck blood from a laborer like me?!    


Are you kidding me? I, Shen Jun, am a sheep!    


Or is it that the conditions for a female disciple to trigger a mission are different from that of a male disciple?    


It was possible. Thinking about it carefully, this was the first time he had reunited with a female disciple.    


The more Shen Jun thought about it, the more he felt that it made sense.    


After walking a few steps, Shen Jun suddenly turned his head to look at Bai Ling'er.    


"Girl, give me another hug."    


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