Martial: I Started The Technological Revolution In Ancient Times

C651 Furnace

C651 Furnace

After a day of walking, Xiao Yun seemed very happy. He even held a stone as a memento.    


When they returned to the room, Tuoba Tian'er started to mock him again.    


"There is no other way, right? Hmph, you are not omnipotent!"    


That was what she wanted to confirm.    


She would be happy if Xiao Yun lost once.    


However, Xiao Yun seemed very confident.    


This gave her a bad feeling.    


"Can't you let me win once..."    


Tuoba Tian'er muttered with some resentment.    


Leng Yueling sighed and softly said, "Then you also have to choose an unimportant matter. This is a big matter now, how can you allow a mistake?"    


Tuoba Tian'er pouted her lips and showed a rare look of a little girl.    


Xiao Yun laid on the bed and crossed his legs. He smiled and said, "You have to wake up early tomorrow morning. All of you should rest early."    


Rest early?    


The two women frowned and looked at him.    


They did not know what this guy wanted to do.    


However... they had to sleep first.    


The night passed without a word.    


Early the next morning, Xiao Yun was the first to wake up. After that, he cruelly woke up the two sleeping women.    


"Aiya, let's sleep for a while more!"    


Tuoba Tian'er said. She got up a little angrily.    


The way she got angry was quite interesting.    


Leng Yueling smiled helplessly.    


At a time like this, she was a qualified older sister.    


She helped Tuoba Tian'er wipe her face and woke up.    


Xiao Yun had already reached the door.    


He brought some mud and was playing with it.    


The two women looked at Xiao Yun, whose face was covered in mud, and didn't know what to say for a moment.    


Xiao Yun said directly, "Quickly come and help me. Open up the mud."    




The two women had never done such a thing before.    


Leng Yueling pouted and went to help, but Tuoba Tian'er just did not want to do it.    


She crossed her arms and kept snorting.    


Xiao Yun said, "You don't want to mix with mud? Then... help me move some things."    


Tuoba Tian'er then nodded.    


But after that, she regretted it.    


What she wanted to move was not things, but stones.    


There were many, many stones.    


Some were even bigger than her.    


She couldn't move them at all!    


She had only moved two pieces.    


She sat beside Xiao Yun and lowered her head to look at her palm to wipe away her tears.    


Her palm, which was like a green onion and jade, had already been worn out. Not only was it red and swollen, there were also blisters in some places, and there were even some areas that were bleeding.    


However, Xiao Yun did not know how to show mercy to women. He even smiled and said, "You see, in fact, you are suitable to be with mud."    


"You! I will fight you to the death!"    


Tuoba Tian'er raised her hand and wanted to resist, but her entire body was in pain, so she could only squat back down.    


Xiao Yun scratched his nose and said helplessly, "It's not that I have to ask you for help, but your injuries have already healed. What I should do now is not to lie there and recover without moving. Instead, I should exercise and exercise properly. Your legs must be weak right now. It's naturally not comfortable to move. "    


"Is that really the case? Aren't you messing with us? "    


"I don't have the leisure to do that."    




Tuoba Tian'er nodded.    


However, she still felt uncomfortable. She pouted and said, "There are many ways to train. Moving rocks... is too much of a scam!"    


Xiao Yun smiled bitterly and said, "Then you just need to help. This kind of thing... let Dada help."    


After he woke up, the first person he was familiar with was the village chief, and the second was Dada.    


This family took the initiative to come over and say over and over again that he had put in a lot of effort in saving Xiao Yun.    


He was a child who liked to take credit.    


However, Xiao Yun did not really hate this kind of people.    


He knew to take credit.    


Whenever he encountered something that could be credited to him, he would always rush forward.    


For example, now, if he only said that it was a good thing and everyone would be happy after he did it, he would shake off his arm and help crazily.    


Don't look at how weak this guy was. He was really strong.    


A few hundred kilograms of stones were directly lifted onto his shoulders and he could actually walk in large strides!    


Looking from afar, he looks like a walking... Lollipop.    


Xiao Yun couldn't help but sigh.    


This Five Poisons Village was truly full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers.    


Therefore, this confirmed his thoughts.    


Something must have happened here!    


Perhaps they wanted to avoid something, or perhaps they needed to live such a poor life.    


Of course, the former was more likely to happen.    


After all, the village chief did not resist the huge amount of wealth.    


When the stones were piled up, mud would pour out.    


Gradually, the things that Xiao Yun wanted to make had an embryonic form.    


Tuoba Tian'er looked at it and was suddenly shocked. She asked, "Isn't this the iron smelting furnace that you previously made? It is much bigger!"    


Xiao Yun nodded and said, "That's right, it's this thing."    




Tuoba Tian'er said, saying, "What do you want to do?"    


Xiao Yun said, "Didn't you walk around the village yesterday? I found that there were too few iron tools here. The craftsmanship and the like were too backward. I will make an iron smelting furnace to help them."    


" Oh, so it's like that..."    


Tuoba Tian'er thought for a while and suddenly said, "You don't want to use this kind of small favor to buy people's hearts, right?"    


" Hehe, I guess so. "    


"This... "    


The corner of Tuoba Tian'er's eyes twitched a few times.    


She said, "This kind of small favor cannot guarantee that when they see that gold mountain, they will not let go of the grindstone and kill the donkey. You have to think about it carefully. If you do this, you will not be considered to have won the bet between us."    


"Of course I know."    


Xiao Yun smiled and did not say anything, as if he was not going to explain it to her.    


Tuoba Tian'er was also helpless. She could only watch from the side, wanting to see what Xiao Yun could do.    


In her heart, she knew that this kind of furnace was really magical. Using the simplest method, it could actually refine iron.    


But what could it do?    


Just by helping this village, she really could not let the people in the village think too much of him. When it really came to conflicts of interest, they would still make a move if they wanted to.    


This was the real world.    


Xiao Yun turned his head and looked at Tuoba Tian'er. He saw the worry in her eyes, but he didn't care at all.    


He even waved at her slightly and smiled, "You just watch and see. Creating some magical things was originally my profession."    


Very quickly, a blast furnace was built.    


It wasn't a traditional blast furnace, it was just... a slightly higher furnace.    


He placed the firewood inside and heated it from low temperature to high temperature.    


The originally moist soil began to dry and take shape.    


Xiao Yun carefully looked at every part of the soil. Some parts of the soil that had been burnt had split open. He would immediately use the soil to repair them.    


This kind of soil was not very good, let alone perfect.    


During the process of burning, various problems would arise.    


The furnace was very easy to make, but it could truly be burnt. It would be very difficult to not have problems with the usage later on.    


This required knowledge and experience.    


This wasn't Xiao Yun's first time doing something like this.    


Especially in the missions in his previous life, sometimes he would run into the jungle.    


He needed to make his own equipment.    


Thus, using wood to cut out weapons was something he was used to.    


As for the iron refining technique, it had a very important role in pulling the enemy into the jungle.    


When the enemy thinks that you have nothing, at the crucial moment, you take out a crude dagger...    


That kind of effect is destructive.    


I've been busy all night.    


The villagers had already surrounded him.    


They looked curiously at the tall stove.    


The children always liked to move forward.    


Then they reached out their hands and excitedly told the parents about their discoveries.    


This stove was really warm.    


Their wet clothes would emit some white smoke after being grilled in front of the stove for a while. After that, there would be white smoke, which was so warm that it penetrated their hearts.    


The village chief also came over and nodded, saying, "This stove made by the warrior is really not bad, but it really consumes too much firewood. It's getting harder and harder to chop firewood here..."    


The firewood could not be cut in the vicinity of the village.    


The forest beside the village was a natural protection. It did not matter if it was secretive, windproof, or defending against the wild beasts in the forest.    


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