Myriad-realm Stat Point System

C426 Fortunately There Was Him

C426 Fortunately There Was Him

Su Ze had seen the "strange" memory, but he didn't pay much attention to it. It was actually just a part of Ning Bubai's memory. It was an ordinary part of Ning Bubai's memory.    


After handing Ning Bubai's "strange" body over to the Undefeatable Heaven Swallowing Pot to devour, the Undefeatable Heaven Swallowing Pot once again increased the capacity of the Primordial Energy.    


The flowing light quickly flew past the other countries. In two days, it found the other three' strange 'places and absorbed them one by one, turning them into nutrients for the Undefeatable Heaven Swallowing Pot, allowing it to absorb even more Primordial Energy.    


Within the thirty-one countries that humans had discovered, all of the Primordial Energy had been absorbed. Only the warriors from the Heaven and Earth Temple and Star Observing Mansion still had their own Primordial Energy. There was no longer any possibility of falling into depravity.    


The rest of the "strangeness" did not appear for the time being, and Su Ze could not find it for a while. Therefore, he did not stop. He went straight to the desolate area outside the human world and began to leave the Primordial Energy behind on a large scale once again.    


Every time, he would draw out everything within a two-thousand-mile radius in just a day's time. After a few days, Su Ze had gone deep into the desert for tens of thousands of years. No one had ever been to the depths of the desolate land.    


In the past, the prosperity of the Profound Element Domain was even greater than the Wide Element Domain. In the past, these places were all human countries with human cities. However, after tens of thousands of years, the wild grass and the dense forest had devoured everything. Even the city walls and buildings had turned into dust, leaving no traces behind.    


Although there were Primordial Energy in these places, even demons and devils were too lazy to occupy them.    


Demons and devils also liked the liveliness of humans. They preferred to kill humans and eat humans. Perhaps it was because of this that they appeared the most in the vicinity of human habitation. They could also bring fear to humans. It was as if they were born to eliminate humans.    


Of course, this was also the reason why they were born with demonic nature. The demonic nature of this world... This was the result of the twisted mentality of Demon Master Ning Bubai and his incomparably greedy and brutal personality. He wanted to tyrannically abuse and tyrannize humans.    


Therefore, demons and devils were also willing to approach humans and torture, kill, and eat them.    


Su Ze had absorbed so many Primordial Energy, and finally encountered another 'strange' place.    


This "strange place," had lasted for an unknown period of time. It was probably tens of thousands of years since he had last seen a passerby. When he met Su Ze, his illusion was broken, and he was swallowed by the Undefeatable Heaven Swallowing Pot.    


Su Ze continued to devour the Primordial Energy. After another 20 days, when Su Ze had almost circled the entire Profound Element Domain, he had taken in 99% of all the Primordial Energy on the land. It was almost as if the humans of the Profound Element Domain would never encounter the Primordial Energy again. He also noticed an unusual situation.    


Where did Devil Master Ning Bubai and the remaining tens of thousands of demonic devils go?    


Su Ze had killed thousands of demons and devils, but most of them, White Wolf Demon King and Devil Master Ning Bubai, seemed to have disappeared into thin air and never appeared again.    


This was strange and unusual. Su Ze wouldn't believe that a cunning and insidious man like Ning Bubai, the Demon Lord, didn't plan anything.    


Sure enough, it was troublesome. They couldn't eliminate the root of the problem... The Primordial Energy was about to be sucked dry, where else could they hide? How long could they hide for?    


Su Ze was not worried that they would hide. If they stayed in a place and didn't do anything, they would definitely become weaker and weaker. In the end, they wouldn't even need Su Ze to do anything, and they would eventually die on their own.    


What he was worried about was that as the founder of the demonic nature, a powerhouse from a hundred thousand years ago... Even if the current Demon Lord Ning Bubai's memory was incomplete, he still had a vision and knowledge that surpassed ordinary martial artists. He might really create some kind of evil path, leading those demons and devils to not weaken, but to maintain it and even become stronger.    


Logically speaking, this kind of thing would not happen. However, devil Master Ning Bubai was originally the one who unified the Profound Element Domain, and his devilish nature polluted the Profound Element Domain. A skeleton that even passed through the Profound Element Domain and arrived at the Wide Element Domain was not something that could be measured with common sense.    


After thinking about it carefully, Su Ze felt that there were simply too many possible hiding places for him. If he wanted to rule out the possibility, he would have to investigate them one by one. It seemed like this matter would take a long time, and he wouldn't be able to finish it in a short period of time.    


Riding on the Flowing Light Shuttle, Su Ze spent two days to return to the Golden Sparrow Country's Great Phoenix City. Along the way, Su Ze didn't forget to look for 'strange' traces.    


His luck wasn't too bad either. He had encountered two strange things. These two strange bodies had their demonic characteristics absorbed by Su Ze. This time, he didn't hand them over to the Undefeatable Heaven Swallowing Pot to absorb, but left them behind.    


The demons and devils were hiding in the dark and didn't come out for a while. It wasn't something Su Ze could do in a short period of time if he wanted to catch them. He had to start thinking about the other weapon that he had thought of to deal with Ning Bubai.    


"Lord Qingming!"    


"Your Majesty Profound Element Emperor!!"    


The crowd was curious when they saw the Flowing Light Shuttle. When Su Ze put away the Flowing Light Shuttle and landed on the ground, everyone excitedly bowed and shouted.    


Su Ze nodded slightly at them and returned to his residence.    


Not long after, Master of Heaven and Earth Temple, the master of Star Observing Mansion, City Protecting Officer and the representatives of some countries came to pay their respects to Lord Qingming.    


After everyone paid their respects, Master of Heaven and Earth Temple turned to Su Ze and asked, "Lord Qingming, it has been almost two months since we left this place, and everything has been going smoothly? Every place said that the sky was sunny and comfortable. There were no signs of demons or devils anymore. It must be because of Lord Qingming. "    


" It went smoothly. Demon Beast Country and Spirit Ghost Country are no longer here. I killed about twenty thousand demons and devils. However, there are still tens of thousands of them who are hiding somewhere under the lead of Devil Lord Ning Bubai and White Wolf Demon King." Su Ze said, "Overall, There aren't many Primordial Energy in the entire Profound Element Domain, and there aren't any demons or devils here either."    


Master of Heaven and Earth Temple and the Prefecture Master of Star Observing Mansion were both shocked. "Lord Qingming, are you talking about the Demon Lord Ning Bubai? Not East Mansion Lord of Spirit Ghost Mansion? "    


"Not East Mansion Lord, but the Demon Lord Ning Bubai." Su Ze said. "The strange thing is the flesh of the Devil Lord Ning Bubai. The devil nature is also created by the Devil Lord Ning Bubai. In order to forcefully increase his strength, East Mansion Lord had gathered too much devil nature. He then placed Ning Bubai's skin and flesh together with the devil nature, causing Devil Master Ning Bubai to come back to life from East Mansion Lord's body. "    


Apart from Master of Heaven and Earth Temple and the master of Star Observing Mansion, no one else could understand what Su Ze was saying. To them, it was like a fantasy story that was hard to understand.    


"There's actually such a thing..." Master of Heaven and Earth Temple said.    


Then, he said with relief, "Luckily, we have Lord Qingming, and we also defeated the resurrected Demon Lord, Ning Bubai! Otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to deal with him. Everything would have been too horrible to imagine! "    


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